External army balance issues in N4

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Zewrath, Jun 2, 2021.

  1. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    After a lot of games of N4, I'm sad to say that I think the state of the game is actually terrible when compared to even the latest stages of N3 and the "old tales" of N2.

    Primarily this is about external balancing issues and matchups of different armies/list archetypes.

    Now let me preface this by saying this is looking (mostly) from a competitive/tournament POV and not from a local gaming perspective, as your meta is not only more narrow but you're also able to tailor/compensate your army for the matchup and the mission you agreed beforehand, which kind of creates a blindspot to the issue that I'm adressing.

    To boil the issue down in a very reductive manner:

    The game has very few armies that have either;
    • A high-powered laser-cutting scissor
    • A nano-tech HE-rock
    • A thermo-optic camouflaged strangling paper
    The rest of the armies are stuck with a papier-mâché knife and no means to combat any of the above, without either dice going in their favor, having a niche counter list to a specific army and list (both at the same time) or other unreliable factors.

    Expanding a bit from the above statement:
    Take a Tohaa list for example; you can make a bullshit list that's extremely forgiving and able to give your opponent a terrible time when playing against you, but that same list will almost always crumble against a typical CA Avatar-list because the entire list (and the Avatar) is almost insurmountable for the Tohaa player.
    However, an average Nomads list will present an existential for said CA Avatar-list but conversely an optimised vanilla Ariadna list will absolutely demolish a normal Nomads list, as Ariadna is not only capable of expertly and order efficiently exploit Nomads Lt. weaknesses but also circumvent almost everything Nomads can bring of tools via hacking, repeaters, guided, koalas etc.

    Within this paradigm of a circular firing squad of armed predators who counters other counters, there are the bottom feeders (to put it bluntly) who cannot compete with ANY of above-mentioned archetypes.
    These includes the usual suspects of USARF and ISS but the scope of this group is actually much larger than people know or care to admit because this list also includes, but not limited to, following armies:
    • Every single NA2 with almost no exception.
    • Starmada
    • Every single Aleph sectorial
    • MAF and Onyx
    • Qapu Khalqi and Ramah
    • Bakunin
    • Most of Ariadna's sectorials, except for narrow builds in certain sectorials
    • Every single YJ sectorial and the Vanilla have a narrow scope of optimal match-ups and missions
    • Almost everything PanO, they can't join the camo game, the hacking game, shenanigans and their identity of superior firepower and tech, have been eclipsed for long as well as the fact that the common Fusilier Lt. is now a liability
    You might look at this list with disbelief and even mockingly, but it's important to understand that this isn't about local gaming or even the TTS-tournaments who have mistakenly allowed players to submit a seperate list for each mission 24 hours before they play, this is about how narrow the group of power armies and lists are i a tournament setting, because this entire rock/paper/scissor match-up the upper tier armies/lists produce HEAVILY skewed tournament results due to factors of match-making.
    And I categorise the above armies as "papier-mâché"-armies, not because they are actually harmless, but because they are either unable to combat things like hacking/pheroware, guided, avatar, Bear pod , omega-threat alpha strike pieces, or only able to mimic those same playstyles but only to a poor degree, or attempt to have their own unique niche that really doesn't fit the current game (like Military Orders used to be, but I have no idea how they play now

    It used to be, that for a tournament of 5 missions, you chose an army and build 2 lists and before you build those you would ask yourself, 'do I make 2 lists that can complete all 5 mission and switch them depending on match-ups, or do I make 2 lists that are mission specific but can handle most match-ups'.
    This is where perfecting your lists crafting was such a "artform", like Marduck who spent almost an entire year meticulously, almost autistically, crafting two MO lists via playtesting, which he brought to Interplanetario (and won), switching the list depending on match-ups.

    Now however, there are so many non-interactive hardcounters that it's basically impossible to design an all-comer list, so you now craft 2 lists, were A is your typical strong list and B is the list you've made were you have asked yourself the question 'what's the worst I can meet?' and basically build your list around that, hoping you can mitigate your weakness without crippling you, while simultaneously hoping you can comple objectives along the way.
    This means a person who wins a tournament can actually be a person who is lucky that he used a nano-tech HE-rock, and was only paired with papier-mâché knifes and the occasional high-powered laser-cutting scissor, who just so happened to beat the thermo-optic camouflaged strangling paper which he would otherwise have lost to.

