Female models in Infinity

Discussion in 'Off-Topic English' started by 1337Bolshevik, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Isn't PanO comprised of the entirety of EU, Latin America, whatever survived of North America, not sure of Russia, India and SE Asia? not counting solar systems colonized, as I said Acontecimiento is predominantly from South America.
  2. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Exactly. Plus, it’s nearly 200 years of marriage in the future. Foisting modern “sensibilities” on it is a fool’s errand.
    Wolf and Dragonstriker like this.
  3. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Depends on. If we assume that humans continue to be complete arseholes to each other and maintain racist systems then it's fairly likely that a minority population will be over-represented particularly among police, military officers, and in the political and corporate leadership.
    On the other hand, if we assume that human society progresses towards a more egalitarian society where the skin colour, region or caste you come from matters less and less for each decade, you'll probably see the "nordic" look become real uncommon.
    Factor in thinning UV-protection doing its best to punish us pink skins from going outside...

    Now, the only place I know of that's highly racist in Infinity (besides JSA, obviously) is among Svalarheima population and they're noted as being extremists, so...
  4. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Yeah.. Aren't they like Ethno-Nationalists or sum shit? Lol
  5. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    PanO's core founding nations are Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Taken together, Indonesia and Malaysia have about ten times the population of Australia and New Zealand, making PanO 90%+ Southeast Asian at its founding (assuming that the populations don't change too much in the interim). The Philippines and India joined pretty soon after.

    The fact that you're "not sure" of India and the other relevant parts of SE Asia, that are supposed to be more core to PanO than the remaining parts of the supposedly depressed EU or North America, tells me how schizophrenic the portrayal of PanO is. Many people in the fanbase have glommed onto it as the "white-European" faction specifically.
  6. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Quasi… they hate the YJ colonists, love other PanO folks…
  7. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Morats are noted as being racist towards Morats who don't fit the predominant phenotype.
  8. Ceilican

    Ceilican Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Well, PanOceania literally calls an indigenous non human race “Slaves”

    But, IMO, it almost doesn’t matter what the fluff says about racism in the setting. The point I’m trying to get to is representation to the modern audience and potential audience.

    We can justify a lot of stuff regarding the ethnicity of models in this game with the handwave of “it’s in the future.” It just never seems to be used to justify Black Galwegians, you know?

    And, again, this is feedback. An expression of what I’d like to see. There’s a kind of inertia that takes over and things just keep going in the same direction unless, you know, acted upon by a force. I am hoping for a slight change in direction with the game art, including sculpts and studio paint jobs.
    bladerunner_35 likes this.
  9. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    The RPG also makes a point to say it became "pan" Oceania once it crossed the ocean and got a bunch of South America. After various conflicts, most surviving Europe joined as well as some Africa. They don't really address the remnants of Russia/ USA/ Britain/ France, since they're in game as Ariadna, even though the connections to Dawn were severed so long ago that those nations on Earth would have gone SOMEWHERE I'd assume.

    It's entirely possible that the military is also disproportionately some ethnicities while a lot of the population might be another. It's also been mentioned before that they had population drives to try to increase populations as new planets were settled.

    But again, it comes back to hair color, the preponderance of blond hair. Anime likewise has a an unusual amount of blond hair, and it really just comes down to some of their artists liking to draw such a thing. And yeah, someone really seems to like the Scandinavian/ Svalarheima vibe for a background of the heroes.
  10. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    It also does help to remember it's like 10 guys in Spain designing a lot of this stuff. So really, they do a pretty good job with having a lot of different nationalities represented, even if the art might be skewed still.

    I don't think anyone would really have much of a problem with that though, it's just that it hasn't been officially presented.

    I'm just not sure there's a lot they can do to make different facial features on a scale (especially avoiding caricatures) , but as I said before I prefer most of my figures armored and/or artificial anyway. I do think they're broadening their artwork though, but it's not something I focus on so that could be misplaced.
  11. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Remember that the more impoverished parts of Infinity's setting were the primary providers of population for the colonies, which rapidly eclipsed actual Earth in both population and economic importance. The rich Oceanians mostly stayed home in prosperity while the "acquired" territories like Europe and South America were more willing to take the risk of an interplanetary move. We'd likely see more focus on Indonesian and Malaysian troops in an Earth-focused Sectorial, along with more widely-known ANZAC diggers, and I'd stake actual money on the presence of an Aboriginal Australian skirmisher unit. I don't think CB want to touch Earth in published material though; too much potential for controversy.

