Hi everyone, just wanted to see if any of you had experience with Myrmidons in N4, like how good they are/what they seem to work best with on the table.
I just use them for cheap smoke. Nothing crazy. in particular I used it to throw smoke out for my marut to shoot through. I would say they are about as usable as N3 in vanilla. Nothing changed with them.
I feel we will know more on this at the end of the month when Steel Phalanx is out again in the app. Currently I feel that they are week, the game is leaning more towards high armor base survivability because of how link composition is and how crit works. Back when the best a link could do was msv 1 without paying a lot of point Mimetism -6 made it an even fight but now with msv 2 in cheep links models that relied on modifiers are far more killable. This makes taking good armor more and more attractive as if your going to be hit armor + cover may save you. Unfortunately this is not myrmidon or even Aleph focus outside of a few models. Further more myrmidons are not good at removing entrenched heavy infantry. In short the old way does not work and they can not deal with the purposed new path CB wants to take, unfortunately that is my opinion in nutshell about the state of Aleph. I am still going to run my myrmidon spitfire or chain rifles and Aleph is still my main faction. I may think differently with more games in this N4