NCA ~ advice and recomendations

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by D_acolyte, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I decided to have some fun and put my next army for the next season I do up to a poll. My Warcore being the great guy he is convinced people I should do NCA, over any of my yet un-painted Arianda sect, Starmada and SEF. Me being stubborn and prideful decided IF they win, sure I will do them. I have a big mouth, though this is not the worst I has gotten me into.
    I am planning on focusing on the cloak and dagger aspect of NCA, so Locus, Hexa and Swiss. I do want an Uhlan and no a guy I may be able to get it off of.
    What else do you recommend. If I do bolts I may try a 3 man core + haris build for them. We have an NCA player who loves taking a core of them and I have never been wild about that.
    The tactics post on here is for N3 any good N4 resources.
    What would you recommend for proxying if I can not scrounge up the actual models?
    Urobros likes this.
  2. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    it depends on what you want to try. To me "bolts" are right now pretty amazing. Most units with access to marksmanship skill are. Bolts aren't any exception to that. Still a full bolts fireteam isn't cheap and this has direct impact on how we can build our lists. Take a look of what wildcards you can place along the bolts. Probably, at the end, you will have 2-3 bolt as much.

    About proxies for the bolts... that is the one million question... if you have now kappas from the starmada and the 0-12 boxes this ones could do a good proxy for the bolts, because they have enough differences with the Panoceanian fusilers. As an Idea. The Order Sergeant could be a good proxy, but maybe you shoul do some work to change the HRL into a multi snipper rifle, or you could left as it is and play "with a really big snipper rifle", really really big XD

    A lot of players do use of "haris"+"3 members core" and do really well, but I'm more of 5+3. A playstyle thing. Don't forget about the Squalo, mayb isn't so cool as the Ulhan, but the Lt option when you want to play a lot of bolts could be interesting.

    Are you looking for a "multiterrain" list? Or do you have some mission in mind?
    D_acolyte likes this.
  3. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Thanks, I will probably use kappa for auxilia or fusiliers and some aleph models (probably yadu) for bolts. I am actually not a fan of the msr, I like the missile launcher more, but I will be trying a lot of things.
    If I did a 5 man core I probably do it of fusiliers to save some points or it would be a list with a TAG. Though, take 1 fusilier with 2 orcs might a fun team.
    82 points 1.5 swc varuna orc feuerbach, varuna orc tin bot, fusilier paramendic. or 92 if you make the fusilier into Bipandra

    I feel a lot of the wild cards support an offensive team
    Wild card thoughts:
    I will probably use my Uma as a camo marker.

    The bulleteer or Aquila can slide in nicely to bolts if you are going to run them aggressively, I think depending on the meta the Aquila multi marksmen rifle is better then the HMG.
    I would take a machinists in this haris just to keep an attack piece moving:
    61 point 1 swc bulleteer, machinist NCA, bolt bsg drop bears. If you add the evo hacker as a boost then it becomes 76 points.
    92 point 0 swc aquila fto, bolt paramedic, machinist NCA

    Black friars, I am taking the HRL with sixth sense, I love the model and her rules are a nice combination. If I find I need to go msv hunting I may switch it out.

    Richard Quinn is probably a skip for me. He seems to be an ok point man for a haris except for 4 more points I can get a bolt spitfire.

    Bipandra is more likely to be used in a haris or floating around with palbots.
    71 points 1.5 swc bolt spitfire, bolt bsg drop bears, Bipandra
    70 points 1.5 swc bolt missile launcher, bolt bsg drop bears, Bipandra

    I do have the NCA 6 man starter so the swiss missile, hexa spitfire and aquila multi marksmen will be played with eventually.

    Some of this comes down to ITS 13 rules.

    Currently no mission in mind. Locust, Uma and Bolts have Terrain Total. Orcs will probably be Vaurna if I take them for now. I am planning on doing my Pan O as green or foresty and the vaurna orcs have skills like terrian jungle of go with that, stealth maintains the cloak+dagger feel I want and weapons I like.
    #3 D_acolyte, Aug 30, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2021
    Urobros likes this.
  4. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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    So the Bolt Sniper is actually quite a solid gunfighter. She has a +3 range band from 16" through 48". In a haris she's rocking B2 in ARO, B3 in Active, BS13 + Marksmanship and MSV 1 - With the option to switch to DA or AP or Shock. I have consistently slapped down an Active Avatar HMG shots against her to the point it had to run in with the Step sister to bring her down.

