Moderator and Member behavior

Discussion in 'Forum Feedback' started by wuji, Nov 11, 2021.

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  1. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    @Koni @psychoticstorm and @ all other readers of this forum finding your way to this thread.

    I'll try to say it as quickly and cleanly as possible.

    For a long long time this forum has housed some of the most disgusting human behavior I've experienced and it all stems from the simple fact that they have virtually no ability to peacefully hear opposing opinions and arguments for more than 5 minutes and then because they are on the net they adopt a bravery of belittling people, ad hominem attacks, telling people to shut up or that they dont have the right to talk about a subject, purposefully "trolling" individual members, belligerent behavior and other tactics of not arguing with merit and reason but with subtle disrespect based on personal bias.

    All of this is one problem on it's own but its come to my attention and others that there is moderator bias in this forum that allows for the same clicks of individuals to get away with this behavior to the point of which topics get nuked into obliteration. The recent Karakuri thread is genuinely only the most recent in a long long line of threads by many members of which the few have deliberately disrespected the many. My last in all this is simply saying enough is enough. I can guarantee, every single fucking time I've ever been in an altercation in here, that I was at my absolute wits end of defending myself with reason and civility to the point that I just do not care about civility anymore because neither does anyone else, the standard behavior is simply "what can I get away with today" it seems and the moderator/s are the ones solely responsible for this.

    I've offered suggested methods in the past for mods to deal with this problem and nothing has changed. Moreover it seems there isn true bias because only when certain individuals defend themselves or call out bad actors do threads get shut down while the same bad actors are allowed to continue to instigate further problems elsewhere and when.

    Accountability needs to be taken by the mods. I cannot say why the mods have let attacking and instigating behavior continue while those who are simply fucking defending themselves have their threads nuked so they can no longer talk about a subject. The reasoning could range anywhere from weakness of character to simply not giving a fuck. I think anyone who actually cares about this game would give a fuck, they would make a diligent effort to make sure people arent disrespectful, I'm not talking about political correctness im talking about subtle insults like someone asking "are you dense/__anything___" or telling people to "shut up" which isnt like someone cursing but it's still hugely disrespectful and that means that shit has got to go. The solution is really fucking simple, if you don't like what someone is saying but they arent subtly or otherwise insulting you and you can argue it back properly, just dont respond. But too many people here have a problem doing this. The mods should have been pushing for that behavior all along, and calling people out on it so they knew it was there behavior that was being looked at. If people want to act like children, then call them out like children. And if the mods do not want to do their job the right way, for whatever reason, then they should give the job to someone else because being a model is the same as being a judge. You have to be strong, fair and just and you actually have to care about the concept of everyone getting to speak freely about a subject and not be insulted by those who disagree with them. This cannot be just an American ideal.

    The last thing though, nobody needs to see somehow the mod punishes the defendent for being pushed past their limit of civility, except the antagonist who wishes to stifle free and open discussion about the game, this includes nuking threads. What you will see by simply telling people that who ever continued their belligerent or antagonistic behavior after being asked to stop will be banned. It's simple and its firm and it will not lead to excessive banning because there are multiple social barriers that have to be broken first that dont even need the mods tonsay anything. The very first is simply a member pointing out the antagonistic behavior to to the other member and being asked to stop. Being asked to stop is the marker point for mods should they need to interact with it later, then if it does persist, the mods can look to determine who the instigator is. And be sure to note, arguing an idea is not antagonistic for all the people out there who would try to spin someone explaing why X troop needs Y upgrade as if it were "hate speech". The mods should be looking for people who keep saying the same thing over and over, or who are purposefully being difficult. Then the mods will actually have to put in work, but if common knowledge was that people can and will be banned, the forums will finally return to a point in which discussion can actually take place. But this means the mods have to be strong and they a tually have to give a fuck about the principals of free and open discussion.
    Sven F. and redeemer like this.
  2. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The moderation could definitely up the ante a bit. But I think you're being quite oblivious if you don't think that wish will come back to bite you.
    daboarder, Lareon, chromedog and 11 others like this.
  3. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Will I be given my day in court? Cause like I said, I can't prove that I've been on the defensive the whole time till I just stopped giving a fuck. I'd also say accusers like what you just tried to do should be held accountable as well false accusations and others held accountable for ganging up. You need to understand that when I said fair and just, i meant it.
  4. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    You abuse anyone who disagrees with you.
    You abuse anyone who suggests there are any issues with your ideas.
    You abuse anyone who points out that you constantly shift the goalposts in your arguments.
    You cry foul after you abuse other posters.
    You have a consistent history of abuse.
    You abuse the moderator for not banning abusers but completely lack the self awareness to understand that you are the problem.
    Get therapy.
    daboarder, chromedog, Triumph and 3 others like this.
  5. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Do you not understand the concept of if you kick a dog enough times it will bite back. You say I need therapy but you're so narcissistic you wont admit your own wrong doing nor do you see your actions right now are trying to start a fight. I'm working on a fuckin solution, your ass just start shit. So do us both a favor, dont talk to me anymore. Block me or ignore me, do whatever the fuck is necessary for you and I not to interact again because you just proved my point. Plus, I'm not gonna fuckin sit here and dig through all the past threads to prove my innocence or your guilt. That's petty work. I say we just start fresh with high stakes. What's a matter, afraid you'll lose...

