Infinity Defiance FAQ - Submit your questions here!

Discussion in 'General' started by Koni, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. R0GU3F0X

    R0GU3F0X New Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    That could be well the spirit of it, although the Aggro and the reinforcement tokens seem a bit too much. I did house rule it to reset them at the start of each mission. Cheers
  2. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Pretty sure it only affects the rolls since the question in FAQ was:
    And they ignored other questions regarding “episodes” of a single mission. My guess - that's just a poor choice of words with "episodes" analogy.

    They are still written as separate missions in campain book and according to "between missions" entry in rulebook - 4. SICKBAY AND WORKSHOP (discard all states, damage and aggro), 7. Check Equipment (Straighten all rotated cards, re-equip software), 8 . RESET SPECIALITIES (straighten all skills) should still work.
    Automedkits according to AUTOMEDKIT entry (At the beginning of each mission, all Characters are equipped with an Automedkit) should refresh too.
    Face-up Consequences are flipped (Consequence entry).

    Still, FAQ only mentions rolls.
    Can you equip already acquired stuff if you left it on Defiance?
    Can Jazz write code between these missions? (Sure not, since she cannot return to bridge yet. But all that could have been explained better.)
    The Stored symbols part is a funny one - I cannot find any entry about discarding stored symbols between missions at all! Can you keep stored symbols between missions?
    R0GU3F0X likes this.
  3. JAB

    JAB Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I have a few questions, apologies if they have been asked before but not answered yet:
    1. Can remotes be in a different place on the Defiance than their controllers? Example: can Rahman be in medbay but still try to fix Gaspar (which would have to be in the cabins)? If not, this would make repairing Trisha's remote weirdly difficult.
    2. D-charges have the 'expendable' keyword, but also state to 'discard this card' after use. I assume this last rule means they're really a one-time use and cannot be used again next mission? I'm talking about the regular D-charges, not Trisha's.
    3. If D-charges are discarded upon use, can they be bought again for 2 intel packs? Or do they disappear from the game? We've found them quite useful to get rid of Taigha pits so we'd buy them repeatedly.
    4. When an attack (not hacking) targets BTS instead of regular defense, does the BTS roll count as a combat roll? Can it be modified by specializations or items that modify combat rolls?
    5. Can I stick the defensive hacking device on Cadin and if so, does it provide him with BTS?
    #143 JAB, Aug 29, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
    Cervantes3773 likes this.
  4. JAB

    JAB Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    One more:
    For the BioTec specialization III 'Viral Rifle', is the usage of this specialization optional? Can Rahman still target regular defense if he wants to? If he now targets BTS exclusively, this specialization seems like a downgrade if we consider how many enemies have similar or even better BTS than normal defense.
    Cervantes3773 likes this.
  5. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Questions we had after our first game:

    1. An enemy that is doing a defence roll. Are they allowed to, for example, use one of the switches that is connected to their hacking attack on their card? Or which switches are they allowed to use? Do they need to have special defensive switches? In the example, would they be allowed to use the hacking switch if they had the tag "hacking specialist" and therefor used there hacking dice in defence?

    2. All hacking devices have the Requirement "Hacker".
    Only Jazz and Valeria are hackers, yet in the example on p17 Qian Gao is shown with a Assault Hacking Device (Also adding the wrong dice to his PB) and Raoul, for example, can pick the Specialization "Refractoring" which gives him +Orange to hacking.
    Any idea how this is supposed to work?

    3. Are we correct in assuming that all damage and aggro is removed between the missions even if characters do not rest in the crew quarters?

    4. In which order do enemies inside a unit act and will the "Evil AI"-rule make each enemy act the best they can or do we need to plan so that the entire unit will do the best possible thing?
    (IE, move in a way/order that they will not block others from moving etc)

    5. Is Raoul Spector the only one who can use the LHost Body-equipment?
    Trish N33 had "Superior LHost"-skills, but from what I can see no mention of "LHost Body"

    6. Are the equipment cards with blue/different background/no picture different in some way? Do they have specific requirements or something?
    #145 kendofarfar, Oct 10, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2021
  6. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Defensive Hacking Device can be used by anyone.
    kendofarfar likes this.
  7. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    The cards have numbers on the left hand side for each of the enemies. The enemies activate in numeric order.
    From page 22:
    "When a Unit is activated, the first Enemy model in the unit will attempt to performa ll the instruction described ..." "Once the first Enemy in the Unit has performed its instructions, the second Enemy in the Unit will perform its instructions, and so on."

    Now, there's the obvious disclaimer that this is cooperative dungeon crawler game without rules police oversight. But if you're wondering about the activation rules causing the enemy to unnecessarily get in the way of themselves or others, use the rules for 5 Player Mode (where you get to choose the order of activation, and choose what they do when they activate).
    kendofarfar likes this.
  8. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    First of all, thanks for the help :)

    Second, I realize I didn't include the full question. How do I know which enemy on the board is number 1 etc?
    Is there a way to decide this or do we just pick our selves? And is there a build-in way to keep track of it or do we just have to remember/make our own system? :)
  9. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The tokens are numbered 1-3, duh. :D
    If you are using actual models, then yeah you'll have to mark them somehow or not bother with it.
    kendofarfar likes this.
  10. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Like @Lucian says, if you’re using models, you’ll have to make up some system. I’m a fan of l, ll, and lll stripes on the sides of the colored base adapters using a marker.

