Hi my friends! We have news, rumors or certainties about the update of the factions/sectorials or at least the date of release?
The new ITS pack is listed for Nov 20, so i assume that will be the day the new ITS start, with all the factions in the army
Ectros getting NCO was leaked in an ARMY 7 update. It feels refreshing to see the world Ectros even mentioned by CB. I'm quite excited for the update.
Holy smokes, Batman. Pan-O finally have MSV2 + Smoke trick! Holy *****, Batman, Aconticimiento have 13 pts 0 swc minelayer Regulars!?
MRRF really got hosed compared to Scots Nerf on Loup Garous, lost grenades save for the launcher. Zoaves moved to forward deployment 8" and swapped DEP for panzerfaust, and no SWC tax, gained dogged Metro's got a big buff on their infilration profiles. Briscards pretty much stayed the same, AP+Shock sniper is nice Moblots didnt change much, lost their non-infiltrator mimetism option, but got AP rifles across the board. Margo and Duroc still have their awesome upgrade Paracommando's got some shake ups, lost hmg and sniper for AP spitfire Mormaer is a little nightmare damage hurricane. Still a bit fragile. But AP Dam 17 or AP+T2 Dam 15 are frightening. Crit immunity and the speed boost helps him keep his rampage up. Azra'il is just.... go take a look. His guns are just death. (B3, +1 Dam, continuous damage HMG and Feurbach. X.x
What did the poor SAS lieutenant do to deserve such a cruel fate? Considering I have never found anyone except myself that used him, it can't have been that it was considered too strong :( Other than that, I'm really liking the update :)
The second wave was scheduled for late November. Is it possible that CB is faster than promised? That doesn't happen to many companies these days.
The most used profile in CHA lost his AP (in and edition where AP is gonna be usefull) and the less used gained absurd ammo combo. Still im not gonna play the mormaer
Azrail : Ap HPG or Feuerbach => Ok BS attack + 1DMG => Ok Dmg continuous => Oh my fucking god Dam 15 AP+T2 rifle is at least as frightening
Grey rifle AP HMG linkable with volunteers... no more. And Scot guards lost his AP Marksman for a shock one (WOW. Super usefull in an edition where shock inmune is everywhere) Mormaer is still too expensive for what he brings to the table
Well, they finally did it, they finally gave a model Pheroware: Endgame. Funnily enough it's the Taquel that was never released.