    And if it's not obvious, I dont like you, you pushed past my bubble, and I decided a few months ago I was done with peoples bull shit on this forum. So until the mods do their job right by making a forum wide statement on a new ban policy, if you attack me expect to be attacked back, cause all I see is you and people like you acting like animals and saying you're civilized.

    And again, you came in to the thread about unchecked antagonism only to antagonize the person who wrote it about which you've been antagonizing repeatedly. The irony is fucking amazing. You're the one who needs therapy, psycho, go drink your fluoride now.
    #5 wuji, Nov 11, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
  6. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    You clearly understand neither irony nor hypocrisy.
    You’ve currently got it into your head that I’m antagonising you because I told you to shut up when you started abusing another poster.
    Your behaviour is the problem in every thread you post in.
    I don’t care that you don’t like me. Your behaviour makes you very unlikeable. Feel free to put me on ignore if it helps you, but you don’t get to insist that I don’t interact with your vitriol.
    Lastly, you’re the beneficiary of inconsistent moderation, not the victim. @Koni gave me a 2 week ban for less abuse than you have thrown out in each of multiple posts today.
  7. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The mods admonish threads in public, and members in private. As it should be. You may wish to see your “antagonists” defenestrated publicly pour encourager les autres a la Byng, but 1) doesn’t mean you’ll get it and 2) doesn’t make it right.

    And be careful what you wish for… you might believe yourself to be the hero of the story, but would the mods agree? Every time?
  8. elTzimmy

    elTzimmy Active Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    I came here with the sole purpose of antagonising the hero of the hour, the person of power, the one and only wuji. I hope you feel validated, wuji-senpai. :D

    I, for one, would love stricter moderation; it would mean wuji wouldn't roam free like the shit flinging ape that they so desperately seem to wish to emulate.

    @wuji you mentioned something about "(…) just an American ideal" – given your stance in this matter, as you versus the world, I assume you're casting the American ideal under your flag, effectively identifying yourself as American? And by that you mean, of course, a United States of America citizen, not a literal continental American?
    I'm just asking because you can't seem to write proper English.

    I didn't really make an effort to pick at most of it, but here are a few things that you might want to work on.

    The structure is kinda shit. What do you mean "somehow"? Do you mean that no one has a need to see the ways in which a mod punishes? Do you mean to say that, in a way for which reasons you are unsure, you believe no one needs to see a mod punish someone?
    Also, a defendant.

    This is a shit sentence. It's contrived, it's inelegant, it sucks ass. Are you even trying to communicate, or just squealing your rage like a pig rolling in the muck?

    You might not understand how conjugation works.

    I think you might understand this one on your own, if you try.

    Look out, we got a badass over here! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Duke Nukem dick swinging aside, you realise "what's a matter" sounds extremely juvenile and you're lacking a question mark, right?

    I could go on, but it's honestly not as fun as I thought it would be; feels like I'm picking on a mentally challenged individual. Do you, or have you had access to Tide pods, perchance?

    Oink oink, little piggy.
    chromedog and Dragonstriker like this.
  9. redeemer

    redeemer Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2017
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    I gave up on these forums long ago but here I go
    @wuji Good for you for caring and wanting a positive change, we should all try to do better after all the infinity fanbase is no more than 7-10k out of which only 500 take an active role on the forums redits tweeter, yes the mods could do better, but they could have gone early 2000s GW on us as well.
    @A Mão Esquerda I don't think you understand the job the mods have to do. They should never take sides never shut down discussions because parts of the threads might be infected by trolls who try to get a kick out of everyone else or because the discussion might not be going in the way CB wants it to go.
    @Dragonstriker dude, you are a super troll and I'm not surprised you got the 2 weeks to cool down
    @the rest of the community if you have the time please give a like to CBs videos and facebook posts it helps them advertise the game to wider parts of the tabletop community every space marine converted to pano piggy is a win for us :)
  10. Heknerr

    Heknerr Member

    Aug 30, 2018
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    Aren't the guy who posted about a climate change conspiracy ? Oh and i've seen you being a dick to anyone who disagree with you even right here... (You are definetely not the only one... Every active member of this forum is a dickhead.)
    Just start to be more civil and gentle with people and you will see, they will be nicer to you. Just by doing this you will see a difference, the forum will be less a shithole. Shitty behaviour will create even more shitty behaviour.