    You might think 'but that also happened in N3!' and the answer to that is yes but no.
    The key factor here is the reason HOW a winner could be lucky in N3 tournaments and the main answers to those were things like:
    • Facing a worse opponent because the better opponent who would otherwise have been paired with you on the final table got a tie
    • A terrible table that doesn't facilitate your army, perhaps along with losing deployment as well
    • Lucky/unlucky dice

    All of the above factors are still in play when it comes to N4 but very rarely (almost never) did match-up come in to play and even if it did, it was not to this extent.
    For example, a terrible ISS match-up in N3 would be Caledonia as that army is filled to the brim with chain-rifles and shotguns at every corner, which was terrible for an army that relied heavily on Dakini's, Rui Shi's and LI but it was NOT insurmountable by any means, despite being a difficult match-up.
    This is simply not true for N4.

    The latest example I can think of (anecdotal, I know), looking at a very good Shasvastii player, making a very lethal list and then the player just bumps into a full camo ariadna list containing a Bear Pod and a Strelok Antipode.
    Not only was the Shasvastii-player almost entirely unable to interact with the opponents lists, and not only could the opponent very quickly reveal the Shasvastii camo markers but the Shasvastii-player had no actual tools to deal with the Bear pod and you couldn't even use the counter-argument of 'well, he should have just made a list to deal with such threaths' because it actually almost doesn't exist in that army.
    He had basically 2 options: either use a TR-Plasma REM (not a bad choice) or shell out just shy of 40 points for Dukash (in a very expensive army), so he can hope to get inside the rangebands of his viral pistol.
    I can't think of a single match-up I've had in N3 that were this one-sided in match-ups.

    The above example also segues nice into another issue I have with N4, that only further exacerbates the issues above, which is the amount and availability of non-interactive mechanics in this game.

    I'll keep this short, because everyone is aware of these at this point, and almost all of the top tier armies are guilty of 1 or more of these mechanics, but to shortly summarize the mechanics are things like:
    • Excessive Spotlight ARO's
    • Guided (partly an extention of above)
    • Tohaa Pheroware that can literally delete people realiably through a ZoC with zero risks
    • Oblivion AVA (the issue is not the program as such, the issue is it's on every single normal HD)
    • Pitcher/Repeater-Sniping (an extension of the issue with Oblivion, but some armies can isolate hackable Lt's with an alarming ease and with zero risk)

    • Unstoppable targets, which doesn't have anything to do with what I call the 'Jotumn-fallacy', in which people falsely claim that if you don't have something to 'deal with a Jotumn' then you have a 'wrong' list, when in reality, what is often referred to is often high BS units, with high mobility, high visual mods and sometimes (like the Vostok) even being given immunities to what's suppose to deal with them, or generally totally immunity units, where a staggering few armies have very limited options to deal with such units, which gives the receiving player the feeling of almost wanting to ask with a boring expression, 'so what model do you want me to remove next?'

    Every single subject I talked about in this post is, to put it bluntly, TOXIC to this game.
    Let me be very clear, when I write 'toxic to this game', I'm not actually referring to balance issues of the army (which you might infer, reading from the title), I'm reffering to a very non-quantifiable subject which is the feeling of the game.
    As the game is now, you are essentially taking turns in having an awful time and I'm now encountering more and more people who will say things like:
    The 'toxic for the game' comment encapsulates not only a growing negative aspect that's increasingly shared by many players but also a large contributor of a declining or stiffling the growth player base as this brings another barrier to newer players, which isn't merely the learning curve of the rules but now also the struggle how to beat something but must importantly, you have robbed them of Infinity's entire sales pitch of 'It's always your turn!, because that phrase was actually the massive selling point compared to other games were you would be a passive onlooker, while your opponent removed 30-50 of your models without any involvement from your part.
    To use non-scientific wording; you have messed with the soul of this game.

    This post have been a long time comming for me, and for long I decided not to post anything regarding this matter but 2 events happened the last couple of days that made me want to voice my opinion:
    1. Watching my 2 long-time friends playing Infinity, which concluded with 1 of them saying, 'I don't know what to do against a unit like that... They give me the feeling of not wanting to play the game anymore.' with sincere conviction (a player who've ALWAYS been used to a power gaming meta)

    2. Suddenly Youtube pops me a notification from @Vaulsc announcing that he want to do an Infinity Meme League where he reviews each lists before pairing people, to ensure that there's no massive disparity between the lists to make sure that each player is having fun.
    I want you to sit down and process that last part for a minute.
    Now, Vaul can do what ever he likes with this tournament/event and I'm not here to comment about wheter or not it's right/wrong.
    My focus here is that I can't imagine this idea materialised out of the ether, while having random shower thoughts.
    Vaul knows that there's an actual demand for this kind of format, and having had a lot of private conversations myself, with participants from the TTS leagues he have been holding, I know for a fact that this is a frustrating factor amongst a lot of players, (the disparities between match-ups and feelings of not having fun).

