Invincible Army Had Better Be In May...

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by AdmiralJCJF, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    You mean after PanO gets its FOURTH sectorial and everybody else (main factions) gets its third we will maybe be allowed to have our second. Lucky me supposedly playing the second power of the Sphere.
  2. Yvain

    Yvain Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Plot advance is fine (I actually think the JSA split is a good idea), having potentially hundreds of dollars of minis be just worthless is not.

    This is still missing the boat on what the main issue actually is though. It is failure of communication going on. It is evident when you say "some people like Bostria's comments". The dude said some stuff that was poking fun at people upset at the changes. Why is that acceptable? The other warcor on here is complaining that someone suggested spitting in a CB reps face (which is unacceptable); yet a CB rep literately said he was drinking the YJ tears. This is a phrase that is equivalent "laughing in someones face". Why do you think that is a comment to "like"?

    This is the disconnect. What is happening now is important because it is feedback into a potentially negative action by the company. What CB is telling me right now, is they are trying to sell more models above all else. They don't care about veteran players. Money grabs are the way to go. And when the time comes for complaints they will enlist the warcor brigade to counter market for them.

    This isn't a company I would want to support.

    CB could quite easily be saying something along the lines of "we are moving the story and making some big changes to flesh out the factions, the move forward with YJ is X, the move with JSA is Y, you can using your outdated models for Z, but some might not be viable except as a proxy"

    Some players will still not like it, but people on the whole like me would be like at least they are thinking about keeping the veterans around.

    It doesn't matter if he was joking or meant it fully with all the spite. It is all how people take it and some people including me look at it as a slap in the face. The follow on language is bad too, he said just spend more money on a different faction. I mean maybe those won't disappear as well who the hell really knows.
  3. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The other side of the coin. Well, once the coin has been released.

    The other side of the coin is that Yu Jing is getting two of the largest sectorials. We're looking at two sectorials that have roughly 50% more choices and options than any other sectorial (except Tohaa and JSA)
  4. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yes. ISS is already roughly 50% larger already in terms of options than most sectorials and we've been told they are getting slightly more this year.
    Let's just hope it's a bit more interesting than CSU or Ashcroft Hunting Party (which makes sense, but has low impact on sectorial performance)
    AdmiralJCJF and Aldo like this.
  6. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Wu-ming haris would make sense since Ikari company is getting it, maybe with zhanying.

    Though, with all the hints about how those traitor will be stomped into the ground with extreme prejudice, if some invincible army units were to join the ISS roster (albeit temporarily) that would be quite interesting and make a good preview for the IA sectorial.
  7. silvertongue

    silvertongue Hacker retórico

    Dec 10, 2017
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    I just want to say that I find it extremely amusing* when Warcors tell non-Warcors that we shouldn't take a miniature game so seriously.

    The most important things have already been said. This is not a matter of how much did we use Japanese profiles in our vanilla lists; this is a matter of good will towards the company, and its rapid erosion. If they have plans, they should discuss them openly with the playerbase. Sending Warcors to do PR is not a good policy. I think that much is clear by now.

    *i.e.: slightly offensive, patronising, condescending, and about as reasonable as Bostria's comments. Which isn't that much.
  8. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Listen, man, you wanted your release week with your carefully-managed flow of information, this is the price you pay.
  9. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think changing their name to CSU's might make a lot more sense, heh.
  10. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I heard they're getting an updated logo to better reflect their new role in the new sectorial lists.

    Hecaton and Aldo like this.
  11. deep-green-x

    deep-green-x Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Care to elaborate on that?

    Your saying that threats of physical violence against a well known community figure are justified just because your not getting information on your terms?

    Your also saying that making the Infinity community out to be a bunch of entitled children who’s patience is non existent is completely justified because you didn’t get the information on your terms?

    What are you saying because whatever the hell it is it’s not exactly doing you any favours.
  12. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I already stated that I wasn't ok with "threats of violence," although threatening to spit on someone isn't exactly the same thing (though also not necessary). So that statement's not accurate to what I've been saying.

    I'm saying that by staying mum on some of these topics, CB and BoW have left the players to assume the worst... and they've been mostly right. If you don't clarify a situation, and someone pulls an interpretation out that is relevant to the information you're concealing, you can get salty, of course, but not righteously angry. That's on you. And if you think that people are "entitled" for being upset at having parts of their collection invalidated... then you've got a very warped view of reality, one that sees the customer base as suckers/plebs who have to take what you guys decide, no matter how bad it fucks with their enjoyment of the hobby, and like it.

