Are upgrade programs meant to feel like downgrades? Geist-aid to Team-pro losses a die and feels bad.... Same with others.
Mission 7 is almost incomprehensible. Do you need to kill the Charontid to be able to Hostage it? Doesn't look like it as Hostage has no such requirement. Why do you put the card next to the "Captor"? In order to take it hostage you MUST interact with it. Then it mnemonica's out the moment something is within non-LoF 4, which will be ALWAYS since there's only one spawn point that's right next to the ship. I wish I could write out all of the problems and confusions with this mission, but after over 45 minutes of trying to decipher things, we just gave up. It's /horrible/.
My read is that you capture the Charontid, the model / profile itself becomes Hostage and sticks with the Captor unable to do anything that's not Automatic BUT it also "flees" the same way an Avatar's consciousness moves to another model in Infinity when it dies. So now the Charontid has fled into another enemy model - to complete the mission we need to Capture that model - and since it doesn't have Mnemonica, it can't do the same trick when it in turn becomes Hostage and goes with the Captor.
Are players allowed to make medicine and engineering rolls, and buy more equipment, in between missions 10-13?
Thank you for your collaboration! The design team is working on the FAQ and will be released as soon as possible :)
Hello @Koni Who can I ask questions about Defiance delivery? When will shipping to Russia start? Thank.
Which Rolls are Combat Rolls? The rulebook states that Attack and Defense Rolls are Combat Rolls. I would assume, that Hacking Rolls (as long as you use them on Enemies) and BP Rolls are also considered to be Combat Rolls, but I can't find any info on that in the rulebook. Could you please clarify.
The Pit says that "The deployed Unit then applies the Replacements rule, without any cost in Reinforcement Tokens." The Replacements rule then starts with "Check if the Deployed Units have a Replacement value." E.g. in mission 3 the Unit that is deployed with the Pit is a Taigha Unit, that doesn't have a Replacement value. Does this mean at the end of the Round, if enemies of the Unit (but not all of them) have been defeated a) the missing miniatures are redeployed, even though they don't have a Replacement value, or b) the application of the Replacements rule has no effect, as the Unit doesn't have a Replacement value, or c) something else happens? We played it with option b) as we thought that to be the strict application of the rules. But then we didn't find any other Unit with the Pit Keyword, that also shows a Replacement value, so we kept wondering, if it was really meant that way.
How does Aquire Target work, if the activated enemy has an attack available that doesn't require LoS (e.g. Hacking)? If said enemy already is within Range of that attack, will they a) still try to gain LoS or b) skip this Instruction? If said enemy isn't in Range and/or LoS of any of their Attacks, will they a) always try to gain both or b) as one option try to get in Range of their Hacking Attack to a hackable Character - after all they prefer Hacking to their normal Attack?
Do the Component Recycler and Cryopreservation Container allow you to take additional Repair Kits/ Medjectors / MediKits from the Loot Cards and previously discarded Cards to store them on the the Defiance or do those Cards have to come from the team's inventory?
If you successfully rescue the engineer in mission 1. Does she stay a crew member for the rest of the game?
Do the symbols on the dice have "official" names? These are hard to pronounce for Anglophones. Not a question so spoilered. Spoiler Broken clock that he is, Hecaton is correct this time. Ask the question in this thread. No answers and no chit-chat to avoid clutter. Rules discussions go to other threads. proposed FAQ answers. The question about the Sygmaa engineer has already been asked. And you Archangeleong, seriously? What are you doing answering rules questions when you have better things to do. We haven't seen any Defiance minis yet in your painting blog, ya lazy bum. Push away from the keyboard and get painting! And why you paint the Shas before the Heroes?