Boarding Action Tournament - unofficial alternative Infinity tournament system

Discussion in 'Events & Tournaments' started by KedzioR_vo, May 30, 2021.

  1. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I've been organizing Infinity events for about 10 years now and with many tournaments each year our group decided to do some variations, different playstyles et cetera. So we play games from 150pts to 450 pts, sometimes with our own scenarios. And from all of those ideas I think the one most different from normal Infinity is 150 pts Boarding Action games - a small, bloody battles, that are very liked in our community. That's why I want to share them with you - especially, that we're going to play first tournament of that type in N4 on June 12th.



    Battles last 90 minutes or 3 rounds, if one of the players starts his turn in Retreat!, then the game continues until the end of the next player's turn.

    Armylists for 150pkt, 3SWC. 2 armylists are allowed, player chooses the one to use after knowing the scenario and the enemy, but before the initiative roll.

    Because the battles take place in narrow corregidors you can only use units with S1 and S2 silhouettes (we also allow motorcycle riders, but without motorcycles).
    It's forbidden to use units which have to use Combat Jump to be deployed (Netrods etc).

    The games are played on printed, mostly 2D battlefields which are 90cm x 90cm in dimensions, so about 35 x 35 inches. That's why we also use smaller deployment zones - 5,5 inches for the player having initiative and 9 inches for the player choosing the side of the battlefield.



    We add some small, scatter terrain on the boards to give some partial cover for units.

    In all scenarios most of the doors start as closed.
    The doors in deployment zones can be open or closed - the deploying player has to decide.
    You can open normal doors with Short Skill in Base to Base contact.
    They can be destroyed - they have ARM 6 STR 1. They have to be hit with Anti-Materiel ammo.
    Doors to Command Center (the room in the center of the board, with lighter color), are closed and locked - a unit that wants to open them have to pass a Short Skill WIP test. Engineers and Hackers got a WIP +3 test in base to base, the rest of specialist have normal WiP tests, and plain soldiers also can try, but on WiP -3 (and Eng/Doc using Servant or Hacker through Repeater - also WiP -3).
    Those doors have ARM 8 STR 2.
    In Close Combat doors are being hit automatically (units with CC over 20 can try to get a critical), while shooting doors give additional +3 mod to hit.
    Walls are ARM 8 STR 3 and also can be destroyed, just like doors. After a piece of wall is destroyed it creates a Narrow Gate.
    Walls to the Command Center are ARM 10 STR 3.

    In each mission players count Objective Points and Victory Points.
    From the differences of OP there are the Tournament Points.
    Difference of 0 OP - a tie 2:2 TP
    Difference of 1-3 OP - small victory/defeat 3:1 TP
    Difference of 4 and more OP - big victory/defeat 4:0 TP.

    Ranking of players in the tournament will be determined through:
    1. Sum of Tournament Points
    2. Sum of Objective Points
    3. Sum of Victory Points
    4. Sum of Objective Points aquired by opponents.

    If two players have equal score in Tournament Points and player against each other, the outcome of that game decides on their position in the ranking.

    In first game the the opponents are paired randomly. From the second game it goes with Swiss system (1st place against 2nd, 3rd against 4th et cetera).
    In the case of uneven number of players the player that was randomly put into bye in first round or is the last in the ranking in 2nd and 3rd round gets the average points aquired by the players in that mission.

    We usually randomly pick 3 scenarios from those 4:

    1. Conquer the Command Center - the goal of this scenario is to take command of the central room on the map

    1OP for having more units in the Center, 2OP for having double the units in the Center (the points do not stack).
    1 OP for more army points in the Center, 2OP for double the cost of units in the Center (the points do not stack).
    Additionall 1OP for having at least 2 units in the Center and 1OP for clearing this room of any enemy units at the end of the game.

    So player can get 6 OP for the scenario mission and additonal 1OP for destroying more than 75 VP of enemy army and 1OP for destroying more enemy VP, than the enemy destroyed.

    2. Take over the data - before the initiative roll put 4 S0 markers on the centre line of the board in even distances (every 18 cm) - those markers are symbols of dead scientists. For each of those symbols make a scatter test - take the large round template with 1 facing the center of the board and roll D20 and D6 - the first is the direction, the second is the distance in inches. Those markers can't land on walls - if it happens, simply put them in the nearest room. Each of the scientists have a Data with them, that has to be extracted. To achieve that a unit has to make a PH test - Short Skill in contact with the marker. Doctors and Engineers can try to search the bodies using Servants, but with PH-3 mod for the servant.
    Specialists - Lieutenant, Engineer, Hacker, FO, CoC, Doctor, Paramedic, Specialist Operative - can re-roll once each of the PH tests.