    But, you’ve got to keep track of which model in the unit has taken damage, right?
    CAnon, Lucian and kendofarfar like this.
  11. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Yeah, I painted numbers on the colored markers today for that purpose, was just worried we were missing something :)

    Thanks again, both of you :)
  12. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    If I want to put a weapon that requires two hand slots in my bag, will it require two bag slots as well?
  13. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    No, one item takes one slot. (Except those that don't have a bag symbol on card - they take no space at all)
    CAnon likes this.
  14. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    1. Hacking:
    From what we gather from the rulebook all the targets of hacking need to have the "Hackable" characteristic.
    But does this mean I cannot impose "Targeted" (with Spotlight) if the target is not Hackable? I can't give my allies "Focused" if they are not Hackable?
    For some reason we thought that hacking rolls that does only require a simple roll could target anyone, but on the other hand that would make it possible to Immobilize enemies that are not Hackable, no?
    I've seen someone post a picture where it says only the Antipersonell programs require the target to be Hackable, but that picture also contains "Controller" hacking programs which to not exist in the game and is not in congruence with the actual rulebook p16.

    2. Low visibility spaces:
    From the rulebook p26: "Red. A side with this color always obstructs Line of Sight, but it does not prevent movement across it. Spaces surrounded by this color are Low visibility spaces."
    How do we read this? Does it mean that spaces with a red side will block even Visors because only the ones entirely surrounded by red lines are Low visibility zones? Or does a red line just mean "Low visibility zone"

    3. Medicine rolls and ship upgrades:
    A Bioscanner installed on the ship will allow you to reroll one dice "from every Medicine roll". The rulebook (p38) says "For each Consequence on the Character, make a Simple Roll [...]". Does that mean that the Bioscanner would allow one reroll in total or one per Consequence (since each is "a [...] Roll" according to the rulebook?
    #154 kendofarfar, Oct 23, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2021
  15. borisgreymenace

    borisgreymenace killer heckler

    Oct 16, 2019
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    controller is from the outdated pdf how to play. they are now called raider programs. as i read the description for raider programs on p. 16, you do your hacking roll to apply an effect. i think the effect is intended to apply regardless of the hackable tag, and that's how i play it considering this is specifically the case for code one and N4. i also believe the rotate card action trumps the need to roll for success. so for the cost of an action, you can inflict the targeted state on one enemy per round. could be wrong on this though, but it feels samey with qiang's targeting specialty, so i bet that's how it's meant to work.

    this one's a little simpler to me. no one can see in/out/through a red boxed area unless they have a visor. for visors, they should have normal LOF.

    yep, as i read it, each consequence gets a simple roll, either a medical or engineering roll. so you should be able to reroll one die per each.
    kendofarfar likes this.
  16. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    First: Thanks! :)

    Second: Yes, the spaces that are surrounded (boxed as you say)by red lines are low visibility zones and visors will be able to draw LoS through them; but the spaces that just have 1-5 sides that are red are not surrounded so the real question is if they just "always obstruct line of sight", even for visors.
    And after checking the missions/tiles for a bit I do believe the will block all LoS as the usually represent things like cliff ledges etc, and it would only make sense if the virors would not help :)

    In the FAQ 1.5 p7 it says:
    So I guess you can't use any kinds of programs on them. It just feels stupid and kind of makes Spotlight and Geist-aid kind of useless.
    #156 kendofarfar, Oct 24, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  17. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    If you have an area made up of multiple hexagons, and there's a red border around the entire area, those hexagons are surrounded. If the hexagons are on a tile edge or corner, it'll be even less red ink to surround that grouping of tiles.

    Is there a tile with a hex in the middle somewhere on its own with only a few sides that are red, or a group of spaces that's missing a few red edges?
  18. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Took a picture but couldn't upload it (probably too big), but tile B08 (used in mission 2 for example) has two different instances of red lines not surrounding hexes :)
  19. borisgreymenace

    borisgreymenace killer heckler

    Oct 16, 2019
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    i know which ones you mean. i'd read those as can't see through the red lines on the relevant sides but not as zero vis on the borderless sides
    kendofarfar likes this.
  20. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I dug out my box, found that tile, and then when I double checked the rules I saw that the freaking tile example next to the next in the rulebook is showing a tile where the red lines don't completely surround the hex. :ghost: And there's basically lines of red on B11 and B13.

    Ah. Okay, looking at that tile I think it's safe to conclude that the red lines are two separate statements:
    1. A side with this color always obstructs Line of Sight, but does not prevent movement across it.
    2. Spaces surrounded by this color are Low visibility spaces.

    B11 has those two hexes that have a mix of dotted blue and purple lines surrounding them (purple blocks movement, and a surrounded hex is a blocked space; dotted blue is an additional movement point to cross) cannot be a blocked space.

    Visor says "Line of Sight traced from an Enemy with this Characteristic is not obstructed when crossing low visibility spaces." So 'visor' let's you draw line of sight across the red lines only if those red lines completely surround the space, as far as I can tell.

    Note: I forgot where the Visor rule was, and spent the last ten minutes going through equipment cards. :face_with_head_bandage:
    kendofarfar likes this.
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