    Moderation is defenitely laxist but you will probably be one of the first guys to be ban honestly.
    I'm not expecting you to change (honestly it's just cathartic because i'm tired of this forum...), no one changes but at least it will be the less offensive post of this topic.
  11. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Considering you responded to my request to get back on topic in another thread by A: telling me to go fuck myself, and B: Continuing to participate in a flame war (that you started) until the thread got locked... I'd say that the irony of you calling for stricter moderation is so thick I'd need an angle grinder to start cutting it.

    I fully and wholeheartedly agree that these forums need stricter moderation, but I don't think that this is going to go the way you think it is Wuji.

    I could say more, but I'm going to let wisdom be the better part of valor here and shut up.
  12. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Hmm... So I've taken a bit time to read up a bit for context and can only come to the conclussion that this is a classic case of a malicious cry bully.

    This is projection.
    Furthermore, the underlined part is an argument made as an attempt to relinquish any responsibility from your, quite frankly, disturbing behaviour (examples shown below).

    And this is not only dripping with irony but also another reminder that the ignore function exists.
    Take responsibility for yourself, moderators are not hired to adjust the forums to your sensibilities as if they were Butters from South Park and use the tools granted to you to shut off those who consistently gets on your nerves

    The context you provide in your OP mentions the Karakuri thread, so I had a look, from page 8 onwards, nothing actually happened, even when you make a post that could imply the moderator is attracted to underage fictional girls.

    It's not until page 14 on post #263, where you aggresively antagonise the moderator himself responding to the allegation of liking aesthetics associated with underage fictional girls, where you are being politely (given the context) to 'chill out' on post #264.
    You chose to escalate the situation further in post #265, despite a polite request to do otherwise, which prompted a slightly less polite, but still level-headed, response of getting back on subject and to take your personal issues with the moderator to private messages, rather than, and I qoute, 'screeching' on the forums on post #266.

    This escalates even further with post #268, #271, #275 and finally #277

    So, what exactly are we looking at here, Wuji? Any context I left out?
    I don't see how this is anything other than you instigating wildly inflammatory posts against the moderator, while actively seeking out conflict, only to make this thread out of spite.
    And you know... From my experience with you (as an observer), that thread is honestly pretty milquetoast, considering it's you. I have seen you make posts, threathing physical violence if you were ever in a "room alone" of any of the posters that fell under your ire.

    Lastly, I want to adress this minor (yet important) part:

    In the OP you say this:

    And in the other thread you claim this:

    So, in fact, nothing have recently 'come to your attention'. What is actually going on here, is you (and perhaps a few other individuals) have fabricated a narrative you entirely made up, and now you assert it as as if this is something you have been informed about from a "third party", attempting to give the illusion that there's any truth to a fabricated narrative you have no evidence for.
    This is the final reason I am entirely convinced that you created this thread in bad faith and exhibit all the behaviours of a cry bully.

    I'm going to level with you, Wuji.
    Some people are not what I'd call, 'internet-savy'.
    I'm not saying this to be mean but you do come across as a person with thin skin and for your own sake, I would either advice you to use the ignore function much more or simply avoid going online because I think it's best for your mental health.
    I did the same long ago with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as I found almost all social media having a negative impact on my mental health (and I'm of the opinion that SoMe are terrible for society in general but that's a different topic).

    Anyways, I'm off to take care of my teething Gremlin-child.
    #12 Zewrath, Nov 11, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
    Croepoek, Lareon, WiT? and 10 others like this.
  13. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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  14. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Children do tend to focus the mind…
    Zewrath likes this.
  15. elTzimmy

    elTzimmy Active Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    I can only make so many extra accounts to like Zewrath's post.
    WiT?, chromedog, Robock and 2 others like this.
  16. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    This doesn't seem to line up with what you were saying yesterday in this thread:

    (Yes, Profile Posts are viewable by the public.)