    I would be interested to see more Infinity setting-specific races though. 300 years is a long time, and it'd be cool to see how populations local to some of the colonies would turn out, rather than cut-and-paste contemporary races.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  12. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Black Galwegians would be weird because there's not noted to be a large population of African-descended peoples in the Scots part of Ariadna, and Scotland itself is less than 1% black in the modern day. It's just REALLY REALLY STRANGE that a society that should be incredibly multi-ethnic is portrayed as almost entirely white, to the point where @psychoticstorm was unaware that SEA peoples were a major part of the faction.

    It also has to do with the backgrounds of the named characters we *do* have from PanO, which overwhelmingly represent the white-European part of the population.
  13. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Is that canon? It's certainly a conclusion you can draw, but I don't remember reading that anywhere.
  14. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Take this with a grain of salt, since I haven't read it in a year, but the RPG Core book talks about the colonisation for a chapter or so. I remember PanO had private interests filling out populations with the poor, YJ using state powers to resettle people and Bourak being rushed to with enthusiasm before they figured out it was a desert hellhole.
    Hecaton likes this.
  15. Ceilican

    Ceilican Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Yeah, they do. And the fact that they're trying means that I think providing this feedback is worthwhile.
    The fact that it (Black Galwegians) hasn't been officially presented is kind of my point. I agree, most people wouldn't have a problem with it if it happened. So there's not a lot of reason to NOT let it happen. (As an example. I'm not specifically pulling for Black Galwegians.)
    A lot of it is going to be in hair, IMO. You don't need huge 70's-style Afro's to get across black hairstyles. The Securitate with braids is a pretty decent example. I also give credit to the sculptors because they can definitely capture specific celebrities in the sculpt, so I think they could use less-famous models as the basis of the sculpts as well.
  16. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Certainly, though I'd prefer some specific suggestions rather than some of the odd comments that the internet produces... :)
    Not that I'm in charge or anything, just that discussing specifics is more informative in general I think.

    Are there that many Galwegians in material to even make it likely though? There's plenty of other things, so it's not a big deal, but I do think they need more base units that are a different spread of ethnicities than creating specialized units that are X ethnicity based. PanO is getting a lot of attention in this thread, but O12 would seem the better sample to draw on. An Alpha doesn't draw on X or Y background, any more than a Kappa, so a variety of them is perfectly logical.

    I was going to point at the Gangbuster, which I painted as a black guy, but then I thought maybe that makes me racist because I thought the model looked more black-guy appropriate than white guy appropriate or something...
  17. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Yeah, I mentioned the PanO Svalarheima thing, since it's not even white-Euro focused, but like 3 characters from that specific sector.

    I remember reading sort of the opposite. Masses moved to the new worlds and then were encouraged to increase population, not moving large populations. So current world population may have little relation to 170 years in the future on distant worlds with a lot of automation, so cheap labor isn't the main purpose of the population or whatever.

    I've only really heard it used that way among some hispanic groups myself, but since we're pretty clear on what we mean now, it's not really important I think. Some didn't understand the meaning you intended but that's done with I think. I skipped going further into the topic because it gets into politic-related stuff that really isn't important to the thread once we've established our basic talking point.
  18. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You painted your mini according to your inspiration/judgment/what have you. No further analysis is needed.
    Cthulhu363 likes this.
  19. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Pure coincidence, Doom broadcasted recently. Palette mismatch, black, not wheat.
  20. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thread cleaned, please stay away from contemporary politics.

    Infinity is set in the far future whatever contemporary politics you may think are probably invalid and void 175 years in the future the same way 1846 politics are mostly irrelevant and invalid at the present day, yes some may argue they still have some effect ectr, it is beyond the point, Infinity is a fictional universe set in the future and ahs its own in universe politics.
    RolandTHTG and A Mão Esquerda like this.
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