    The demands for list-vetted tournaments to encourage 'fun' and my own local player group starting to make gentleman's agreements for what not to bring is EXACTLY the reason why I left 40k as a game.
    I have NEVER had this issue in N3 and I voice my concern in this post because I do not want the hobby game that I love the most to be destroyed, nor do I want the playerbase to shrink so I cannot enjoy the fantastic and passionate players you meet at tournaments.

    So finally, what is this thread? Is it just another stereotype of the "negative" and "doom & gloom" thread that comes from "the forums"?
    Well, partly yes but I would say mostly no.
    The good thing is, that 90% of my issues with this game sits in both the PDF-file for the link teams and in Army-app.
    The ACTUAL GAME is good, it's not perfect but it's much better than before and holds a lot of potential.
    Everything else can be entirely rectified digitally, by reworking a lot of the profiles and armies of this game, while reconsidering their identities in the N4 format and limits of 15 models.
    Imagine N4 rules being a very solid and great looking house, but the house is almost entirely uninhabitable due to every single window is broken, so only a few rooms are useable because they are well isolated and contain no windows. I'm not asking you to tear the house down and re-build it, I'm asking you to repair the windows, so I can enjoy the living in the solid that's already there.

    PS: Sorry for the long ass post, here's a video of cats being cute
    #1 Zewrath, Jun 2, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2021
    Seryozha, iyaerP, eciu and 36 others like this.
  2. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I very much agree with everything in the OP. I'm very worried about the direction to balance that the game has taken and I know I'm not the only one feeling this.
    There seems to be an unwillingness to nerf stuff that needs nerfing or to make adjustments to make specific units viable which is crippling list variety and makes any lists that seem to be breaking the norms of what was playtested to either fall behind hard or to get ahead.
  3. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I totally agree.

    Some things I've been saying for years (removal of interaction: guided -while not an issue in N3- and Speculative fire, or not being able to recover units from some stuff - YJ currently has 1 engineer that is not a HI-, for example), others are somewhat new, but of little surprise, and some... well, let's just say that several conversations in the Spanish Telegram channel were speculations about the drugs taken by those who greenlighted things like "4 orders Avatar", or "2 wounds Total Inmunity backdoor durok".

    I personally am disgusted by the removal of the -2 orders to the starting player for single group lists, and the "group and a half troop limit" to either reduce playing time, or complexity... when you can see 23 orders CA lists, or a Bakunin Chimera Spam (12 models counting as 3, which is mostly the obvious wtf, since there are Antipode Control Units or more "limited" 1-2 synchro troops).

    Finally, I think something goes wrong when all the lists you make keep most of the stuff you have been using for years, but suddenly you feel the need to add a Total Reaction bot... regardless of faction (and by that I mean I play any faction but Ariadna and PanOceanía... not out of hate or something like that, I simply can't reach more factions paint/playing-wise).
    #3 xagroth, Jun 2, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2021
    nazroth and emperorsaistone like this.
  4. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I cant agree with some of the examples (I think Tohaa can f up avatar real good because e/m mines impersonator and makauls are still legal; TAK guy who is afraid of HI links should discover tankhunter ML in the builder; phalanx, bakunin and MO are far from bottom-feeders) but the gist of OP is right, the game got way less interactive (while still being a dumb DM-less RPG casino half of the time).

    eh I think it was that way in N3 and it is that way in any wargame - there are competitive lists and fun/casual lists. Running overcharged 20+ order ariadna or kamau sniper on novice players was not very fun, just as effortlessly tabling people with andromeda and the bear is now. Maybe the development of the game in the described direction will slowly strangle competitive play and lead people into casual/fun direction (narrative play in Infinity is very rudimentary unfortunately).

