So the active model has either a camo or impersonation skill. The active model is not in LoF if any reactive model. The reactive player has a model within a distance that would allow them to dodge into silhouette contact. Active model tries to recamo which would break stealth if he had it. Reactive player declares dodge, attempting to enter into silhouette contact. And then succeeds on his dodge -3 normal roll. What happens of the active trooper is now in camo and in btb? Is the active trooper now locked in engaged state? Is the active trooper revealed? Does this answer change from being camo to being impersonation? The last time this was answered, I thought it was answered that they are engaged but the active trooper is still in the camo/impersonation state and has no change between the 2 states. This problem came up twice in our flg recently. Enjoy! Not officially answered, but the OP in that thread concluded that there was an overwhelming preference for a particular answer - perhaps you'll also be convinced :-)
Ty for this! And, I am seeing the answer to be preferenced at you can dodge into a model recamoing and then the recamo model loses the camo state due to one of the cancelation clauses. This is the same result if an impersonation is trying to recamo as well.
In the topic you proposed, it seems to me that one detail is missing. Which, it seems to me, can radically change the conclusions. Dodge rules says: "If both players have Troopers that successfully Dodged, the Active Player will move their Troopers first, then the Reactive Player will move theirs." This can also be interpreted as: " In a disputable situation of resolving the Effects(6.1) phase, the active player has priority."
Addressed in the original thread. I suggest posting any replies there, as no one will want to post in two threads simultaneously.