Nehemiah Hobby's conversion thread

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by nehemiah, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I have been sculpting on my Infinity models since around the time I started playing this game, but did not have a good repository for them, so I have decided to start this thread. These conversions span from 2016 to the present.

    The most ambitious of my early conversions was to make a decoy for my Nikoul to fool counter snipers. I first sculped a large artichoke, and then sculpted a copy of the Nikoul's mask onto it. The tires on the base were made using a press mold and feature heavily in my basing for my Tohaa and later my JSA.
    Nikoul 01.jpg Nikoul 02.jpg Nikoul 03.jpg Nikoul 04.jpg
  2. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I wanted to give Le Muet a different look so I trimmed his beard thing and gave him a hat.
    Le Muete 01.jpg

    When I began my Tohaa, I wanted to focus on a few themes to give me an idea on how to paint them, and develop a table to put them on. The theme I went with was part Dune, part District 9, and part Idiocracy (this part is mainly in bottles of Brawndo, and adds for it on my terrain). I wanted to give them some coverage for the sun that I imagined would be beating down on the trash filled desert slum, so I gave my Sakiel some ponchos, and my Kameil hoods.
    Sakail Ponchos.jpg

    Kamail Cowls.jpg

    I began playing shortly before the release of HSN3, and when it came out I immediately wanted to run Sukiul, so I converted one from a Fraacta. When they later came out with the official model, this became my Taqeul proxy.
    Taquel 01.jpg Taquel 02.jpg Taquel 03.jpg

    I liked running Krakots in my Tohaa list, (the more aliens the merrier), but the transition from the pectoral to the arm on the general release looked a little odd to me, so I tried to fix that up, and I decided to give him some goggles.
    Krakot SMG 01.jpg Krakot SMG 02.jpg
    sarf, Harlekin, Pierzasty and 14 others like this.
  3. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    My new Taqeul needed a SybioBug. I loosely based this conversion off of an Ohmu, and the help of a friend I was able to cast this in resin so I did not have to sculpt more than one.
    Symbio Bug 01.jpg Symbio Bug 02.jpg

    It was around this time I decided to do something really ambitious, and a bit comical, so I decided to convert an Lizard Pilot into a Gorgos pilot and have her carrying the Gorgos sized spitfire.
    Gorgos Pilot 01.jpg Gorgos Pilot 02.jpg Gorgos Pilot 03.jpg

    I do not often take on commission work, but someone reached out to me to convert a Van Zant head and a the Female Foxtrot into Snake and Quiet.
    MGS Snake 01.jpg MGS Snake 02.jpg MGS Quiet 01.jpg MGS Quiet 02.jpg
    Daaz, sarf, Harlekin and 22 others like this.
  4. coleslaw

    coleslaw Veteran

    Apr 26, 2017
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    So much great work! I'm really impressed!
    Dragonstriker and Abydog like this.
  5. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    When the first Sukeul released was the K1 combi version, I expected they may not come out with an HMG or ML for some time. I did not have any reference for what a Tohaa Missile Launcher would be, so I settled on converting the HGM.
    Sukeul HMG 01.jpg Sukeul HMG 02.jpg

    I wanted to play Ariadna Kazaks when they came out and decided to get prepped by converting some USArianda Gunts into Line Kazaks.
    Line Kazaks.jpg

    With the intro of the 2017 ITS season there was an set of hackers you could bring called Alive. I wanted to bring them, and converted them to look like Kusanagi, Batou, and the Laughing Man.
    Alive 01.jpg Alive 02.jpg

    Decided to convert up another Kerail in case I wanted to run two.
    Kerail SMG.jpg

    I did not feel like the Sukeul Missile Launcher showcased the Missile Launcher enough, so I mashed it up with the K1 version, and sculpted in the detail where it was missing or where I had to remove it to get it to fit.
    Sukeul ML 01.jpg Sukeul ML 02.jpg

    Another Le Muet, another hat.
    Le Muet MSR.jpg
    #5 nehemiah, Feb 4, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    sarf, Harlekin, Pierzasty and 15 others like this.
  6. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    The Dice Abide and I decided to enter the 2017 Adepticon team tournament with USAriadna and the units from the Kazak side of Ariadna, (this was before TAK was released), and we needed appropriate HVTs.
    HVT Putin 01.jpg HVT Putin 02.jpg HVT Trump 01.jpg HVT Trump 02.jpg

    A had a fun commission to convert Yojimbo into Yojimbo.
    Yojimbo 01.jpg Yojimbo 02.jpg Yojimbo 03.jpg

    I thought it would be fun to convert a female Morat without a mask so I used the Raicho pilot to convert up another Krakot. Krakot SMG 03.jpg Krakot SMG 04.jpg

