Custom Enemies

Discussion in 'General' started by CAnon, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    I can't be the only one a bit disappointed by the fact that the alternate enemies are quite so limited in scope.
    I figure (if nothing else) we can flesh it out a bit ourselves, and comment on what we like or could improve, until we get a pool of vaguely balanced and fun additions to the official content.

    With that in mind, i'll get the ball rolling:

    I'll keep this to link to other posts as necessary.

    Combined Army
    #1 CAnon, Oct 5, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    NurseNursey, d_b, j4bberw0ck and 8 others like this.
  2. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Zerat [Red]:
    Combi LFT switch down from !! to !
    KISS! [Black]:
    G:Synchronised reworded for clarity.
    Ko Dali [Black]:
    Gave 3 token reinforce cost (previously N/A)
    Sogarat Lt. [Black]:
    Gave 4 token reinforce cost (previously N/A)
    Anathematic [Blue]:
    Gave 3 token reinforce cost (previously N/A)
    Anathematic [Red]:
    Gave 3 token reinforce cost (previously N/A)
    Raktorak, [Black] Morat support Specialist added
    Low damage/defense, buffs other units and applies close range burning state.
    #2 CAnon, Oct 6, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    d_b, j4bberw0ck, Flipswitch and 8 others like this.
  3. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    New Keyword:
    Myrmidon: The first time each Mission Setup Phase that a unit with Myrmidon is added to either the Aligned or Available Unit decks, randomly select and immediately add two other Unit cards with the Myrmidon keyword directly to the bottom of the Available Units deck.

    Myrmidon Hacker [Red]:
    Defence/BP reverted to [Blue] values.
    Myrmidon Heavy [Blue]:
    Spitfire changed from :,::.::2:to:,::,::2:.
    Myrmidon Heavy [Red]:
    Spitfire changed from :,::,::2:to:+::,::,:.
    Hippolyta [Black]:
    Gave 3 token reinforce cost (previously N/A)
    Atalanta [Black]:
    Gave 3 token reinforce cost (previously N/A)
    Danavas [Black]:
    Reduced Defence from :-::.:to:-::):.
    Reduced BP from :*::-::):to:-::.:.
    Karkata [Black]:
    Swapped Defence and BP values.
    Replaced "Flash Pulse" (:L:1-5, :*::):, :1:for :S:Blinded state on target) with "Para CCW" (:L:1-1, :.::2:, :3:for :G:Immobilized state on target).
    Added "Ghost Synchronised" (Karkata is removed immediately if Danavas is defeated).
    Garuda Tacbot, [Blue/Red] Aleph assault Surprise Attacker added
    Low damage, high defence and mobility. Splash damage.
    #3 CAnon, Oct 13, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    Dragonstriker and Wizzy like this.
  4. Mcgreag

    Mcgreag Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2018
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  5. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    - Reserved -
    #5 CAnon, Oct 16, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
  6. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    - Reserved -
    #6 CAnon, Oct 26, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    d_b, j4bberw0ck and Dragonstriker like this.
  7. Flipswitch

    Flipswitch Sepsitorised by Intent

    Nov 4, 2017
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    Nice additions mate, the idea of Noctifers in Defiance is terrifying.
    CAnon likes this.
  8. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    - Reserved -
    #8 CAnon, Nov 7, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    d_b, j4bberw0ck and borisgreymenace like this.
  9. Flipswitch

    Flipswitch Sepsitorised by Intent

    Nov 4, 2017
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    Overdron? Overdron.

    O v e r d r o n
    CAnon likes this.
  10. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    - Reserved -
    #10 CAnon, Nov 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    j4bberw0ck, Croepoek and anaris like this.
  11. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Zhanshi (Blue)
    Models: 3
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: None

    Health: 4
    Speed: 5
    Defence: :.::):
    BP: :)::):

    :L:2-8 Combi Rifle :.::.::2:
    *:3:: Impose the :J:Targeted state to the target.​
    :L:1-1 CCW :,::,:

    Zhanshi (Red)
    Models: 3
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: None

    Health: 6
    Speed: 5
    Defence: :.::):
    BP: :)::):

    :L:2-8 Combi Rifle :,::.::2:
    *:3:: Impose the :J:Targeted state to the target.​
    :L:1-1 CCW :,::,::2:

    Zhencha (Blue)
    Models: 2
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Hackable, Multiterrain, Surprise Attack

    Health: 6
    Speed: 6
    Defence: :.::):
    BP: :.::):

    :L:1-5 Boarding Shotgun :,::-::-:
    *:1::3:: Inflict 1:4:to one Character adjacent to the target. Each adjacent Character can only be damaged twice per Roll.​
    :SL:1-8 Hacking :-::.:
    *:3:: Impose the :I:Stunned state.
    Zhencha (Red)
    Models: 2
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Hackable, Multiterrain, Surprise Attack

    Health: 8
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :-:
    BP: :-:

    :L:1-5 Boarding Shotgun :,::,::-::2:
    *:1::3:: Inflict 1:4:to one Character adjacent to the target. Each adjacent Character can only be damaged twice per Roll.​
    :SL:1-8 Hacking :,::-:
    *:3:: Impose the :I:Stunned state.​

    Hac Tao (Black)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 4 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Hackable

    Health: 12
    Speed: 6
    Defence: :-::-:

    :L:3-10 Missile Launcher :+::,::,::.:
    *:2::3::3:: Inflict 3:4:to the target and all Characters and Enemies adjacent to it (only once per Roll).
    Impose the :I:Stunned state to Characters that suffered :4:Damage from this Attack.
    :L:1-2 DA CCW :,::,::.:
    *:3:: Add :2:to their Roll.​
    TO Camouflage:
    Add :*::-:to all their Combat Rolls if the target is not adjacent or equipped with a Multispectral Visor or Multispectral Visor L2.

    Hundun (Blue)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Ambusher

    Health: 6
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :-::):
    BP: :.::):

    :L:3-10 Shock Precision Rifle :,::,::.:
    *:3::3:: Add :2:to their Roll.​
    :L:1-2 Pistol :,::2:

    Hundun (Red)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Ambusher

    Health: 8
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :-::-:
    BP: :-:

    :L:3-10 Shock Precision Rifle :,::,::.::2:
    *:3:: Add :2:to their Roll.​
    :L:1-2 Pistol :,::.::2:
    Wizzy, j4bberw0ck and Croepoek like this.
  12. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Tiger Soldier (Blue)
    Models: 2
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Surprise Attack

    Health: 6
    Speed: 5
    Defence: :-::):
    BP: :)::):

    :L:1-8 Rifle + Flamethrower :,::,::2:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :A:Burning state to all Characters in Range :L:1-3.​
    At the beginning of this Unit's activation, heal all Enemy Units within :SL:0-2 of 1:4:.​

    Tiger Soldier (Red)
    Models: 2
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Surprise Attack

    Health: 7
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :-::-:
    BP: :-:

    :L:1-8 Rifle + Flamethrower :,::,::.::2:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :A:Burning state to all Characters in Range :L:1-3.​
    At the beginning of this Unit's activation, heal all Enemy Units within :SL:0-2 of 1:4:.​

    Yan Huo (Black)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Large, Hackable, BS Specialist

    Health: 12
    Speed: 5
    Defence: :*::-::.:
    BP: :-::.:

    :L:1-10 HRMC :+::,::.::.::2:
    *:3::3:: Inflict a Consequence to the Target (maximum twice per Roll.)​
    Repeat this Attack against the same target after its Resolution.

    Sun Tze (Black)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: -
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Hackable

    Health: 15
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :*::-::-:
    BP: :-::)::):

    :L:1-5 Boarding Shotgun :+::,::.::3:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :S:Blinded state to the Target.​
    Characters cannot use Free Actions.​
    Advanced Command:
    The next Enemy to activate performs an additional Instruction.​

    Pheasant (Blue)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: CC Specialist

    Health: 8
    Speed: 6
    Defence: :-:
    BP: :.::):

    :L:3-10 Red Fury :,::,::.:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4:to the Target.​
    :L:1-2 Para CCW :+::.::.:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :G:Immobilized state to the Target.​
    Chain of Command:
    Whilst this Unit is on the same tile as a [Black Unit logo] Personality, this Unit takes the first 2:4:of each Attack Roll targeting that [BUl] Personality.​

    Pheasant (Red)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: CC Specialist

    Health: 12
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :-::):
    BP: :-::.:

    :L:3-10 Red Fury :+::,::.::3:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4:to the Target.​
    :L:1-2 Para CCW :+::,::,::3:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :G:Immobilized state to the Target.​
    Chain of Command:
    Whilst this Unit is on the same tile as a [Black Unit logo] Personality, this Unit takes the first 3:4:of each Attack Roll targeting that [BUl] Personality.​
    #12 CAnon, Nov 29, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2021
    Wizzy, j4bberw0ck and Croepoek like this.
  13. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    I felt strangely productive.

    New Keyword:
    Fireteam: Triad: Before this model makes a Combat Roll, if it is within :L:1-3 of at least 2 other Fireteam: Triad models, it immediately gains the :K:Focused state (once per activation).

