Do you need to fail your BTS roll against a hit from a phero-booster to enter the targeted state, or does the targeted state apply automatically?
Why would to apply an effect of an attack without first failing the Saving roll? Forward Observer and Spotlight tell you explicitly that you apply it without first failing a BTS roll - this is shown in their profile by the [***]. Also, the have the Non Lethal trait which states "Non-Lethal This weapon, piece of Equipment or Hacking Program loads an ammunition type that doesn’t cause the target to lose points of its Wounds/STR Attribute, or doesn’t require the target to make a Saving Roll when hit." Since Pheroboosters don't have either of these but do have Normal Ammunition and "State: Targeted". State says "This weapon or piece of Equipment causes its target to enter a specific Game State. The Game State it causes will be indicated in the profile of the weapon, Program, or piece of Equipment." We know from Monofilament Weapons that State: X only applies after failing a Saving roll. FO is weird and tells you to do weird things described in its specific rule. Whereas Pheroboosters function just like regular guns that have lots of traits applied to them. Tl;dr Yes, the target needs to fail the BTS save to become Targeted.
I Hope they release a new rules annex soon with the new rules for all the pherotactics and pherobuster and the new fireteam rules. Its funny the pherobuster: you fail the saving role and get 1 wound and then became targeted. Pherobuster ignore cover but not firewall. Its such an extrange weapon as it is now. Cheers
It's easy to confuse since it's like a phero version of Spotlight, which doesn't allow a save. If it's successful you are targeted. The only thing you can do, is a Reset.
It was that way in N3. Spoiler: N3 Rules Pheromonic Pheromonic Special Ammunition From Infinity Wiki (Redirected from Pheromonic) Jump to: navigation, search N3 Wiki > Main Sections > Weaponry and Equipment > Weaponry > Pheromonic Special Ammunition Human Sphere N3 Content. This a type of lethal ammunition based on modified pheromones that not only cause damage to the target but also marks them. Category Exotic. Roll After a successful attack using Pheromonic Special Ammunition, the target must make a BTS Roll. Effects Each BTS Roll failed against Pheromonic Special Ammunition causes the target to lose one point from his Wounds/STR Attribute. Moreover, the target enters directly into the Targeted state, whether he succeed at the BTS Roll or not, placing a Targeted Marker on his side. The effective use of this ammunition is considered a successful Forward Observer Attack in regards to accomplishing Objectives in missions or scenarios. Critical hits with Pheromonic Special Ammunition cause the target to lose 1 point directly from his Wounds/STR Attribute, bypassing the usual BTS Roll. Moreover, the target directly enters into the Targeted state. The pheromonic ammunition is a type of advanced biological ammunition characteristic of the Tohaa arms industry. This race has a long tradition developing military applications of its pheromonic technology. Retrieved from "" Categories: Weaponry Human Sphere N3 If you were hit with the Phero Booster back then, you got the targeted state. Successfull armor roll or not. But i dont know how it is now. Never used it since N4. If it ignores cover but not firewall i should start using it again. Thought it was pretty badly nerved because it cant no longer profit from Triads. Thanks for the tip.
Spotlight is Non-lethal. No damage. Phero-Booster has Normal ammo vs. BTS. One of the things that makes Spotlight+Guided so powerful. It can be done as an ARO and the enemy needs to choose to do Reset or something else. It's not necessarily about the guided but making them make choices about if they care about being Targeted or not. It doesn't matter if you have ARM10 or BTS9. If the Hacker makes their roll, the enemy is Targeted. At least against PB you can do a Reset and if that doesn't work you get a BTS save. Both Spotlight and PB are modified by Tinbot: Firewall though since they are comms attacks.
As technical weapon It does not benefit from fireteam bonuses and you could use WIP instead BS. As comm-attack ignores cover, can be avoided by reset but not Dodge. Its pretty weird weapon. You see the enemy, if he Dodge you shoot the phero-booster, if he reset you can use the SMG.
Yes, Spotlight applies the Targeted state without a save. It says so in the Spotlight rule. But you asserted that Pherobooster also applies the Targeted state without a save. That's the assertion that needs a citation (or an explanation for how you arrived at the conclusion.)
Yeah my point is that it's not a Phero version of FO. It's a Phero version of an Ojotnik, but Technical, and a Comms Attack and which also causes the Targeted state in addition to Wounds AND can only be used vs a target with Wounds AND which has 2 firing modes. But basically, at its absolute base level, it's a gun.
I don't know! RAW would appear to be that it does, i.e. if you pass the BTS save, you neither take a wound nor become Targeted. Rereading your other post, I'm no longer sure whether you meant "pherobooster is like spotlight and therefore applies Targeted without a roll," or "pherobooster is confusing because although it is like spotlight, spotlight applies Targeted without a roll." So, depending on which you meant, maybe no citation needed after all :-)
Yes the BTS save does work vs the effects of the weapon. That's not what you appeared to say earlier. You appeared to say that it worked like Spotlight - queensgambit was asking you to justify that answer.
Except that having the Comms Attack label seems to mean that it can't be Dodged and isn't affected by partial cover. Which is weird! I hadn't realized that until people pointed it out upthread. So it's a gun, which does normal damage (as well as applying Targeted), but you avoid it by resetting rather than dodging, and it ignores cover, which makes it rather ungunlike I guess. Forward Observer is actually more like a gun since it doesn't have the Comms Attack label, so dodging and cover work normally.
Got it. Yes I mean that it's like Spotlight, in that it's within the ZoC and don't need see them and must make a roll to do it. It's also Comms/Technical weapon as well. The difference being you can dodge the PB, and can save against it.
The pherotactics cannot be Dodged either, they all are comm attacks, so Dodge does not work, reset does. Cheers
But because this is infinity you will nearly always declare Dodge against Comms attacks to move 2” away from the attacker and then (if possible) 2” more to get out of ZoC by autofailing Guts roll.