Well, for having played N4 MO since its release until recently, what I found annoying was that you can't say you don't have the tools to overcome your weaknesses, it's just that they cost a lot. You have to take the Montesa Tik to be able to deal with any high-end TAG (Avatar, Cutter or Jotum) and most of the dominating long range ARO troop. Then, you need hacking defense, so you pay for a Santiago KHD with Tinbot. Then, you need a lieutenant. To clean the midfield from all those repeaters YJ and Nomads are going to put there at the deployment, you need Dart as the Trinitaries will most likely die to the BSG template the Guilang or the Moran will put down. All those cost a lot and are more or less mandatory. With the loss of stealth on the Magisters and the fact that any HD can now isolate them have put MO in a corner where you have to take the solutions to any of those big stops and this has tightened listbuilding a lot. There are good amount of interesting troops inside MO, even now, but you don't have much room for them. As for Joan, I think that just letting her join any Hospitaller FT would be enough. Her being wildcard would mean that she would become the only lieutenant of the sectorial (because she would be better than any other option), and I'm not sure that's something we really wish. I'm also wandering if the Knight commander will be a real HI or more like a heavy MI or a HI like the Haidao.
I'd be fine with Joan Wildcard. It's actually thematic and due to her cost she is not necessary an auto include. She doesn't have some of the tech you might want to have from other hypothetical LT choices, or actual ones like the E/M and 360 visor of the Santiago.
As for what I want to see judging from we see now: Making the Infirmarer properly costed, around 20 points or giving the unit something useful and not just melee bloat. Sepulchre being a specialised long range gun platform, around 60 points. Something alongside +1B or having really high armour, to be able to push through ARO and Tags in a reasonable amount of orders. Knight Commander having Lt2 and CoC options, around 25 points. Crosiers being a Bolt/Vargar like mid range utility unit that's not replacing Magisters, but giving an alternative way to play. Order Sargents being properly costed. 11 points, that's it. Wildcard Blac Friars. That would give MO a balanced and reasonable ARO option in the HRL and MSR. Nothing fancy, just solid backline link for defense. Some NCO options, for those extra orders. With these MO could have a number of different builds, centred around HI or MI or quality mid range priced pieces. This would as far as I can tell make MO quite fun to play without entering power creep zone.
I can see the case against giving wildcard to the black friar, but in my opinion that MSR profile needs to be linkable somewhere. Ideally this would be in one of the lighter links (OS or Crossiers). Along with that, I’d like to see the new HRL with some solid link options too. Been also wondering if maybe this new knight commander will be absorbing the current KotHS profiles (holo, forward deployment, chain of command, etc)
I was thinking the same thing! I’m guessing he’s going to be similar to Daoying/Alpha in terms of cost and offering lowish cost command skills. But hollowmask hollow projector, with high cc would be really cool to have on a unit like this. Especially if he can also be used as an alternative solo light defense/assault piece. I’m definitely excited to see what we get with KC and the others too! :D
Hmmn, Knight Commander adopting the Holomask/Holoprojector from the Sepulcher would certainly make things interesting. I mean, Chain of Command, Lt lvl 2, Counterintelligence, Strategos... heck any command skill at all plus Holo is interesting! Of course, any command skill at all in MO is interesting.
if we're getting no noticeable price drop, then I'd like to see some NCOs, tacAwares, as with current prices I think it's quite difficult to put a competitive durable 15 unit roster.
@AdmiralJCJF Thats exactly my thoughts. And if he’s relatively squishy, it’s a nice but different means of protection from camo or guard etc. and really nice for mind games. And I feel like KotHS is definitely trading in his holo games for different tricks. It’d be kinda cool if that was an option still on a cheaper unit. Although I found great use of holo projector on fd8” 2 wound spitfire. He was actually pretty awesome as a solo gunfighter.
Real or fake? A pointless +1B on the spitfire or the non existent +1b on the general profile make it somehow more credible because CB screws this up half the time.
really hope it's fake cause assuming Tikbalang remains the same... why chose this over Tik? Also ugh at that 2swc cost, what are we, in N3?
I find this to be just as good or about as good as the tik. It can't be possessed, it's not hurt by MSV, it opens up mind games, you don't need an engineer to fix it alongside the doc you are taking anyway. It's better at DZ defense due to holo, it can clear mines and defend itself in melee. It's also an excellent LT choice to make use of that extra order.
Plus if either of the +1Bs are real, and the +1DAM is, those are some nasty weapons to go HI or TAG hunting. A BS14 B5 DAM16 AP HMG coming out of Holo and with Surprise Shot? That’s mean, even at ~65 points.
It'd be quite ridiculously cheap if it had +1B on the AP HMG, I'd assume that if it is correct, it's got baseline burst on the AP HMG and +1B on the AP Spitfire only. (Obligatory note; CB has been known for fudging the points costs I know I know)
For one thing, Burst Mods don't stack so it has a choice of burst 5 AP HMG or Burst 5 AP Spitfire, for the same points cost...