One of the aspects that I like the most about Infinity is its background and I was wondering if it would be possible to make a list (all of us together) of the companies and corporations that appear in the background, so that we can use that information when writing backgrounds or to include them in scenery, for example. * Latest additions. A AccessTel Aigletech Akram Biomedical Sciences Antarah Cigarettes Aleasara Laboratories Aura Biochemicals Avalon Communications B Beyhan Resources Bharat Drilling Brahmos C Cinetics Compass Transportation Construcciones Cósmicas Ltda. D Dágang DynamoKon DVZ E Eco Cars E-Systems Exxo F Fairey Electronics Fukurō Security G Gang Tie Gojal Safari Tours Grupo Seguridad H Hospital Bank Hrungnir Gruppen I Indústria Aeronáutica Interspace Trust K Keller Resources Group Keller Transportation Kunai Solutions L Lo Pan's Lorolocco M Marruá MinesCorp Mnemonic Electronic Moto.tronica N Neon Lotus O Omnia Research & Creation Corporation Oxyd P Paradiso Travel Club Pharmacorp Phoenix Industries R RedOni Royal Spacer Unlimited S Samsara Sankalp-Ocimum Shangmei StarLight Inc. Shiyang South Ocean Medicine Products Startecto Sterling Forge Switech Corporation T Tangaroa Construction Taruca TaUga KuRaSa TComm Tequian PSN TransEtherea Company Tucuxi V Viotti-Sokha Inc VissioRama Volgren Troller Y Yd Yamnaa Incorporated Ypsilon, Baily Corp
A list of sponsors and corporations from Aristeia (not including the ones you already listed): VissioRama Oxyd Aigletech Tequian PSN Shangmei Keller Transportation DynamoKon Aleasara Laboratories StarLight Inc. Ypsilon, Baily Corp. Dágang Aura Biochemicals
Akram Biomedical Sciences Antarah Cigarettes Avalon Communications Beyhan Resources Bharat Drilling Brahmos DVZ Eco Cars E-Systems Exxo Fairey Electronics Cinetics Gang Tie Gojal Safari Tours Grupo Seguridad Hospital Bank Hrungnir Gruppen Indústria Aeronáutica Interspace Trust Keller Resources Group Lorolocco Marruá Mnemonic Electronic Neon Lotus Office Paradiso Travel Club Pharmacorp Phoenix Industries RedOni Samsara Sankalp-Ocimum Shiyang SOMP (South Ocean Medicine Products) Startecto Sterling Forge Switech Corporation Tangaroa Construction Taruca TComm TransEtherea Company Tucuxi Volgren Troller Edit: excuse any typo or repeat.
Construcciones Cósmicas Ltda. (aka Cosmica) - a Corregidor construction company. Yd Yamnaa Incorporated (aka Y2 Inc.) - A Haqqislamite construction company TaUga KuRaSa (aka TaUgaK, aka Taugak) - a Morat engineer company The three above were created for/with Warsenal, but are official/canon in the the lore.
Artefaktech Company (makers of the Efreet dropship) - Lore for dropship model sold by Antenociti's Workshop.
I was looking for such a list, thank you very much for your work ^^. Also, is there a way to know which is the business sector of each one of these companies? Like, Pharmacorp and Antarah Cigarettes are quite self explanatory, but what about things like Office, Phoenix Industries and the like?
Do we have anything on Akram Biomedical Sciences other than the name? From the name I assume it's a Haqqislamite medical research company, but I was wondering if there was a logo or some flavor text to work off of. I am printing some terrain and I think it's going to come off as a Haqq lab complex and was looking for something to put on the buildings.