    Kamael (Blue)
    Models: 3
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: 1 token
    Tags: Fireteam: Triad

    Health: 3
    Speed: 5
    Defence: :.::):
    BP: :)::):

    :L:3-8 Combi Rifle + Grenade Launcher :.::-:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4: to every Character and Enemy in Range :L:1-2 to the Target (Twice per Roll maximum).​

    Kamael (Red)
    Models: 3
    Respawn: 3 tokens
    Reinforce: 1 token
    Tags: Fireteam: Triad, Hackable

    Health: 5
    Speed: 6
    Defence: :.::1:
    BP: :-::1:

    :L:3-8 Combi Rifle + Grenade Launcher :,::.::2:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4: to every Character and Enemy in Range :L:1-2 to the Target (Twice per Roll maximum).​
    :SL:1-8 Hacking :+::.:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :I:Stunned state to the target.​

    Aelis Keesan (Black)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: -
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Hacking Specialist, Hackable, Fireteam: Triad

    Health: 10
    Speed: 8
    Defence: :-::-::):
    BP: :*::-:

    :L:1-8 K1 Combi Rifle :,::.::2:
    *:3:: Impose the :J:Targeted state to the Target.​
    The Target's [Defense] Roll cannot be modified.
    1-8 Hacking :+::,::.::3:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4:to the Target.​
    Characters cannot enter the :O:Hidden state whilst within :SL:1-5 of this Enemy.​

    Kotail (Blue)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 Tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Multiterrain

    Health: 8
    Speed: 9
    Defence: :-:
    BP: :-:

    :L:1-5 Boarding Shotgun :,::-::.::2:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :G:Immobilized state to the Target, if they are Hackable.​
    When targeted by an Attack at Range 2 or more, roll :)::)::):: if :1::1::1:is obtained, the Attack ends immediately.
    Kotail (Red)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 Tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Multiterrain

    Health: 9
    Speed: 9
    Defence: :-::-:
    BP: :-::):

    :L:1-8 Spitfire :+::,::.::2:
    *:3::3:: Add :2:to the Roll.​
    When targeted by an Attack at Range 2 or more, roll :)::):: if :1::1:is obtained, the Attack ends immediately.​

    Draal Saboteur (Blue)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Multiterrain, Fireteam: Triad

    Health: 8
    Speed: 6
    Defence: :.:
    BP: :-:

    :L:4-10 AP Precision Rifle :,::,::.:
    *:3::3:: Cancel one:1: from the target's Roll.​
    :L:1-3 Viral Pistol :.::.::2:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4: to the target.
    Impose the :D:Poisoned state to the Target.
    Optical Disruption Device:
    Add :*::-:to all their Combat Rolls unless the target is adjacent or equipped with Multispectral Visor or Multispectral Visor L2.​

    Draal Saboteur (Red)
    Models: 1
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: Multiterrain, Fireteam: Triad

    Health: 10
    Speed: 7
    Defence: :.::):
    BP: :-::):

    :L:4-10 AP Precision Rifle :+::,::.::.:
    *:3::3:: Cancel one:1: from the target's Roll.​
    :L:1-3 Viral Pistol :+::.::.:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4: to the target.
    Impose the :D:Poisoned state to the Target.
    Optical Disruption Device:
    Add :*::-:to all their Combat Rolls unless the target is adjacent or equipped with Multispectral Visor or Multispectral Visor L2.​

    Makaul (Blue)
    Models: 2
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: CC Specialist, Fireteam: Triad, Pit

    Health: 5
    Speed: 8
    Defence: :):
    BP: :-:

    :L:2-3 Heavy Flamethrower :.::3:
    *:3::3:: Impose the :A:Burning state to the target.​
    :L:1-1 Viral CCW :,::,::.:
    *:3::3:: Inflict 1:4: to the target.
    Impose the :D:Poisoned state to the Target.
    Eclipse Grenades:
    Characters equipped with a Multispectral Visor or a Multispectral Visor L2 cannot Attack this Enemy from a Range greater than 1.​

    Makaul (Red)
    Models: 2
    Respawn: 2 tokens
    Reinforce: -
    Tags: CC Specialist, Fireteam: Triad, Pit

    Health: 7
    Speed: 8
    Defence: :.::):
    BP: :-::):

    :L:2-3 Heavy Flamethrower :.::.:
    *:3:: Impose the :A:Burning state to the target.​
    :L:1-1 Viral CCW :+::,::-:
    *:3:: Inflict 1:4: to the target.
    Impose the :D:Poisoned state to the Target.
    Eclipse Grenades:
    Characters equipped with a Multispectral Visor or a Multispectral Visor L2 cannot Attack this Enemy from a Range greater than 1.​
    Wizzy, d_b, j4bberw0ck and 1 other person like this.
  14. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Been a while since the last post, eh?
    Not too much new, i'm afraid, i've been busy on other things.
    That said, with some help from @-V-, I have been able to get out a bit of a Christmas gift for everyone.

    Made some edits to posts further up thread, haven't been able to physically produce anything for myself yet so if anything comes out a bit weird IRL then don't hesitate to let me know.
    Peace. :kissing_heart:
    j4bberw0ck, anaris and Dragonstriker like this.
  15. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Hi. For your info, I used my blank card templates (here), to make the Enemy cards with your Tohaa profiles. :spock-hand::sunglasses:
    I compiled everything in this word file (image at the right size 7x11xm).
    CAnon, j4bberw0ck, anaris and 2 others like this.
  16. CAnon

    CAnon Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Nice, thank you very much. :kissing_heart:
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