    CB dont like to do balance adjustments (and when they do, they never publicly explain) and the community at large is allergic to the words "nerf" or "buff" unfortunately
    #4 fatherboxx, Jun 2, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
    DaRedOne and Zewrath like this.
  5. LaughinGod

    LaughinGod Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I mostly agree with OP.
    There is what, 43 armies in the game ( vanilla + sectorials ) ? And N4 book list something like 40 people in playtesting/proofreading department. So under 1 per army if we count every one of them as playtesters. And those people live in 3-4 different countries, so it is easily possible that some factions weren't even represented in certain playtesting metas. Not to mention the quality of some of the playtesters. Plus COVID happened in the meantime. So why is anyone surprised that balance in horrible ?
    I said when N4 released this is not a finished product, core rules were ready for release and nothing else. Now, because of COVID I personally could give a pass to CB for releasing the game in such a poor state. But enough time has passed since the release, and CB does nothing to address many balance issues that arose in the meantime. And they have zero excuse for that, I mean every balance change is click away literally and they can do playtesting in house for at least some of the things and find fixes. But nothing.
    CB's approach to balancing is fundamentally flawed so we will never have good balance in this game IMO, but at the moment things are exceptionally bad, as in taking the joy out of playing the game.
    WiT?, nazroth, Barrogh and 2 others like this.
  6. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Fair enough, I will admit that perhaps I'm speaking inside a bubble and this particular subject is something I'm more sensitive to due to my past experience with another wargame.
    WiT? likes this.
  7. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think the bubble comment is a fair one, both to our own experiences, and CB balancing the game.

    Even with TTS there's a lot fewer games being played until very recently. Even fewer being entered into ITS for consideration. I think as the US is starting to open up for larger events like Salt Lake Showdown and Rose City Raid, and hopefully Gen Con, LVO, and Adepticon next year we'll get a bigger picture as bubbles mix and data starts to get uploaded via tournament results. Hopefully Europe isn't too far behind and sees the competence scenes in the various countries start to mix and compare again.

    That said, I wouldn't cry if I saw Pitchers and/or Spotlight taken down a few pegs!
    YueFei23, Hecaton, Savnock and 3 others like this.
  8. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    They are actualy two since Betrayal. Jeong the Chief Mech Engineer. A bit pricey but nicely equipped.
    xagroth and Zewrath like this.
  9. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    The bubble was reffering to the need of having a vetted meta didn't exist in N3, which was my experience.

    The OP is pretty much self evident in many cases.
  10. WillJoeBeck

    WillJoeBeck Member

    Sep 10, 2019
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    I feel conflicted about this post.

    On one hand I feel like Infinity is growing more non-interactive to the detriment of the game.

    But a lot of the things you mention were already in the game in N3.
    For example, I started playing TAK in N3 as my first army and I was told in my local scene that my camo heavy lists were not fun to play against. So much so that I don't even really want to play TAK anymore. And that was before N4 even began.

    N3 had strong armies as well. The ones who could order spam and stay effective were far stronger than the rest. Especially ones that could employ hordes of cheap/powerful smoke throwing warbands.

    Having someone throw oblivion smoke at you then run around butchering your army in close combat with 20+ orders was never fun or interactive for the person on the receiving end.
  11. Surmelk

    Surmelk Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    Interesting read. Not shure if i agree with it all.

    Could the balance been even better ? Shure yes.
    Is the balance good enough for pushing around toy soldiers and have fun ? Yes IMO, but people may view it otherwise.

    What are you basing the conclusion on ? Subjective opinions ? There seems to be little raw data out there yet for N4. I quite enjoy N4 more than N3. Was there less OP models and rock/scissor/paper in N3 ? Im unshure.

    Your Vaul argument I dont follow. Every game systems sometimes run a wonky GT for fun. Vaul startet 2 leagues at the same time. The meme league has 8 players, Vaul himself included. The normal competitive league has 45 players.

    In a complex and huge minature game like Infinity with so many models, the hard core competitive players will always push the balance. Doesnt mean that the balance is not good enough. Could always be better shure. But i only see small problems, not huge problems. I think people raise the bar too high.
  12. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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  13. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I agree for the most part.

    Not only the balance of the game feels off but also the inner balance of some factions, specially the most affected ones by the 15 troop cap. Many troops just don't make sense anymore. And there are some lazy attempts to just transform those factions with more elite troops but with no proper synergy or faction theme behind.
    For example they are trying to make usarf work in a play style it was never designed for but without properly redesigning the faction. And even if they succeed usarf will become too similar to the other factions of the game.
    If all the armies must have all the 15 slots full to make a properly playable list we will end up playing the same faction but with different colors.

    The possibility to reduce orders to limited insertion lists is necessary because of the new rules for extra orders. But it's hurting list diversity a lot.

    N4 is a good ruleset for the most part. But the faction design and balance is just unfinished and rushed. There are just too many factions and profiles to balance and they are clearly prioritizing the factions that have new products on the line.

