IA-Guija List

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Mako, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. Mako

    Mako Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Hey Guys,

    i’ve been thinking about an invincible army sectorial list that also includes the guija. Since IA is sort of made for abusing tactical awareness as well as the LT-orders of the daoying I tried to implement those aspects.

    The basic list goes like this:


    - Daoying (LT + 1 order, BSG profile)

    Fireteam Duo:

    - Standard Guija

    - Kokram (Forward Deployment profile)

    Fireteam Core:

    - Shang Ji (Heavy Rocket Launcher, Tac Awareness)

    - Haidao (Hacker)

    - Zanshi (Paramedic)

    - Zanshi (Hacker)

    - Zanshi (Grenade Launcher)


    - Chayi Yaokong (flash pulse)

    - Liu Xing (Spitfire)

    Equals close to 300 pts, <6 SWC and 10 regular orders, 2 LT-orders, 2 tac awareness orders.

    The idea behind the list is to provide as many orders for the guija as possible while also maintaining a nice toolbox of threats for the reactive turn in the form of multiple Hackers (Haidao, Zanshi) in combination with the repeaters provided by the Remote and kokrams repeater. And you also have the fireteam with the Shang Ji and its HRL, which also serves as a nice ARO-piece. And the fireteam can of course be used in an aggressive manner should the guija go down.

    Kokram serves as a support for the guija, to repair the inevitable hacking- and combat damage and to funnel the daoyings LT-orders with his nco-ability into the fireteam and therefore into guija. The LT-orders can be used to get the guija in a good position, to repair it without taking away regular orders or to place the various deployables.

    As I am pretty new to N4 i am bound to have overlooked important aspects, I would be grateful for some feedback.
  2. LeGweg

    LeGweg Lucky dice roller

    Nov 25, 2019
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    You can do several things to improve this list :

    - playing Guijia alone: make her the lieutenant to get +1 order

    - playing Guijia in Duo: keep a NCO. I like Tai Sheng is solid, she'll give Firewall -6. Adding Kokram as you did is great, but be aware that only the FTO profiles are available in fireteam

    - remove the Liu Xing: this unit is really good, but it won't be part of your order pool until the turn after it's deployment, it's one less order for your guijia

    - be carefull in your Core Fireteam: you have a KHD (haidao) and HD (zanshi) both do not have the same hacking device and thus cannot retaliate simultaneously in ARO.

    - you miss VMS 2, it's dangerous for the Guijia as she can easily be locked by cc specialists covered by smoke. Consider adding one such as Haidao sniper.

    Good list overall, I really like it !
    Mako likes this.
  3. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That duo is illegal. Krit needs to use an FTO profile to join a fireteam.
    Mako likes this.
  4. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    LeGewg points are valid. TBH, try the list and see how it rolls.

    My own suggestion (having played IA a lot in N3 and now getting to it in N4 with a few games)?
    - Krit FD is a beast, dont need to link him. If you plan for him to be in the sector the Guija will attack, he can independently run up to him with 6in move and repair the TAG.
    - The Chief is the Eng you want to go along with a Guija, he is super solid, a repeater and has some other tools. I like the K1 profile.
    - Usual configuration of a steamroller link today is the ShanJi AP HMG plus the Haidao Sniper, but by all means try everything out. You may find some profiles adapt more to what you want to do. The ShanJi AP HMG also has a (-6) tinbot for your hackers.

    Example, LeGewg comment about not being able to ARO the same Hacking Program IS valid, but is it a real issue?
    If the enemy is a Hacker, you can ARO two things and break one hacker from the link if you feel it is worthy. If the target is not a hacker, just use the normal HD. It is not efficient thou.
    Mako likes this.
  5. Mako

    Mako Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Thanks a lot for the replies! As expected I oversaw some very important aspects.
    For starters I overread the fact that only Kokram FTO can be part of a duo. I chose the FD because of his repeater. When the guijia settles down at the end of my active turn, Kokram could just pop a repeater to set up a defensive hacking perimeter. Tai Shengs Tinbot is nice, but she lacks the engineer that Kokram provides. I dunno, Im still undecided whats more important to me.

    And I was aware of the fact that the Liu Xings order wouldnt really be available for the guijia, but so far I have only made great expiriences with Parachutists/ AD Troops. The versatility that walking in from the side provides is in my opinion really great, even if I miss out on the exp damage.

    How about this:


    - Daoying (LT + 1 order, BSG profile)

    Fireteam Duo:

    - Standard Guija

    - Kokram (FTO)

    Fireteam Core:

    - Shang Ji (Heavy Rocket Launcher, Tac Awareness)

    - Haidao (Red Fury)

    - Zanshi (Paramedic)

    - Zanshi (Hacker)

    - Zanshi (Grenade Launcher)


    - Chayi Yaokong (flash pulse)

    - Zhencha (Hacker)

    I lack MSV, but its hard to get with IA... :( The Haidao MSV is so hard on SWC
  6. Paegis

    Paegis Vincible Officer

    Jul 11, 2018
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    If you really feel like you're lacking MSV, I think you have enough points to swap the Haidao Red Fury and Shang Ji HRL for a Haidao MSV2 and Lei Gong SMR.
    Mako likes this.
  7. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    The assault REMs are both equipped with MSV and some sort of repeater: MSV2 and repeater on the Rui Shi, and MSV1 and deployable repeater on Lu Duan.

    It’s also worth noting that FD Krit can be equipped with Yaozao helpers that can be parked anywhere in your DZ and let him Engineer from the other side of the table if needed. I’ve used them to help with flanking and giving my opponent one more variable to consider, and since they’re pretty fast little buggers they can also be moved up to help clear mines and such in a pinch.
    Mako and Devil_Tiger like this.
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