    I wanted to run a Sakeil Light Rocket Launcher so I converted one and based the LRL off of the Missile Launcher since I did not have any reference for what a Tohaa version would look like. Sakeil LRL 01.jpg Sakeil LRL 02.jpg
    RolandTHTG, sarf, Harlekin and 15 others like this.
  7. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Another small commission to change up the Skiavoros so I swapped out the plasma gun with one from a the Q Drone, and gave it a smiley face like the Unidrons.
    Skiavoros 01.jpg Skiavoros 02.jpg

    I wanted to be able to run some of the other Ninja Profiles other than the Tac Bow, but wanted flexibility so I figured just converting one to be holding a sword would work well.
    Ninja 01.jpg

    I was not super interested in the Karakuri models, but also thought they may release new models for them, so did not want to go too overboard with conversions, so I just did some modes to the original models.
    Karakuri 01.jpg Karakuri 02.jpg Karakuri 03.jpg

    Made a small case for the Grunt SpecOps because I did not want to chop up a LE model, (even if it was just to remove a rock).
    I also made a crushed box for a friend's Avatar because he did not think the Gorgos would fit the rest of his theme. (I got to keep the Gorgos piece). Ariadna SpecOps.jpg Avatar Stomp Box.jpg
    Jumara, LeGweg, sarf and 17 others like this.
  8. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    Great work with Green stuff there. If I may ask how did you achieve these coats/ponchos for your tohaa. I am currently in the process of assembling some spiral corps instead of painting my yu jing... and plan to give most of these shady guys trenchcoats like the taagmas. Up too now I wasn't really satisfied with what I was able to achieve. Since it wouldn't stay in place or stick to my hands instead of the model. I know the stuff has to be wet to prevent that but even then it tends to stick to me more than the models. (same problem with glue but that's on another page).
    Some tips would be greatly appreciated.
    Abydog likes this.
  9. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    ok .. a lot of work .. and i must admit some of them are an up date / up grade to official designs and this is alot
  10. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    You are incredibly talented. Really, really great work. It's incredible how much those small changes improve models like the skiavoros.
  11. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Your conversions are a pleasure for my eyes.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  12. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Wow, what a big set of great conversions! Congrats :)
    I really like the idea of decoy for Nikoul, such a nice detail (and still a shame any of my armies don't have sappers so I could make such a great base...).
    As someone who also enjoys conversions I really admire how clean and smooth your work is. The sculpted elements look sharp and proffessional.
    The only thing that I think could be a bit better are those ponchos - they look kinda flat and thick. Maybe if they were more wavy they'd look more natural.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  13. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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  14. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Thanks all!

    I have a Grenzer conversion I worked on where I took a few photos of the process, and will include those when I get to that conversion and write a short description of the steps I took.

    I realized I did not have any photos of these when they were finished, so some of the detail is missing. I have them all painted up now, and I am happy with them, even though one looks a little cardboard.
  15. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Unfortunelty I cannot find the any photos of this before I started painting it, but I converted and painted up this Domavoi as prize support.


    I wanted to convert up a new Oyama and split a box of Domaru with a friend to get the parts. This left me with another Domaru boarding shotgun, so I converted it into a bit of a chunky combi rifle to use as the FO profile.

    Domaru FO.jpg

    I really liked the Tank Hunter with auto cannon profile, so I converted one out of Rosie. I named her Zoya the Destroyer.
    Tank Hunter Auto 01.jpg Tank Hunter Auto 02.jpg Tank Hunter Auto 03.jpg
    I used Nakadai's head and gave him some more appropriate hair for my Oyama conversion.
    Oyama 01.jpg Oyama 02.jpg

    I wanted my Tanko to have a little bit more of a scrapped together look for their armor, so I added some Crane Spines to the back of the Missile Launcher, and gave the Contender a Pan-O shoulder pad. I still have not decided if I will make any changes to the Blitzen Tanko.

    Tanko ML.jpg Tanko Contender.jpg

    The Ryuken-9 profiles were great, but the minis were so unique I felt they would look odd if I was running multiples, and I did not expect they would make alternates, so I decided to make a male version of the SMG profile. I thought it would be fun to have him based off of Jack Burton so I used Thrasymedes as the base model.

    Ryuken 9 SMG Male.jpg

    I started collecting Tunguska and wanted an appropriately cyberpunk HVT for them, so I converted up Max Headroom.

    Max Headroom.jpg

    A commission piece was put up as one of the raffle prizes for a tournament, and the person who won wanted a bit of a joke piece converted.

    Slav Drone.jpg
    Daaz, LeGweg, sarf and 17 others like this.
  16. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    OK, this last batch had some hilarious stuff
    nehemiah likes this.
  17. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    The Vet Kazak model came out and looked great, but I thought the ammo belt looked bit odd like the bullets were just kind of floating on it, so I banded them in. It was also around this time I started converting my Daiyokai, but I never really felt satisfied with it, until I swapped out one of its weapons, but that would be years later.

