Simultaneous Engineer and Damage

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by inane.imp, Dec 8, 2021.

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  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I don't think this has been discussed for N4 yet (mostly I think because we were quietly ignoring it).

    What happens when an Engineer successfully Engineers to cancel the Unc-1 state on a Trooper with Rem Presence and simultaneously (due to a Template Weapon) the Rem Presence trooper loses 1 STR?

    A. Nothing happens.
    B. They are restored to 1 STR and their Unconscious State is cancelled.

    First, since FAQ 1.1.1 there is no [tenuously] implicit order of operations within Step 5.1: it now reads "5.1 Effects: Players apply all effects of successful Skills and Equipment including Saving Rolls and Dodge movement." so an argument that 'you apply the effects of successful Skills and roll Saving Rolls, and then apply the effects of failed Saving Rolls' is no longer at all supportable.

    FAQ 1.0 clarified how the Engineer skill works when cancelling an Unconscious state:
    For A to be true, either the simultaneous application of both effects will simply cancel out and there will be no change OR the Rem Pres Trooper gains +1 STR and loses -1 STR, leaving them in the same situation.

    For B to be true, then doing 1 STR of damage will not change the state the Rem Presence trooper is in: it is still simply in the Unconscious State, just at a different level. In which case the Engineer will cancel the Unconscious state and restore the Rem Pres Trooper to 1 STR.

    However, that means in the case where the Rem Pres Trooper takes 2 STR damage, then that will trigger the Dead state. The Engineer will successfully cancel the Unconcious state - but this is irrelevant as the trooper is now Dead and removed from the table.

    I think B is probably correct... but I'm really not sure.
  2. Iskandar

    Iskandar Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2021
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    Pretty sure it's A. You apply the effects at the same time so you can't engineer the damage that hasn't happened yet
    chromedog likes this.
  3. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Option A is more reasonable. Engineer repairs 1 damage, canceling unconscious is a side effect of that for practicality. If Doctor vs. a additional wound cancels out, then Engineer should do the same.
  4. kinginyellow

    kinginyellow Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I believe common ruling is that you cannot heal or cure an effect that is happening simultaneously with the heal.

    However, you do not die if you end the order in unc/nwi or higher (ignoring effects like shock). Such as machaeon in nwi state takes a wound while successfully doctoring himself. This machaeon would be in nwi (uncertain if he could choose to be unc).
  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This is definitely a weird one in this edition.

    Engineer either repairs one, or removes states (UNC, ISO, etc). Not both. So recovering states while target takes damage kinda iffy. I'd say that the result would be that the target ends up in UNC-1 regardless if it started in UNC-1 or UNC-2, since the old N3 FAQ no longer applies (and the premises are changed)
  6. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Doesn't the active player have to resolve their stuff first? That's why the reactive player gets last word on placement after Dodge if both active and reactive Dodge?
  7. kinginyellow

    kinginyellow Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I think that the active player dodge occurs first was a specific faq over a more generalized rule. Totally fair to extrapolate it to other cases. But the reason for the wounds/healing case was n3 official (i believe) ruling that didn't seem to have any wording change between editions.
    Hecaton likes this.
  8. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's specific to Dodge and only to resolve more than one unit Dodging because units are not allowed to be positioned in the same spot.

    The N3 FAQ/answer was regarding Doctor. Doctor (and Paramedic) works differently from Engineer.

    When you Doctor someone, that someone regains 1 wound and cancels the Unconscious state.
    When you Engineer someone, that someone either regains 1 wound or cancels Unconscious (and other) states.

    This is the reason why there is a specific N4 FAQ entry for what happens to STR value when you Engineer someone's UNC away. Generally speaking, I don't think the N3 answer could ever actually be applied to Engineer, but we did anyway because no one really examined it deeper than equating how Doctor works with how Engineer works.
    #8 Mahtamori, Dec 22, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
    Hecaton and kinginyellow like this.
  9. Robock

    Robock Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Effect #4 clearly say you can remove all states that can be cancelled (Unconscious, Imm, etc) which implies as you wrote (as it is worded as an alternative to effect #1) : you either recover 1 STR or cancel all states including Unc.
    But then in italics it adds that the FAQ changed it for you cannot cancel other states and unconscious state at the same time.

    We can think cancelling Unconscious is not the same as gaining STR back. But that contradicts effect #6 which says a single WIP roll will recover as many STR as needed* until they have 1 point of STR, and cancel the Unc state.

    *Exact word is "they recover lost STR until" which proves the skill does recover STR, it is not simply resetting the STR = to 1.

    From this effect, it is clear that 1) cancelling the state is the consequence of regaining the STR and 2) that when using Engineer on a Unconscious model, you actually do recover STR. In essence, it is the same as Doctor. Doctor recovers W and cancel the State; and Engineer recovers STR and cancel the State.

    So your choice is not between #1 and #4 = you either recover STR or cancel States.
    The choice is between Effect 1 = you recover STR on an alive model or Effect 4a = you cancel the Unc state by recovering as many STR as needed to get back to 1 or Effect 4b = you cancel all other states (but not Unc) on an alive model.

    To sum it up:
    When you Doctor someone, that someone regains 1 wound and cancels the Unconscious state.
    When you Engineer someone that has Remote Presence, that someone regains as many STR as needed and cancels Unconscious (but not other) states. Or, that someone still alive regains 1 more STR or cancels other states.

    Effect #6 make Engineer work the exact same as Doctor (except W models never needs to gain more than 1 W to get back up to 1 point of W). We can logically apply the same answer.
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