    One scientist has only 1 Data Pack. If a unit that got the Data Pack is destroyed, the Data can be extracted from him the same way. There's no limit in how many Data Packs one unit can have, but for each you have to make different PH roll. Units can give Data Packs to friendly units - Short Skill in Base to Base.

    There's 1OP for each Data Pack that player's units have at the end of the scenario. Anoter 1OP for not letting the enemy to have any Data Packs at the end of the game. Another 1OP for having at least 2 Data Packs.

    So player can get 6 OP for the scenario mission and additonal 1OP for destroying more than 75 VP of enemy army and 1OP for destroying more enemy VP, than the enemy destroyed.

    3. Training Mission - bloodbath with some sense - killing enemies with different units.

    For wounding an enemy with 1 unit - 1 OP
    To have 2 models that wounded enemies - 2 OP
    Having 3 models that wounded enemies - 3 OP
    4 models that wounded enemies - 4 OP (those OP don't stack)
    Additionaly for having more "killers" than the enemy has - 1 OP
    For twice the many "killers" - 2 OP (don't stack with the earlier)
    For destroying 75VP or more - 1 OP
    Forr destroying more VP, than enemy did - 1 OP.

    Finishing off Unconscious enemies doesn't count as wounding.
    But points are for every wound against active enemy (not in a Null state), even when two units in ARO wounds the same enemy unit. When Unconscious enemy gets healed the point for wounding is still there.

    4. Raid on Generators - On the center line of the battlefield players put two S3 silhouettes representing Generators - one in the Command Center Room and one in the middle of the wide corridor.
    The goal of this scenario is to calibrate those generators for our army.
    Calibration is a Short Skill in Base to Base, normal WIP test.
    Engineers and Hackers have an additional +3 modificator for WiP on that roll, other Specialists (Lieutenant, Specialist Operative, Forward Observer, Chain of Command, Doctor, Paramedic) roll on unmodified WIP, normal units have to pass a WiP-3 roll. Servants of Doctor and Engineer can try to calibrate the generators with a WiP -3 roll.
    Generators once calibrated by enemy can be calibrated by the second player.
    There are 2 OP for each calibrated Generator at the end of the game.
    Additional 1OP is for having more calibrated Generator at the end of each round and 1OP if the enemy didn't calibrate any Generator at all through the game.
    (For example players A and B have a close fight over one Generator X - player A caibrated it in 1st turn, player B didn't have any calibrated Generators until 3rd round, when B got this Generator X for himself. So player A gets 1OP for having more calibrated Generators for more turns, but player B gets 2OP for having calibrated Generator at the end of the game).
    So player can get 6 OP for the scenario mission and additonal 1OP for destroying more than 75 VP of enemy army and 1OP for destroying more enemy VP, than the enemy destroyed.

    Additional rules for the Boarding Action games:

    Combat Jumpers etc. - they can only enter the board through the side edges and only to the half of the board. For them we treat walls on the sides as something they can pass through.
    Units that HAVE to use Combat Jump to deploy cannot be used.

    Infiltration - gives +3 inches for deployment. Additional option is deploying between the deployment zone and the half of the board, but they have to pass a PH-3 roll.

    There's no possibility to deploy in the Command Center or put there mines, coalas et cetera.

    Impersonation - those units get +3 inches to deployment zone. Additionaly they can try to deploy to the center od the board but have to pass a WiP roll.

    Deployable Weapons - they cannot be deployed on a place that their owner doesn't have a clear path to. For example od a Minelayer is in a corridor, his mine can't be deployed in a closed room beside this corridor.

    Crazykoalas - they activate as normal, but only when they can really reach their target in a single 10 inches mmove

    Forward Deployment - Level 1 gives +1 inch od deployment, Level 2 gives +2 inches


    And that's all :)


    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  2. Mogra

    Mogra Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    @KedzioR_vo Thanks for sharing and translating.

    Nuada Airgetlam likes this.
  3. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Thanks for sharing! This is definitely something I'd be Keen to try
  4. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I forgot to write this in the main post: if someone's interested I have big files with those boards in color and will gladly share them via e-mail [​IMG]

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    xagroth, Pierzasty and Willen like this.
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