    Vet Kazak HMG.jpg

    I had a Tech Bee leftover from when I converted the Alive crew, and I had just picked up the new Warcor model and wanted her to look a bit different, so I swapped in the Tech Bee's head. This left me with a Warcor head and a Tech Bee Body. Since I was starting Tunguska, and the Clockmaker mini was pretty outdated I figure I could mash up my own.


    I really liked the Andromeda mini when it was released, and thought I could make a fun Zondnautica out of it. Once the official mini came out she became my Mary Problems. Then the official Mary Problems came out and she stayed my Mary Problems. Then the civilian pack came out, and now she is my Puppet Master. The kitty is still waiting for me to find it a home.

    Puppetmaster-Zondnaught 01.jpg Puppetmaster-Zondnaught 02.jpg

    Someone else did not like the idea of runny two identical Ryuken-9 and commissioned an alternate.

    Ryuken 9 SMG Female 01.jpg Ryuken 9 SMG Female 02.jpg

    I liked the Securitate Feurbach profile, and as it seemed like it may be some time before it was released, I converted one. I had recently watched Conan the Barbarian 2 and thought a flattop would look great. I think I made the right choice.

    Securitate Feurbach 01.jpg Securitate Feurbach 02.jpg

    For the next year's tournament I was commissioned to create a full mini by The Dice Abide. After some back and forth we landed on the idea of a Drunk Yuan Yuan.

    Drunk Yuan Yuan 01.jpg Drunk Yuan Yuan 02.jpg

    I was commissioned to make a punk rock Jaguar. I did not have much direction other than that, so this is what I came up with.

    Punk Jaguar 01.jpg Punk Jaguar 02.jpg
    sarf, Harlekin, Pierzasty and 11 others like this.
  18. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I did not expect I would use a Ryuken 9 HRL, but If I did I would probably want to use two. Since I had made the other conversion male I thought I should make this one female. Luckily I was able to find and Raiden HRL so I did not have to convert that.

    Ryuken 9 HRL Female 01.jpg Ryuken 9 HRL Female 02.jpg

    Since it was previewed I thought the Deva Spitfire's head would be much better on a Kealtar. Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of the finished green unpainted, but here is a WIP.

    Kealtar 01.jpg

    Not wanting his tournament to be outdone, and another friend commissioned me to make a mini. It took me a few days to decide what I should make, and it was around the time that Invincible Army was released, and a number of Yu Jing players were not super enthusiastic about it on its initial release, and some were still annoyed about the uprising and loosing JSA. This helped me decide to make a Carlos mini who used to be a Zhanying who had been demoted to a Kuan Shi. However he was maybe winning his way back into the Party's good graces so he was allowed to wear his coat again. I had a short turn around time on this one, so I do not feel that it is my best work, but I think it still came out pretty well.

    Carlos Kuang Shi 01.jpg Carlos Kuang Shi 02.jpg Carlos Kuang Shi 03.jpg

    I was commissioned to do some Diablo themed conversion for De Fersen and a Father Knight.

    De Fersen 01.jpg De Fersen 02.jpg De Fersen 03.jpg Father Knight 01.jpg Father Knight 02.jpg
    khepri, sarf, Harlekin and 13 others like this.
  19. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    The profile for Perseus had been out for awhile, but we were still waiting on a model when I was commissioned for this piece. The Idea was to create a bit of a hybrid of Aleph and Nomad armor. I had the sword and pack left over from the Thrasymedes I converted into the Ryuken-9. The client decided the Achilles head was too recognizable, so I modified the Mobil Brigada helmet to use instead.

    Perseus 01.jpg Perseus 02.jpg Perseus 03.jpg Perseus 04.jpg Perseus 05.jpg
  20. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    With the leftover Deva Spitfire body, and a spare Tohaa Spec Ops helmet I made a Daftari for the Tunguska.

    Daktari 01.jpg

    I had heard good things about the Heckler red fury, but all I had was the dossier art from the Puppet Bots at the time, so I did what I could with that and an Aleph boarding shotgun.

    Heckler Red Fury.jpg

    The Aleph boarding shotgun I stole from my Raoul Spector conversion.

    Raoul Spector.jpg

    Jay from Warsonal reached out for a commission of his dossier art.

    Jay from Warsenal.jpg

    I was not a big fan of the Taagma Schemer's ski goggle-style MSV2, so I decided to gave him a half mask based off of the Nikoul mask.

    Taagma MSV2 01.jpg Taagma MSV2 02.jpg

    I converted the puppet bots a little. The rabbit was changed to a red panda, and the pumpkin head was changed into a secretary bird. I just softened the pointiness of the gorilla's head. Puppet Squad.jpg

    I wanted a different pose for my O-Yoroi, and made it firing its gun. The most difficult thing about reposing manned tags is that you have to change their little arms too.

    O-Yoroi 01.jpg O-Yoroi 02.jpg
    khepri, LeGweg, sarf and 18 others like this.
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