    Also, @elTzimmy , that post was uncalled for. Coming into this thread "with the sole purpose of antagonising the hero of the hour" is not helping the situation. Calling Wuji out is one thing, but "oink oink little piggy" is another.
    burlesford, Zewrath, redeemer and 2 others like this.
  17. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I can and have easily admitted repeatedly my politeness or civility has devolved. I've never said I dont say shit, but I know for a fact I dont start shit. What happened yesterday with @psychoticstorm was built up over many threads, did I need to be the one to say something by bringing up old vibes, no not really, but I can tell after enough interaction if someone has bias. Seeing his comment right after mine is exactly the kind of behavior I'd expect. I've never seen him directly respond to someone in this forum but I have seen him respond to people without using an @ and yesterday was no different. He and I disagreed about the design long ago and butted heads but as a mod, I've seen his opinion sway his behavior when he's supposed to be neutral. Seeing yet another comment by him right after mine where he doesnt say one positive thing about the new art but to reestablish that we all know he disagrees with me that he likes the new sculpt was just a other straw on the camel's back. If he had behaved neutrally and properly with the countless threads I've seen shut down by him, his comment would mean nothing but his appreciation of the other end of the spectrum of aesthetics. But it wasnt, we'll see if he claims innocence, but the timing of his response, his focus on the new sculpts only even though we just got new art, our past history and the way he responds to people without @ them all informs otherwise. And let's say this, let's give him the benefit of the doubt, let's say I'm the true transgressor here, I know I'm not but let's play pretend a moment. These forums do need an overhaul in how they are run, so if this is what it takes in order for a hard line to finally be drawn in the sand then so be it. So many people came in here to continue to talk shit given the actual subject matter at hand, I'd say what are people afraid of... are their inner narcissists trembling at the thought of being put in check. I'm certain I have my behavior under control until I just dont give a fuck after being bashed repeatedly, but that's a voluntary action. I shouldn't be bullied out of the forum because people dont like my opinions about the game (or the objective facts presented and easily verified in the non game related thread for those here trying to tarnish the validity of what I'm trying to accomplish here). So yes, when it comes to bullying behavior, I'll bite back, I'll bite back after I've tried the civil route but this continued behavior had gone on long enough then I stopped caring all together and @psychoticstorm has played a role in all this, and now as mod, he's in the unique position to do better by this forum since I'm drawing attention to it. Sure, he could just ban me right here, but he'd have to delete this thread to stop the message from spreading, but over the years I've always gotten a few messages on topics from whoever saying they agree with me, I've already gotten that about the most recent altercation. So, go ahead and ban me if you're really that biased, but it'll make you look worse, or you can start this forum fresh. Lay out the rules with a pin, dont let people even subtly talk shit, force them to stay on the topic, if people are antagonizing someone, calling in a mod shouldn't lead strait to banning just because a mod was called in obviously. It should be a warning, the conversation will not be allowed to be devolved by bad actors so that their next transgression in that thread, should their previous actions be verified by the mod as antagonistic put them on notice. Its then the mods responsiblity to inform the antagonist to stop immediately or be banned. It really is this simple. The conversation will no longer be stifled by "troll" behavior and the forums will finally be civil. If the mods feel its necessary. Make the punishment 1 week, then 2 week, then 3 week and then permanent bans. This allows for people who just need an attitude adjustment by consequences to figure out what they are doing wrong. And it doesnt have to be these examples but these are the most fair that I can quickly come up with in the time. But heres the thing, the mod has to have a back bone and they cant be biased. They have to know what is free and open discussion and what are attacks. That is not up to me to tell a mod what constitutes that but I'm certain very quickly we will find out, and should a mod be proven biased, we can always bring it up to CB. We can all start fresh right here and open up the forums for positive Infinity discussion.

    Apologies for the brick of text. Also, anyone who tries to say anything negative beyond this post is missing the point and I hope those of you who have actually contributed meaningful conversation and just let slip your frustration sometimes holds here, cause many people have had those moment but the continuance of prodding people, that needs to go.
    #17 wuji, Nov 11, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
    redeemer likes this.
  18. nazroth

    nazroth 'well known Nomad agitator'

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Hey @wuji, great topic. I too think Moderators should step up and finally make you accountable for your behavior in the forums. Throwing 'poop' at everything and everyone to then act as a victim should definitely be a case for Moderators to take action.
    Pierzasty, Alphz, Zewrath and 3 others like this.
  19. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Ruh row.

    As gratified as I am to ascend to the status of super, I must demur. My troll game is weak compared to the ascendant masters here.
    Are you sure you know what trolling is?
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  20. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    True. That technique is usually done by people trying to make their opposition look bad, evil, wrong, etc...Humans can only take so much before a lash-out happens.
    While I'm not intimately familiar with this problem the forum is having I do hope it is resolved. Any resolution is bound to be not good enough, done the wrong way, mishandled, someone's eyes. It's a slippery slope if there ever was one.
    #20 Golem2God, Nov 11, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
    Pierzasty likes this.
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