Ramah Army List - Domination

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by theomc, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    First time playing Ramah (ever), Domination vs. Tunguska (I think). Here's the list:

    Vague plan:
    Ghulams + Khawarij - Anchor one side with Kw + Smoke launcher in active turn and Panzerfaust for ARO.
    Mags moves up to anchor center (and late-game shift into whatever sector I need big points in), taking Leila (Duo) along to claim a console and then snipe/hack anyone that gets close
    Fanous - move one up each quad for repeater-net and ARO flashing
    Mukhtar+Tuareg - claim non-Leila console early on and hold it hacking and mines
    Monstrucker - run up and throw drop bears, move the Nasmat near Mag to fix her if necessary, grab a console if he lives that long

    - I designed 2nd group to be weird and prevent order stealing (no regular orders at start of game) and will probably move one or both to group 1 with command tokens pretty quick (assuming casualties)
    - I know my opponent likes camo/mimetism and snipers, so took several MSV 2 models to counter
    - I just really wanted to try Maggie out

    Any suggestions, glaring errors, etc. welcome.
    Urobros and HotFreshTofu like this.
  2. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Pulled off a win, 6-4. Buddy brought the pain with FOUR hackers (Mary Problems, Puppeteer, Zond pilot and Heckler). Most of the game was spent with me either moving Mags or him trying to hack her and take control, so she definitely dominated the game (although in the end I didn't actually do much damage with her, though HE did manage to Control her for a round and take out Leila, a fanous and half my ghulums).

    - Mags soaked up a lot of hits, and orders, so definitely was worth the points. Even with him bringing a REALLY strong hacking game to control her, I was stable to keep her on my side and controlling the board most of the game (and she managed to tank a TON of hacking attempts on the final turn to prevent him from having enough orders to take quadrants from me)
    - His zondmate was incredibly tough, chain rifling most of the fireteam (my doctor managed to bring them back earlier from Mags' friendly fire) and even damaged Mags (and she failed to damage him!), I'd hoped my Khawarij would be able to dodge-engage (he was like an inch away), but couldn't make the roll to save his life (literally)
    - The Mukhtar & Monstrucker wound up being a surprisingly good pair with the 'strucker taking two consoles while the Mukhtar fought off a flank by Raoul and took out the annoying zondmate (before dying to concentrated grenzer sniper fire)

    - I learned the hard way that I need to be in the opponent's repeater's ZoC to ARO hack, not the target of the hack (Mags) with Leila, will have to rethink that strategy next time...
  3. Hugonauts

    Hugonauts New Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    I'm a big fan of the Leila Sharif + Maghariba Guard Duo, although it's going to be a tough sell vs Tunguska.

    I find myself wary of running the +1 Command Token Ghulam because it makes the Lieutenant quite obvious. Did that end up being a problem for you?

    How was the 85-point Maghariba Guard build? I find that to be the most effective by a significant margin, largely because of the Mine Dispenser + Baggage combination.
  4. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Leila didn't get to do much, because of my ZoC fubar. She moved up with Maggie, but then fell back to hack a console. Next thing I knew a controlled Maggie steamrolled over her.

    Ghulam Lt. didn't wind up being an issue, but I think that was mostly because Maggie was such a distraction. I think I actually had 1 or 2 command tokens at the end of the game, so it wasn't really needed...

    I liked the 85pt. build for Maggie. I probably should have chucked a few more mines with her (doubling up, so if you hack one, the other goes boom!) and my attack rolls with her were disappointing (a zondmate? Really?!?) But like I said, just her presence on the board basically let me dictate the flow of the game.
    Urobros likes this.
  5. HotFreshTofu

    HotFreshTofu Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I think the list would be better without the khawarijs. Yara haddad basically does the same job for 13 points less.

    Other than that, looks pretty cool. You may not even need the ghulam core , which is the problem I have with RTF. You could run essentially the same list in vanilla and it might be better , since Maggie and mukhtar are doing most of the shooting anyway .

    anyway, just my 2 cents.
    Fenrir likes this.
  6. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    I think the list that you are playing would be better in vanilla haqqislam, you got a Core and a duo thats fine, but in vanilla you can defend better the maggy or you can ARO better, also you got the fiday that can take out 1 enemy ARO piece.

    In my opinion just vanilla can play maggy it is more profitable together, I know that in ramah you can run a core haris duo... but in vanilla you got al hawwa, daylamis, mutta, saladin that can complement better.

    I think one of the main problems in ramah is that you can play ramah better in vanilla... a little bit dissapointing
  7. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    I could see swapping out khawarij for Yara, though the higher Dam 15 on the Mk12 helped take out his TR bot (AP not much help against A 0). I did try to dodge into CC with the zondmate, but failed both times anyway, would have been sweet...

    But I think the ghulam core was very useful. It let me double-smoke to block LoS from TR bot (and then MSV2-kill it), and get multiple bonus shots off over the game. Ghulams actually did a lot of work in later game as orders became tighter (and Maggie couldn't get down a narrow corridor) and link-bonus helped with that a lot. One of the big reasons I don't play vanilla is that I like the options/bonuses that links add.
  8. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Maggy’s size is a limitation. Have you thought about using the HMG Shakush loadout?

    And, have you had a chance to try out the Namurr or Nahab? I am curious about these models on the table top. Thanks for any info.
  9. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Nahab is a beast so long as you don't overestimate it's ability to take on opponents.
  10. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Yeah, I was looking at it’s profile it’s a close combat beast and a half, with a delivery mechanic, a boarding shotgun, and a specialist.

    And, the Namurr is not the greatest, but that eMarat is a great flanking deterrent. Problem is determining to go Spitfire or Rifle.
  11. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    I bounce around between the Mukhtar, Nahab and Namurr a lot, was talking to Grotnib about it. What I/we've found:
    - the Mukhtar(s) is your hunter, with mim -3, MSV 2, Mov 6-2 and a red fury (the bestest profile of all!) he runs around taking out mid-field models
    - the Nahab is your CC beast, you take when your opponent's going to have a lot of tough/CC-oriented characters of their own
    - the Namurr is your TAG killer, with the high mov, dodge bonus, total terrain and climbing plus they can get to the big TAG and then with CC 20 and an E/M CC weapon they can take it down. And once that's done they go push buttons
    infyrana likes this.
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