Army: Haqqislam Troop: Azra'il Browser: All Description: Azrail is showing as having BS attack (Continuous Damage). This seem to be absurdly overpowered with either an AP HMG or a Feuerbach. Checked to make sure that this is intended, and was not accidentally changed when Al-Djabel got his buff.
Army: ALEPH/Steel Phalanx Troop: Teucer Browser/OS: All Description: Missing Climbing Plus, Intentional? Also, Triangulated fire on a long-range MSV2 troop seems strange and near-pointless. Army: ALEPH/Steel Phalanx Troop: Patroclus Browser/OS: All Description: HMG profile doesn't generate an order, no FTO to duo with Achilles v2, and is missing Mimetism. Army: ALEPH/OSS Troop: Deva Browser/OS: All Description: Sensor lieutenant option still missing its sensor Army: ALEPH/Steel Phalanx Troop: Achilles/Achilles V2 Browser/OS: All Description: Missing the text that says you can only have one Achilles in your army.
IJW: "It isn't a mistake."
It might be intended, but IMO I'd classify any model with an AP+DA Continuous Damage weapon as a "Mistake." Guess we'll see how that all shakes out.
@Delta57Dash perhaps a better conversation to have in the dedicated thread on the topic in the Haqq forums. As is, we know this is intended and that means it's not an Army7 error. I'd just hazard that while the damage output on the Az'rail is just shy of Monofilament, my experience with the double missile launcher Yan Huo tells me that this doesn't matter if it can't win Face to Face before hitting the dirt. -- Army: Combined Army / Shasvastii Troop: Seed-Soldier Browser: All Description: Developed Form has no Surprise Attack, but since when entering Developed Form you use the Developed Form for the entire order sequence, there is almost no situation when Surprise Attack is useable. Intended or not?
Army: Haqqislam Troop: Sekban Browser: All Description: Missing note in Army stating it is semi-wildcards. Also missing the word special from troop list.
Army: Nomads & Tunguska Troop: Puppetactica Company, Puppetbots specifically Browser used & Operative System: Any Description of the bug: not quite sure if bug or intended, but Puppetbots don't have Remote Presence anymore, since the new Control: Peripheral doesn't include it. They had RP via Ghost: Marionette in N3, so this may just be an oversight.
Army: FRRM Troop: Moblots Browser/OS: iOS Description: Listed as BTS 3. Army: Ariadna/FRRM/Kosmoflot Troop: Mirage 5 Browser/OS: iOS Description: Listed as BTS 0. In today’s update, were Moblots supposed to be BTS 3? If so, should Margot be BTS 3 instead of 0?
Army: Vanilla Ariadna Browser: Chrome After selecting a LT, the 'turn the text red' to rule out other LTs seems to apply incorrectly, it applies to models that aren't a LT, or just randomly across many different troop types (i.e. selected a Foxtrot LT, now all the Foxtrots are in red; selected a LT, now the Vet Kazak AP HMG trooper [not Lt] profile is the one in red)
Browser used & Operative System: iOS Infinity Army app Description of the bug: There is no Spec Ops creation tool, while regular (browser) version has one.
Nomads Tunguska Interventors System: IOS and Army App (at least where I have seen it) I am not sure if this is a bug, but the Interventor with a Killer hacking device and boarding shotgun (22 points), does not seem to have the hacker skill. Which seems odd, as I don't believe that it can use its device without the skill? Actually I wonder why the hacking skill isn't just included in the profile as a whole, as none of the profiles are sans hacking device.
This is just a style choice, it's easiest to keep that information consistent across all armies/profiles.
Not sure if it's a bug, but: Army: Tohaa Troop: Makaul Browser used & Operative System: App on Android Description of the bug: No Stealth Skill in the units description.
Quite sure that this is a bug: With already 9 orders in a list I can add Jazz&Billie to a combat group and thus will have 11 orders in one single combat group.
@Harlekin you also gets an invalidation error for being over the combat group limit. @Tongfa How do you activate the turn to red option you mention? @OrderMonkey Most warbands and many impetuous/frenzy lost Stealth. There are exceptions like Shaolin Monks or Myrmidons, but others lost them, so this is most likely entirely intentional.
OS/App: Windows 10, Chrome. All Armys List printing For all Units that have a secondary Profile (TAGs, Bikes, Transmutation,...) the MOV Value of that secondary Profile is printed with it's value in cm, even if inches are set. the range graph for the misslelauncher wraps arround for printing.
Android App on Smatphone All Armys When trying to move a Unit in the List, the Unit popps to the top of the screen and can't be moved , when releasing it drops to the top of the List. When saving a List the Fontsize for the Listname is extremly small, it's not readable