I'm talking primarily about all these degenerate options for firepower such as: BS19 MSV1 MSR Bolts BS19 MSV1 MSR Grenzer BS16 MSV1 Mimitism-3 B4 AP+DA Feurback Karhu BS19 Mimitism-3 B5 HMG Dakini BS18 Mimitism-6 2Str B4 Mk.12 Vostok BS18 Mimitism-6 B5 Spitifre Bulleteer BS13 Mimitism-3 B6 HMG Kriza Borac And probaby others that I've forgotten. Now, with the exception of Bolts and the Bulleteer, I've played with and against all the things listed above and they are exactly as retarded as they sound on paper. You have such overwhelming numbers in your active turn, that the game essentially turns in to checkers, where you just skip over anything you come across with your piece, with little to no interaction from the ARO part. Sure, there are counters and all but honestly, WTF is going on? Why am I hosing people on 18's in cover while giving them massive MOD penalties as well? This feels like I'm perform ranged martial arts with a massive gangup bonus. You may think this is "fun" and "awesome" but facing multiple lists of these on tournaments will quickly make the appeal go away. So far, all my games in N4 have been extremely one-sided, whoever had their degenerate attack piece survive beyond the first turn won and swept the opponent's list away. Former "almost broken" units like the Kamau Sniper or strong link units like the Veteran Kazak with APHMG, are literally a massive joke when compared to anything listed above. Like, take this thread where a guy saying that the Xeo-/Overdrons would be totally broken with Assisted Fire and I'm sitting here thinking "compared to what?" In a normal and sane world I would fully agree with the gentlemen but now I'm left wondering how on earth would Assisted Fire on the Onyx TAG's be even remotely close to broken, when you compare it to those units above? I'm sorry for this negative rant but I really feel this arms race have reached an unsustainable level. I can't help but feel that this sets an unhealthy precedence for future releases. Thank you for reading my two cents.
Because this is a tactical game, man, not like those games over at GW where you just roll a lot of dice. And also, it's not your list, it's you (or some other stupid excuse about some of Infinity's more glaring mistakes) Funny how 90% of the shit you mention belongs to just 2 factions, one of which is supposed to be all about tricks and gadgets and specialist and not just BRRRTOMGLOL
Sorry to say but.. forget it, this "rant" will be squelched in no time by the usual "l2p" and "there is a counter for everything" arguments. Most people do not see it as an argument that bringing the units mentioned by you is a no-brainer while oftentimes the specific counter units will impede your list if the opponent does not field the units you plan for. For some time now the loadouts became more and more absurd. And so are the fire team optimisations. It becomes visible when comparing new or updated sectorials with old ones such as the discontinued presented today. Some aspects of N4 are really interesting such as the streamlined hacking game which is more prevalent than ever but imo they just mask the wrong direction this game is heading.
The Fireteam optimization is very close to "we just don't care, just link whatever you want with whatever else you want" right now, but only for most Sectorials, there are still a select few playing 2019 style.
Thankfully the source of the problem is in the annex rather than the rulebook. The BS bonus should probably go. As far as keeping them useful in ARO without making them gods in the active, how about this?
I’m not actually here to discuss anything faction related or possible penis-envies. I’m shinning a light on the issue because I have concerns for a game I genuinely love to play in friendly and competitive environments.
And only for most profiles, there's still a few where you get caught out when you remember that they're not actually Wildcards (come on admit, all CJC players have considered building a Wildcat + Jaguar Core).
I honestly think at this point it would be easier to just let everybody into fireteams because it's very confusing when there are random specific exceptions, yes.
@the huanglong you actually raise a very good point. I haven’t thought of that. IMO the core of N4 is very solid, what brings it down ATM is the Army and the Link rules, which are external to the N4 rulebook.
just burn the rules annex and forget fireteams exist, they are the main problem here and always have been.
It'd be fine if it where a faction feature and the faction in question had other design limitations *cries in QK*.
Core linked hector exploding stuff from across the table, played against that a few times and he just turns anything he looks at into glowing green goo.
Ok, so you didn't write 353 words complaining about how these are so powerful they'll ruin the fun of the game? Sorry. Must've been a different Zewrath....
This definitely seems like you've come to a conclusion first and you're trying to justify it. To me, this just looks like there is more emphasis on midfield and board control than trying to put up a large ARO presence. Most of these things are going to wreck your face in their active turn anyhow, a couple points of BS or an extra Burst isn't going to be what makes the difference. I think a heavier emphasis on board control and positioning does make the game healthier, part of the draw of Infinity is the lethality, and the tools you have available to counter extremely lethal enemy troopers.
Kinda undermines the whole "it's always your turn" thing the game is sold on if you always need to keep your head down and not make use of the aro mechanic beyond hacking and deployable weapons. Additionally, with mechanics like the Exclusion Zone (may it burn in hell come the season change), that makes board control defence and defence in depth damn near impossible especially for factions that rely on it, and that's before you factor in mission objectives that require you to actively defend so you don't hand your opponent a bucket load of points.