Cause YuJing is garbage

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by wuji, Apr 15, 2021.

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  1. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    Aesthetics, idea and Fluss of IS is great definitely and they where really strong in N3. But a lot of changes in N4 hurt IS quite hard.
    For instance the 15 trooper cap, the changes to greandelauncher rangebands and the limitation of 4 kaing shi per control device. IS has some strange restrictions in fireteams for example the pheasant, the bao, the hsien that are outdated.
    And that's what is meant with tweaking. A little change in fireteamcomposition another reliable source of smoke and slight buffs in the anti armor sector with some ap weapons in some of the heavy hitters as well as some tweaking in point values and you are done.
    There where a lot of cool and very creative constructive ideas in other threads like kuang shi as peripherals and so on.

    And yeah sun zu is a mess don't touch his bloated carcass.
  2. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nah, it's not obvious.

    Your first thread made you look like a rando who doesn't play yu jing (which you are) but thinks he has all the solutions (and they're all terible).

    This thread makes you sound like an asshole.

    So just another wuji thread.
    Benkei, Henshini, Cthulhu363 and 4 others like this.
  3. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    I’m trying to be polite instead of telling you to get fucked. I think I’m being more than fair to you and you respond that I’m immature.
    This is a bait thread and should be locked. @wuji ought to be sanctioned for persisting with it after repeated warnings from @psychoticstorm, in my opinion.
    #43 Dragonstriker, Apr 16, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
  4. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Skipping to the end to point out the mental disconnect you seem to be having by asking me to show you something right after directly trying to insult me, and you act like my behavior is wrong. That's a laugh
  5. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Wuji, you’re being an asshole. Stop being an asshole.
  6. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    No it's obvious quite a few people here are guilty of the things they accuse me of including you and it's not cause I insulted any of you but because you dont like my opinions about the game. You've been insulting a man over a game. Good on ya, that's a Bravo Zulu if I ever saw one!
  7. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I've actually addressed you directly and repeatedly about telling me strait up if I ever say something insulting about someone, and actually that should be applied to everyone, you should be calling people out by name if they're actively attacking someone or trying to get a thread shutdown because it expresses opinions contrary to their own. Those two behaviors are the worst things here, always have been and always will be untill you guys get a lid on it. Dont attack people and dont belligerently cause mayhem cause you disagree with an opinion and time and time again you and whoever else who handles the forums let it happen. That's how the forums got so toxic and that's how so many people who play infinity dont voice their opinions and how CB cant use their own forum reliably to get a pulse on what the real majority of players want. Look at these guys, they literally do everything theyve falsely accused me of. This is garbage behavior that is allowed cause no body gets called out by name and cause so many have the ability to blindly be hypocrites I'm certain there's multiple people here who have some low grade narcissism or something like that. I get that wargaming is a niche community and often enough attracts certain kinds of minds but if they arent called out directly by name for when they are attacking someone or stirring up trouble to kill an idea then they arent gonna stop. The sick thing is this is a common politicized tactic that we see every day nowadays.

    Hopefully you guys make some serious changes that way the merits of ideas can be tested against many minds instead of the virulent few making it virtually impossible for others to discuss openly on here. I may not play YuJing but enough people either liked my comments or positively responded in the threads I made here to let me know that it ain't me. Since it ain't me that means if the forms were more hospitable CB would have way more data to pull from.

    I'd say a good frame to build from for criteria in how people should discuss things here is that quote by Eleanor Roosevelt -

    "Great minds discuss ideas;
    Average minds discuss events;
    Small minds discuss people."

    It's a universal truism and charging the people of this forum to discuss ideas and events and refrain from the discussing people ensures a healthy forum. I have no problem admitting my mentioning of a group of people complaining about YuJing borders discussing people, but it still is an event based topic. I.e. people have complained about YuJing needing a rework etc etc which can lead to a discussion of ideas but discussing people by name, implication or direct address is burying the lead in that small minded discussion field.

    I believe I've been as clear as anyone can possibly be about all this so now I amd everyone else have to leave the ball in your hands. The forums can remain toxic and marginally productive or they can be something of a positive use. The choice is yours.
  8. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Quick note, but that quote isn't from Eleanor Roosevelt:

    And just because something is a quote, doesn't make it true.

    Regardless, this thread should've been locked long ago. Wuji, if you wanted to discuss ways to make ISS better, or to find out why people play Yu Jing in general, there are a thousand good ways you could have gone about it. Starting the thread with "Yu Jing is Garbage" and then telling people that "They missed what you were saying" when they tell you it isn't? That isn't a good way to do it chief.
  9. ldgif

    ldgif Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I really hope the next time you make this thread you at least start with some good faith. It is impressive how you don’t see how this could have all been avoided. You come in hot in the two threads and seems to confront people who don’t believe the same things you do.

    I recommend taking a break from here, and maybe play a few games as YJ, then come back and let us know your play experiences!

    Also as far I know, CB has never really used the forum or its opinions to make adjustments to units/armies unless something is absurdly broken (Morans at start of N4).
    Dragonstriker and Savnock like this.
  10. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Is it really that farfetched that I know you're not someone I'd enjoy discussing with, and yet still think you can contribute positively to the discussion, and that I can adress both separately? Call it mental disconnect if you want, it's pretty acurate.

    On ISS, you say you like the Star Wars bounty hunter theme, yet its one that's fairly hard to show on table, there's not a lot of incentive to play Ashcroft or Sforza, and ABH see play only because the 12pts profile is bonker. I wonder if just making them all wildcards a la dashat would do the trick, or if they need something more...
    Dragonstriker and the huanglong like this.
  11. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Did you just assume my Native American heritage?!

