I'd have renamed Short Movement Skill to "Minor Skill" in the edition change if it were me. I also tend to call them "Blue" skills when teaching the game, referencing the colour of the border on the books, it's less of a mouthful and much clearer E.G. You can do two blue skills or one blue and one green VS. You can do two Short Movement Skills or one Short Movement Skill and one Short Skill.
Targeted is a state. The FAQ you're thinking of is this one, with bold emphasis added: Attacks with no Damage value that do not inflict States do not cause Guts Rolls.
Oh crap, so Forward Observer does cause Guts after all? I thought I could finally stop trying to mentally justify how beaming an infrared laser at someone caused an instinctive life/death reaction. No Damage and No state is pretty darn narrow... so do all non-CC attacks cause Guts then EXCEPT smoke?
I can think of no other attack than smoke that qualifies atm. Keeping in mind that Artillery Designation which is closer to what it's called in Spanish lights all your electronic equipment and what not up for all kinds of artillery and hunter-killer fire. Being afraid of the consequences is rational, even though power cycling everything is what you need to do. So to speak.
About stealth i also have a question with the combination with berserk. Haqqislam's Nahab got Stealth and Berserk. Berserk says : Allows the user to declare Move + CC Attack as an Entire Order, with the following features: The Move can be as far as both values of his MOV Attribute added together to reach Silhouette contact with the target. Any Face to Face Roll with the target will instead be a Normal Roll. Stealth says : If the Movement of the Trooper with Stealth ends in Silhouette contact with an enemy who had no LoF against them and declares any non-Movement Short Skill, then the enemy can only declare CC Attack, Dodge, Reset, or those Skills that can be used in Engaged State. Does Stealth works with berserk, i mean the enemy cant declare balistic against the Nahab if he moves both move values + CC Attack? Berserk is described as an entire ordre so we could consider that stealth does not apply, but it is also described as Move+CCattack so it should apply.
Clear enough, thanks. And about others enemy AROs? The enemy engaged with stealth can only react with an engaged ARO. Nothing is specified for other enemies, but to me it seems logical that people around could react the same way, for example the "Ballistic Attack into a close combat" rule should be applied for Balistic attack declared as ARO because people did not detected him until he is engaged. Am i right?
If they had LoF to them then they can BS Attack at any point with LoF, Stealth doesn't work against enemies that can see you.
If they had LoF to the activated character at the beginning of the order obviously yes but also if they had no LoF at the beginning of the order?
https://infinitythewiki.com/Stealth If the user declares a Short Movement Skill or Cautious Movement within the Zone of Control of one or more enemies and stays outside their LoF, he does not grant AROs to those enemies. Emphasis mine.
My question is not if it grants ARO, yes of course it does. My point is, the guy engaged can only react as it is engaged and cant declare a ballistic attack because he is considered engaged. In a certain way, it means that the Stealth character is detected only once he is engaged. So should the "Ballistic Attack into a close combat" rule be applied to other troopers declaring BS Attack. Nothing in the rules goes this way but it seems logical to me.
The restriction on AROs only applies to the enemy being engaged by the trooper with Stealth, other enemies that have LoF to shoot the Active Trooper before it gets into silhouette contact can do so freely.
The target who becomes engaged can also shoot back, if the attacker passed through his LoF. So, you have to come up into his back arc to avoid a BS attack. The restriction re engaged AROs prevents the target from using a hacking, jammer, or pheroware ARO, but that's about it that I can see.
Oh ok i did not understood that. I thought the had i emphasis there : If the Movement of the Trooper with Stealth ends in Silhouette contact with an enemy who had no LoF against them and declares any non-Movement Short Skill, then the enemy can only declare CC Attack, Dodge, Reset, or those Skills that can be used in Engaged State. was refering to the moment at the beginning of the order, not during the order. So Stealth is clearly less powerfull than i thought. Thanks for your explanations and patience @colbrook and @QueensGambit !
Stealth's main function in N4 feels to be mainly moving around in enemy ZoC without giving them chance to turn around and reposition with Dodge. With a side effect of moving through hacking areas unmolested too.