I wouldn't count on them releasing every industrial TAG, Prospector or Hunter as a general release. They are generic Mercs with very limited AVA, so it doesn't make sense to do a pack of 4 Mining TAGs or 4 Prospectors. My bet: They will release a "TAG Raid pack", consisting of 1 generic Mining TAG, 2 generic Prospectors (one male, one female) and one generic Hunter (preferably Hunteress). With such a pack they would a) cover the complete AVA, b) have the chance to do several unique designs and c) not upset the backers of TAG Raid ... Just a thought.
Personal attacks are uncalled for and must stop. What is your issue with forum members enjoying the campaign?
Quoting the text of the kickstarter update? this is standard practice on dedicated kickstarter threads.
While I'm happy for them. I'm sad for myself. I wish instead of doing this other game, they had just made all of these things for Infinity. 5 new TAGs, new hackers, new engineers, beast hunters. We still have yet to even see artwork for Tian Gou, Long Ya, Karhu, Sujae, REM Racers, and more.
I guess it depends on if the number of releases per month is based on design and production capacity or market forces. If going over the usual 4-5 releases per month gives diminishing returns then a Kickstarter with miniatures that can be used in N4, but are not essential or in high demand for, is a good way to use excess design and production capacity.
Yes, the posts he's copied from the TAG-Raid Kickstarter updates onto the TAG-Raid thread do read a lot like they're promoting the game, how very odd!
It's also worth thinking about that a monomaniacal focus and resulting burn out is another thing to factor in. I mean, if you look at folks in similar fields, like authors, etc., they ofttimes have multiple projects/universes/what have you going at one time, to avoid exactly that.
Yea...would be nice if they put the time into working on the main game. Just thinking about my own stuff, I could use the rest of the O-12 models (Betatroopers when?), more Shas models to fill out the popular profiles (Shroudeds, Malignos MSR, Noctifier ML, Gwailo HRL, general release Calibans, etc), Wildcat box, EVADER box. Or game balance, update factions that aren't really brought up to N4 standards. It's frustrating that they are taking time to push mining TAGs when they could work on making the game better. Needless to say I didn't back TAG Raid, I still need to throw away all the useless cardboard from my Defiance miniature collection...I mean game.
Sure, and just re-posting ad copy and not engaging in discussion makes it seem like you're part of the advertising campaign and not a poster. People from CB have done that kind of thing before.
Karhu have a (beast?) claw icon in their unit patch and no fluff written for them currently. Just throw together a little blurb that they are professional beast hunters on Svalerheima or something and include five in the KS Platinum tier - win-win for Sval players :-P
Their fluff is in the N4 book. They're Finns, following in the traditions of the Winter War, the White Death, and Larry Thorne. "Karhu" is Finnish for "bear".
Which N4 book are we talking about? I only have the pdf rules - doesn't look like there's any info for them on Human Sphere or anywhere else online... I'm actually a bit confused about where the lore for Infinity lives, tbh.
The printed books come in a two-volume slipcase set; one book is the rules, which is the same as you can get as a PDF, and the other book has setting and background material.
I like static poses more over all, so kinda matter of personal teste. Yu Jing girl have the most interesting art in my opinion. But her dynamic pose is to busy for me. But still uber cool two miniatures. Maybe CB make them in future for rest of folks, seeing huge popularity among customers. And swap poses from static to dynamic and reverse. Hecaton Mate with this single post, you win nice, warm and cozy place... Side of fine folk Nuada, in the same cauldron. In hell. Congrats :)
Is anyone else a bit sad that there were no stretch goals for the last 20k€ ? I mean does not need to be expensive stuff (to produce for CB). For example pdf art of Minerbot for download or one additional mission or what not. But maybe there will be a surprise? Christmas is coming up after all ;)