    "Sit down, shut up, be advertised to, and don't you dare react with criticism, because that's not knowing your place" is a pretty disrespectful way to treat people, in general. I don't know why you expect people to act like they're loving it.
  13. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I think you should learn to interact with people, man
  14. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    The above is not someone threatening to go spit on Bostria. The above is an illustration of a right and wrong way to use being cryptic in marketing terms alongside the hyperbolic reaction one may expect from the fan base when doing so.

    No one threatened physical violence. I'll assume English is a second language as the reason for the misunderstanding, but it is probably best to not come in all fire and fury when misinterpreting what a poster might be saying. If you think someone has threatened physical violence then you probably shouldn't be playing Corvus Belli Defence Force and should use that handy-dandy "report" button and let a mod sort it out.

    In any case...

    CB have blundered on the communication front (again), and this constant goalpost shifting on the part of their (unpaid) defence force is starting to get tiresome.

    If CB weren't expecting any kind of backlash from this decision and didn't have any strategy in place to placate their fan base in advance, then they're hopelessly naive and out of touch.

    There are myriad better ways this could have been handled and over half way through the week we still have no evidence of any kind of fix when it likely should have been top priority before trying to build hype for a new force.

    Waiting until all is said and done will do nothing but leave blunted or even non-existent enthusiasm in a great many fans who may have otherwise been on board with the change (and even been willing to give you money). The handling alone has soured some people off of the whole thing, and that's just bad PR no matter how you slice it.
  15. silvertongue

    silvertongue Hacker retórico

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Again, "threats of physical violence"? Right. We are the ones that are overreacting.

    Seriously, @deep-green-x , just stop. You're making it worse.
    Dragonstriker, Pierzasty and Aldo like this.
  16. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I, for one, am dreading explaining to a newer player at my store who plays vanilla Yu Jing and doesn't hang out on these forums that his army isn't legal anymore. His attendance at our game nights has kinda dropped off, but with this, I kinda doubt he'll come back.
    xagroth, Triumph, AdmiralJCJF and 3 others like this.
  17. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Its been less than 3 weeks of teasing... I don't see how telling you the same information they have so far, but 2.5 weeks ago would change anything.

    At this point, most of you are just clutching for extra reasons to be upset. Again, not one of you has tried to rewrite your feelings to start with I/my/me. Its always "people", "yu jing players".

    Yes, SOME of your models have a different use. Yes, for SOME people that will be frustrating. Nothing would change that other than CB literally not doing anything.

    Because none of your criticism amount sot anything productive other than "don't do that thing because I, personally, don't like it" with a bunch of adding justifications to try make it sound like you're not just thinking about yourself, that you somehow have the wider community in mind.
  18. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I do. Instead of spending three weeks angry about not knowing, and then three more angry about what we're told, we would have been four weeks angry about the truth.

    That's 30% less anger.

    Hell, add something about how they aren't entirely pissing in my mouth could have reduced that to 3 weeks angry. That's 50% less anger.
    Barrogh and silvertongue like this.
  19. silvertongue

    silvertongue Hacker retórico

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Check the comment just above yours, pal.

    Also, a community is made of individuals. Upset enough of them, and you upset the community. We are not "clutching for extra reasons to be upset"; we have not been given even a token of good will from the company. Just a somewhat elaborate version of "lol, sucks being you". I realise that for some of you it can get tiresome to come in here and read so many angry posts; I am also fully aware that some YJ players are perfectly fine with the changes AND the handling and PR. Some of us are not. We will wait and see what happens, but in the meantime it doesn't look good. If it looks good to you, then great, good for you. I would like to kindly direct your attention, however, at your last paragraph and how it could be perfectly applied to you.
    xagroth, Shiwen, AdmiralJCJF and 3 others like this.
  20. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I don't believe at any stage I've attempted to claim I represent any other group or concept. I can write statements that center around the fact that I personally think the way many of the posters are going about complaining are easily misinterpreted as being entitled or petulant because trying to claim wider representation of your own feelings looks like trying overblow ones' importance.

    I could definitely be more constructive myself in giving feedback on how your attempts to level criticism needs work, but you definitely can't claim that I'm not following my own advice.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
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