I was just re-reading the rule book to prepare for my first game of N4 (at last!). I noticed something that surprised me. My memory of N3's rules were that placing a Mine Cancelled the Camouflage State (basically, I think any non-movement Common Skill cancelled Camouflage). To my reading, this is no longer the case in N4. Camouflaged State is cancelled by Attack, Look Out!, or any Skill that requires a Roll --- Place Deployable does not require a roll. The Place Deployable Skill makes no explicit mention of being used by troops in the Camouflaged State, nor does the Equipment entry for Mines. Am I missing something somewhere, or can a Camouflaged Trooper in N4 use the Place Deployable Skill on their Active Turn (or as an ARO!) without Cancelling this State?
Place Deployable is an Attack. EDIT: To expand - It has the Attack label despite being a short skill/ARO
This is the label that disrupt Camouflaged: Any and every skill with that label, will cancel the state. Special mention to "interact" with objectives, as all of those skill are labelled as Attack