Hilarious how? As psychoticstorm noted, different people have different pressure points, and the base approach for all of us should always be to not be a douche to other people.
Wondering if the Black Friar RL will be MO only... because that would be a fun piece of kit in NCA as well.
For me the 'make or break' of this sectorial is big boye Holy Sepulchre. Chonky HI has always been my biggest draw. I started MAF because of the Sogarats and Nomads because of the Kriza (Tunguska wasn't a thing back then). And that model looks tight as f***k. IF he has nice stats and is not some disappointingly specific thing like the Boyg I might dip my feet into MO. Because a fully powered suit army with big swords is all kinds of nice.
Same. I was always disappointed at PanO's lack of SHI, and I'm looking forward to seeing how KotHS will turn out.
Eh, fair. That's about the last thing I'd think to get reported here, what with all the other stuff that goes unmoderated. But you're right, apologies to anyone who didn't want to read that. I intended it only as a tongue-in-cheek descriptor of the machines.
Well, if they keep most of their statline, it will be OK. I imagine the ARM will get a bump by at least a point, if not two, since of the S5 HI, only the Kiel Saan is ARM4, with most at ARM5 and a few at ARM6. BTS will likely stay... I would imagine the Holo will go, since it's kind of useless on the S5. AP HMG, perhaps a Mk12 with a B bonus for another option? Might keep CoC on a profile, and the level of MA2. ODD, errr, Mimetism -6 to replace the Holo?
I would prefer NCO on the HMG and to keep the Holo. Sure, you wouldn't be able to hide it as another model, but the holoechos can double as mine clearers and the idea of a chonki S5 boy making shadow clones of himself is just so damn cool. I am hoping for ARM6 to make him particularly hardy. Since, you know, it's PanO and they already have ARM5 on an S2 body.
I would hope to keep the FD on at least one set of profiles as well, kind of a "we give you the biggest, baddest armor so you can establish a 'beachhead'/lead the way". Perhaps TacAware like the Shang Ji, since their (current) fluff has them as the cream of the Military Orders.
I just want to say that I wholeheartedly support both sides of this argument xD <goes away to set the popcorn in microwave> Well there was this saying about revolution and it's children ;P
The only bad thing about keeping all these orders would be the cost of the model. We want this guy to stay around 60 points to be fieldable, but if he gets too many toys he might be around 70 points.
I doubt they'd push him that high. He'll likely be around the same cost, and if the Tik (even just the Montessa version) remains in MO, even more likely.
I've been told by a bike enthusiast the model is a Montesa (a classic spanish brand for offroad bikes), with some extras (the frontal protector, the chian protector, and the luggage holders in the back). Also, the Order of Montesa was created in Spain in the XIV century XD Well, it looks like a Gecko... it would be fun if they had fitted an escape system akin to the Iguana onto the guy, so if it loses 2EST, a S2 Sepulcher knights gets out ready to roll (kudos if he shows with 2 pals, holoprojector style XD)