What happened to Kasym?!

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Arkangel, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. Arkangel

    Arkangel Bringer of Justice, Avatar of Retribution

    May 16, 2018
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    I forgot all about those. From the dark days before 3D printing.

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  2. Arkangel

    Arkangel Bringer of Justice, Avatar of Retribution

    May 16, 2018
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    I have to agree. I just got Kasym about a month ago and then last week found the twins. Go to put them into my army through Army Builder and...[emoji54][emoji31]

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  3. Arkangel

    Arkangel Bringer of Justice, Avatar of Retribution

    May 16, 2018
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    It’s like what they did to the Tohaa. Not like you could find their minis, but it crippled a whole Army for now.

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  4. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Indeed, that was a pain, especially for me. But that’s another story. Not about this discussion.
    This topic is about where Kasym and others like him.

    Lest start from the things, that makes me nervous.
    - Some characters, that were missed due too history and as miniatures. (I am not sure to buy hero characters now, cause I don’t want “you-can-proxy-with-it” in future.)
    - Some sectorials that was brutally discontinued or even factions. (Situation with JSA was complicated. But at least interesting)
    - Some words, that not in one way with the acts. (I don’t like, when we’ve heard one, and then it’s “tohaa year”)
    People say, that one day discontinued things would return, but

    But here is the things that makes me trust in future.
    + CB becomes more systematic and told us, that they have a plan “three sectorials for a faction”. I hope, they could be trusted in this words. They saw also negative moments from the past and would not repeat them. (But my hopes are a little fragile yet. Ah, Kasym... I didn’t want you, but you are the reason, I am worried about. I hope, my Shona would be ok where she is now. And Patsy. I like Patsy Garnett.)

    + Some of discontinued units would return in Kosmoflot. It is NOT returning of sectorials, but at least something. Interesting move. My morale grows. Also it was a promise, that my beloved Steel Phalanx just need models to be renewed. Thank you! I am sure, they would keep that promise. We already saw beautiful renewed Shaolin Monk.

    So, as for me, there are more hopes now. Still some bad experience from the past, but I hope, it would be over.
    Kasym, I hope, you were last victim on CB’s way to the better future. I hope, we would not loose heroes anymore.

    And N4 is a grate edition :)
  5. Sigeric

    Sigeric Irregular WB

    Oct 5, 2020
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    I would be pissed if I had bought the mini, painted it, liked the character and then he got killed. Specially if the death is sudden, anticlimactic, and after a relatively short lifespan (game rules wise). But hey, at least you can use him as proxy.

    Still, it's good that characters are mortal and that some people don't stay around forever. Look at Batman, for instance: he's debuted in 1939 and died a bunch of times, but a truckload of reboots later and the guy's a millenial, still young and still kicking.
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  6. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Kasym existed for the entirety of N3, so around 5 years. Not sure what the metric for lifespan length is here.
    Willen likes this.
  7. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    True (Bats is one of DC characters I like. It is really few of them.)

    I just hope, there would be no more stories like Ko Dali. She was a part of a plan. Ok, I see, sepsitor is scary.
  8. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I think that for that to pay off, at some point we need an actual concrete answer as to what happened to her. Even the latest comic on the subject didn’t really provide many definitive answers.
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  9. Arkangel

    Arkangel Bringer of Justice, Avatar of Retribution

    May 16, 2018
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    Well for me I found Kasym at my FLGS that’s the only store in the area that carries Infinity. Having only him didn’t fit well with my strategy and so many new things came out (Steel Phalanx, JSA, Kossick Ariadna, Tohaa Spiral, Combined Army Shasvaasti, and O-12). Then I do some checking and find some Kum Bikers online. Now I’ve got a good core force of bikers... and the leader is dead [emoji3517]

    Then I sometimes like to have fun with my Armies so I would proxy my Fat Yuan-Yuans as Yuan-Yuans. But THEN came Christmas and they put these behemoths on bikes, but now I have to use them as proxies because even though they’re featured in N4, there’s no bloody stats!

    Story-wise until the Daedalus Gate can be opened, the Tohaa are locked out, but does that mean the lost units will reappear as part of the Spiral Corps, or have they been cut?

    I guess we’ll see...

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  10. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hmm, from what I recall, Shasvasti were "on hold" for the best part of N3, as were FRRM. Though some Shas units made it back by the means of Onyx.
    Of course, whether that counts as "discontinued" is up to interpretation.

    I do own Kasym, I never had a chance to field him (I don't play vanilla). Still, he'll do fine as a generic Kum Biker should I ever need one (eg. should I decide to play Dahshat). Same if I decided to buy Izzat Beg (who was the Kum chieftain in the "silly monobike" era of 1ed and 2ed. I know a store that still has him avaialble, and at a discount price. I mean, if I ever needed him... Fluff-wise, he was murdered by Kasym Beg at the instigation of the Nazarova twins, just before N3 happened).

    Honestly, with characters, it is irritating, but most of the time you can use them as generic members of a given unit. Old McMurrough (with both human and Dog Warrior form - from before the Human Sphere even that stuck him permanetly win the werewolf state) makes for a Dogwarrior set.

    You want a real gem?
    Old Azra'il. Back in the 2ed days, they were (talking in N4 terms) Arm 3, S2, Core Fireteam-capable troops (you could fill the link up with Hafzas), 3 loadouts available: AP Rifle & Panzerfaust, Feuerbach and Spitfire (of which first two had models, really skinny even by diminuitive N2 Human Sphere standards).
    I had a quintet of them bought, assembled, painted (inc. a Spitfire conversion). Then the N3 dropped, and made the models suddenly useless: the new Azra'il were non-Fireteam, S5 superheavies. Nothing I could proxy them as, since no Heavy Infantry I had access to used Panzerfausts or Feuerbachs.

    Can't say I wasn't furious at CB.

    The five Azra'il spent a few years solely in my display cabinet.
    Then, I wanted to start a StarCo army. And really didn't liked the idea of buying the Riot Grrl models - I have assembled both old and new ones for a local player, and knew how fiddly they were. Then, I did the math, and... the old Azra'il seemed to fit the purpose. A spitfire, two rifles (heck, count-as combis..) and panzerfausts (can do as Blitzens, a launcher is a launcher)... I bought another old Azra'il (from the same place I could get the Izzat Beg), did some creative cutting & glueing, and ended up with a rather unique six figure set of Riot Boyz for my StarCo. I do have pictures to prove it, if anyone needs a proof ;)

    Is it the perfect solution? No, it isn't. But it works.
    Perhaps it could work for you as well? :)
  11. Arkangel

    Arkangel Bringer of Justice, Avatar of Retribution

    May 16, 2018
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    I like it. Glad you were able to get use from them besides “window dressing”.

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