    Against Mim-6 models in cover at her good range she's rocking between 2 - 3 shots at flat 13's in a core link she's rocking 16's.

    In terms of full Haris - Bolt Hacker, NCA Machinist and Spitfire Bulleteer, is a top tier haris

    The Bolt Paramedic is the top tier paramedic - Why? Cause Marksmanship ignores the cover penalty imposed by cover when you shoot your Med Kit at a model. Which means she's B2, BS16 at 0-8", BS13 at 8-16 and BS 7 at 16" - 24", and those numbers just bump up in a core also. BS 19/16/10 Medikits seem fairly solid chance of getting both kits on target.

    Don't forget Bolt's have Duo also. Which means you can split your teams up to cover more ground if its absolutely necessary.

    The Uhlan is a solid support gunfighter.
    Stiopa and Urobros like this.
  5. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    About this, I'm agree with almost everything, but take in consideration "Marksmanship" allow to ignore the penalty of "partial cover" when declaring a BS Attack. Medikit isn't the "BS Attack" skill, you declare "Medikit". Even the skill don't have the tag: "attack". This is a good thing because you can declare it even if you are stunned,
  6. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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  7. Dumbledoge

    Dumbledoge New Member

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Have been rocking NCA the last few games I played and two lists stand out. One with a swiss hacker and a swiss MSL alongside a core of fusilliers with a msl as well. A hexa or a locust fit alongside as well as a garuda which can be taken as forward obs to push buttons if necessary.
    The other goes by a core of bolts with the MSR (remember that you'll be hitting anything without a mimetism -6 on 19s at good range). I usually run the NCA engineer and a bulletteer spitfire or HSG alongside to cut down the price. Ulhang goes with as well as well as garuda and locust to push buttons.
  8. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I have now gotten in 2 games with NCA. Bolts fire teams are stupid.... In one game a spitfire bolt and black friar in a core just said no you have nothing on us to an entire enemy army. In another I had a lone bolt missile up on top of a building surrounded by saturation zones and it killed everything it could see in aro. Both missions where focused on the objective room (panic room and the armory) which I feel really let bolts shine, at one point someone came in and I was hitting him on 22 with the light shotgun. I have been enjoying the Locust and the large amounts of HD I can bring soon people will be jumping at shadows, which is what my warcor wants. I am not as impressed with the Aquila multi marksmen as I thought I would be, ran him in a game but a bolt spitfire would have been just as effective but 1 game does not make or brake a model so he will see some more play.
    Hexa and locust are great. Locust I have found really useful as a swiss army knife, I particularly like both the KHD and the SMG with wild parrot. I need to try out the BSG and the shock marksmen rifle one.
    Still need to use one of my list with 2 battlegroups or TAG.
    Gwynbleidd and AntipodeanBolt like this.
  9. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Got in a fun game where I used no fire teams vs MO. In the end it came down to 1 or 2 dice rolls in turn 2. Swiss and a Hexa dismantled his fireteams over and over again.
  10. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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    The Bolt's are indeed stupid. The Aquila's value will increase as you deal with more camo markers. His ability to just discover will nullify many camo army's defensive mechanisms, any other time MSV2 will typically suffice. You should give the Garuda a spin and in particular the FO profile.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  11. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Aquila looks good. I plan on running him more soon. I like the multi marksmen rifle as a lot of people are moving towards HI.

    Coming from Aleph, I can tell you my Garuda tends to catch bullets in his head.... Enemy needs a 2 and I need a 15 with 4 dice, they crit and I die. Garuda can be useful it is just somewhat funny how often that happens.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  12. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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    Garuda FO is the prime profile - 3 reasons Flash Pulse, Forward Observer and his Combi rifle. Gives you options. Flash pulse them first to prevent combat AROs, Forward Observe to get +3 to hit and then the Combi isn't a push over rifle, still pumps out 3 dice and quartering on the weaker members allows you to remove the support for the big rig for other members.
    D_acolyte likes this.
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