    That's what I would sound like if I was politicizing as you and other have been. So quick to try and catch me on something you missed the point again. Like regardlessnofnthe thread title, I clearly explain what I want out of the thread in my two comments before anyone else comments and I quickly sum up a fair amount of peoples complaints right out the gate and again I didnt attack anyone so what's going on is this sick case of mistaken identity where everyone who sees a single thing wrong or said bad about YuJing and and they instantly perceive it's a threat against their own personal existence and everyone loses their minds.

    Look at the pack of you, "this thread should have been shut down a long time ago" = "dear mr. Psychoricstorm would you please censor this guy, he's not attacking me or threatening me but the way think about infinity threatens my reality". So please keep on making these forums more toxic. You're doing CB, everyone else and yourself wonders.
  12. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    You know one of the quickest ways to get someone to stop reading your comment, is when you say something, anything, that isnt true. I came in hot one thread not two and that one thread wasnt directed at anyone so if you were offended by the examples of bad yujing players that's a person perspective, but that's precisely my point, the first thread was just some ideas to make tuning more interesting from my perspective and I never said anything otherwise, if your perspective chose to get offended by someone else's opening comment on a completely unbiased thread over a difference of what would be of interest to the other party, then I have no control over how you feel and I have no responsibility in your feelings either because no effort on my part was made in any effect toward you. If you do not understand that I am not the antagonizing party in all this it would be better if you took some time to reassess your role in this instead of hyporcritically blaming me. It is not anyone purpose in life to cater to the op im opinions or interests of anyone else. The fact so many of you behave otherwise is a reflection of the current state of the world and that is more sad
  13. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    You literally just described masochism.

    And again, you're insulting me and then trying to have a conversation. We're not bros, you didnt work up some comradery with me where there is a masculine sportsmanship of ribbing and one-upmanship, because so many people got offended by just opinions about a game and not actually about them I doubt anyone here participates in such friendships.

    You wanna talk to me, leave the trash talking at home till you've established a friendship unless you're the type who hangs out in bars trying to pick fights to make friends. I dont think you're that rare bird and this ain't a bar.

    And yeah I just figured out you're talking to me in both thread, goddamn man... also a decent conversation, will you even see my point in the other thread or see what was lost, that's just fucked. Seems like you're really a part the crowd.
    #53 wuji, Apr 16, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
  14. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    That was my first post in this thread. Please point to where I attempted to politicize anything. It is also quite dubious to claim “Mistaken Identity” when the forums clearly show the author of each post.

    And I don’t care what your opinions on Yu Jing are. I don’t play the faction; I don’t have a horse in this race. I take no issue in your arguments; I take issue with the way in which you present them. The way in which you bait people with inflammatory language and then pull the victim card when they inevitably become exasperated.

    You keep bringing up the fact that the forums are toxic and that everyone seems to be a jerk out to get you. Since you seem fond of quotes, I humbly suggest this one:

    “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” - Raylan Givens

    Food for thought.
  15. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Man, at least when I made a thread crapping on a (sub-)faction I was being genuine.
  16. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Koni Just delete this thread, since PS will not.
  17. Borlois

    Borlois Yu Jing Imperial Service Agent

    Jan 4, 2018
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    @wuji Yu Jing have good troops, and have his own weakness. Garbage? I dont think so. Yu Jing have good combos and nice solutions for every problem. Perhaps there is some needs like a Tag for ISS, the Jingwei Mobile Enformen Division looks like a nice solution, or some buff for the Dao Fei, but I dont think it means allthe YJ faciton is garbage. If you have some intentions to make us angry I think you are wrong.

    "Soldiers! Cityzens! everyone who have Yu Jing in their hearts!
    The path of our nation is not made with our armies! neither with our weapons!
    Our path is made of our will!
    Fight with proud, sons of Yu Jing!
    Because you fight for our people!
    You fight fou their future!
    Alone we are Strong!!
    "Our enemies don't fear our weapons. Don't fear our power armours. Don't fear our fleets. They fear our will to defend our people, our will to fight for our homes!!! We are the shield and the sword of Yu Jing!!!! For the Empire State!! For Yu Jing!!!"
    "We dont need honor. We dont need merci! Our goal is defend the State Empire, at any cost! Our enemy will not have any merci, any rest! They will kill you you at any cost! Terrorist, mafias, mercenaries! They will kill you with no merci! Without honor! So we will hunt them! We will judge them! We are the Imperial Service of Yu Jing! We are will stain our flag with our blood and the blood of our enemies! So when they see you with disrespect,rise your eyes! You are the claws and the fangs of the Empire State! We are the Imperial Service!"
    #57 Borlois, Apr 17, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2021
  18. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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  19. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    This thread seems very reasonable if I'm logged in, as it just seems to be a list of angry non-blocked people reminding me why I've blocked the regular cast of negative, trolling forum muppets.

    Unfortunately, the login for this forum expires in minutes, so every time I come back I see all the blocked suspects before I remember to login again and prune their existence from my life. @Koni if nothing else comes out of this (largely hidden from me) dumpster fire, please could we get a "remember me" checkbox so we don't have to login so often?
    nazroth likes this.
  20. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    If you read all I've said then you know I dont think YuJing is garbage, I'm just not interested in most of YuJing... I wanted people to say good shit but I'm not about to cater to the psychosis of so many. But I'm done with the thread so think what you want.
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