Kerr-Nau in a core means B2 +3BS pitchers; if you're doing it right you also have the firewall Unidron linked. Go forth and eMurder / land white noise anywhere you want.
The new ITS season has Localized Decompression in several missions. This allows each player to place two blast-template-sized areas of difficult terrain (0G) and saturation zone. Sit your Noctofer MLs in there and they will be much harder to take out withe volume of dire. Your Malignos and Sphinx can also mo e right through it.
Thanks for the replies! That sounds fun. How do you generally like to kit out the rest of the link / list? I imagine it would be good to pair with a big robot or two. This just sounds nasty. One trick I have been thinking about is pairing a Legate HD+ with a Malignos Multi-sniper and put them down near each other infiltrated up a flank. White noise would let the Malignos take out any MSV and go to town.
Yes, usually it serves double duty for ARO. A default for me when list-building is: Usually with the Nexus as Lt. If you want to get really cheeky with Infowar, either/both the Nexus and FO Unidron can both be swapped for Nexus hackers (new in N4 - I think N3 was only 1 Nexus in the link). Or for more ARO oomph the FO 'dron can be a missile boi or another plasma sniper. The flavor I pick ultimately depends on the mission.