    N3 had a lot of issues specially during the second half. But it was more fun than N4 in its current state.

    P. D. People who complain about camo lists should try to play a sensor at least once before complaining. Camo lists are very difficult to handle for new players but once you properly learn how to play against them they become just another part of the game with many ways to deal with them.
    iyaerP, ETEA, WiT? and 6 others like this.
  14. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    My thoughts on the balance:

    I feel that excessive wildcards to push link bonuses is heavily affecting the viability of multitudes of units. I think that Corvus Belli has evolved the design philosophy several times but hasn't taken old models along with it. Sectorials that labor under oppressive design philosophy have serious issues unless they're given absolute batshit buffs (wildcard karhu). I think that the RPG elements (burnt state) of N3 helped keep balance and that now that they're gone the game is shallower for it and requires more direct counters. Pricing for units seems to have been an extreme issue with obvious cheaters (evaders, asawira) that again wildcards use to push other units out. Same old pricing issues of cheap weapons and overcosting/undercharging for various rules still persists and is complicated by other pricing issues. Overall, the game has slid backwards a bit towards rocket tag style play and this was largely helped by forcing down model counts which reduces resiliency. The game should have been capped at 2 combat groups, not this weird 15 order limit. I also believe that limited insertion should be immune to order stripping as it really hurts its overall viability.

    That all said, the game is still quite playable and still highly engaging, but there are aspects which could stand to be built back up or sanded down for the overall health of the game.
    ETEA, DamnDaemon, Methuselah and 11 others like this.
  15. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    This post nails the little niggling feeling I've had about N4 to date. I think its solid but a few things just aren't sitting right, and unfortunately can sometimes lead to very negative play experiences.

    I think the lack of data out there due to limited play experience doesn't help, but I suspect while it might solve some things, I think there are just a few too many meta defining units and strategies that will stick around that aren't the most fun.

    Overall I agree that the core rules are solid and many of the issues sit with army profile balance and fireteams. Personally I think fireteams are up there in terms of priority for a re-work. The fireteam core rules haven't changed for far too long, and simply aren't suited for how fireteams are built in N4 (bunch of cheap dudes to give 1-2 elite models all the buffs).

    Please CB, engage with the community on incremental balance changes.
    eciu, ETEA, DamnDaemon and 10 others like this.
  16. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    I agree that there is more powerful things being done in the game, but a lot of the uninteractive things are also very order intensive.

    Spotlight / Guided is very order intensive and doesn't advance your board position for most of the orders.

    Pheroware are very low risk, but they're worst odds than shooting with a combi.

    Oblivion is good, but isolation is way overated, a lot of people act as if an isolated trooper is the same as dead, but there are many ways you can mitigate those effects in your play.

    These things don't inherently win the game, they're powerful, but they take a great amount of ressources from your opponent.

    - - - - -

    As for the armies listed, I'd have to hard disagree on many of the factions listed.

    - - - - -

    I've seen a trend recently (and it might just be anecdotal), but a lot of the list building decisions I see barely ever mentions match-ups in their considerations. It seems like a lot of people are just trying to play their cookie-cutter all comers list and facing new powerful things and then being mad at new mechanics rather than find ways to mitigate them.

    Your comments example are pretty much text-book examples of that.

    People mindlessly repeat "build your list for the mission, build your list for the mission", but that doesn't just mean "put FO when the mission gives FO bonus, take D-Charges when the mission needs D-Charges", it goes much beyond that and building 2 lists to swap for matchups while keeping the 2 list able to do the mission is a much stronger option imo.

    I agree that archetypes are forming up (Like you mentionned with the rock-paper-scisor example), but you can adjust most lists to edge versus those matchups. Very little people are willing to put subpar profiles in their list because of the echo chambers online crying how the profiles are bad. But a niche profile that is bad in a vaccuum can be extremely good in a meta that tends to look more rock-paper-scisor.
  17. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    This is something of a tangent but I'm increasingly of the opinion that any extent to which the issues mentioned in the OP apply are significantly worsened by the TTS tourney environment that most people have been playing with over the life of N4 to date.

    As much as TTS has been an incredible lifeline during the pandemic, I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that the standard TTS competitive event format (which is structured as a necessary concession to the nature of online logistics) is unhealthy for game balance and dynamism.

    To break it down in terms of iteration cycles (i.e. the process of developing, testing and then incorporating or discarding a new idea into your playing style):

    Normal infinity iteration cycle: spend a month and a half at weekly LGS game nights mucking around with different lists and trying new things. Then, at the conclusion of that approximately six week average period between events, take the best or most interesting of the ideas generated and tested into my lists to a one-day event. If it turns out I took a dumb thing (intentionally or accidentally), well - it's just one day of games.

    TTS tourney infinity cycle: spend one or two weeks trying to figure out the optimal list for an event that's going to take five weeks, then lock it in for those five weeks with no capacity to iterate until the next tourney cycle. Want to play an off-meta list? Not in TTS events you don't, the stakes are too high: bring on-meta reliable content or risk five weeks of torture.
    To put it another way, the risks associated with experimenting in your local community are extremely low and the benefits are generally high, assuming you have a reasonably dynamic local crowd. In contrast, the risk of experimenting in a TTS event is extremely high.

    Couple this with how large online communities tend toward homogeneity in any case and remove the counterbalancing influence of dynamic/diverse local groups with different strength players trying different things, and you have a massive shift toward the illusion of a solved game state.

    Again, I'd like to emphasise that TTS has been an incredible lifeline and that the various tourney organisers behind events like the Remote Access League and so on have done a huge amount of work keeping the game alive during an incredibly challenging time. They are, unequivocally, absolute fucking legends. But there are significant constraints that the platform has to account for when used for competitive organised play that I think we're seeing the long-term impacts of in threads like these.
  18. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    I wonder...in N3, crits were kind of a universal leveler that was available to anything with a gun. On the one hand, crit fishing and the autowound mechanic in general devalued ARM, but on the other it meant that even if you didn't bring the optimal toolkit to deal with a troublesome enemy model, you still had a semi-decent option that came with every armed model in your list. Now you have to bring AP weapons to have good odds of taking out tougher targets, and even a soft target has a chance of making the saves and shrugging off a crit with some luck. On that basis alone, N4 is somewhat heavier on gear checks than N3.

    A lot of complaints seem to me to boil down to objecting to gear checks, because when you don't have the necessary gear then you just don't have access to decent counterplay options. The more specialized the counterplay gear is, the more people are going to object to seeing it come up as a gear check. Widely available counterplay gear will cut down on those complaints, but you can expect more griping about factions being too samey.

    The tenor of those complaints about gear checks goes up when the consequences of failing the check go up. The things that are top offenders seem, from a design standpoint, to sit in the zone that combines "annoyingly niche, impossible, or list-warpingly expensive gear check" and "if you fail the gear check badly then just give up now." Pitcher + GML taking out your LT turn 1? If you didn't bring a camo LT, you're probably having a bad day. Bearpode wandering through smoke and you don't have any viral or breaker weapons with MSV? Yikes. Cue forum complaints.

    I suspect that what people actually want from the game is to have faction identity and faction strengths but without making the game too dependent on matchups/gear checks, which is...well, really hard. One faction's cool new toy is potentially every other faction's annoying new gear check, and if that gear check is so hard to pass that new units have to be published to do it, bammo, powercreep.

    There's a level of design tension between the goal of avoiding too much of a gear check or rock-paper-scissors game and the goal of having variety across the factions to preserve faction identity. On one end of the spectrum, there's the sentiment that every faction/sectorial should be able to bring tools that give at least some capacity to handle other factions' strengths. On the other, there's the idea that factions should have strengths that are intrinsically harder to counter, which implies that other factions aren't getting the tools to deal with them easily.
  19. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    I've played 2-3 games per week throughout N4. Which feels like a lot! But I don't feel anywhere near ready to judge whether some factions are unbalanced.

    Is Duroc too good? I don't know! He was scary in the two or three games I've ever faced him, but I haven't had enough practice countering him to be able to say how hard it is.

    Bearpode? I think I saw one once. It cleaned up after Duroc had already mangled me.

    Avatar? Only seen it once. Dealt with it pretty easily, but one data point is hardly definitive.

    Guided + ML? Lost to it a couple of times, won with it a couple of times. Saw it sit on the table and do nothing, for me or for my opponent, more times.

    All this to say, some of you guys must be playing an incredible number of games to be able to form such firm opinions on N4. I'm kind of envious.
  20. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    About same - and about same. I have a few opinions I'm reasonably confident in ('Pretty much all ARM8+ TAGs are probably good', 'one of haqq's strengths is its ability to trade expendable models for tempo and attritional advantage', etc) but then have had people who've data delved into league results tell me otherwise, which contradicts my personal experience and as such is frankly fascinating.
    YueFei23, Cthulhu363, Savnock and 6 others like this.
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