Military Orders Sectorial in N4?

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by Böhmi, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Hey everyone! I just started building my MO Sectorial army and thought, the release of N4 would be the best time to do so - so here I am.

    This question goes to the experienced MO Players out there: What do u think about N4's MO?
    I was quite excited reading through their changes, especially regarding the new Trinitarians - they look absolutely ridiculous! But besides them, I am not quite sure yet, about where to go with my List - right now i Own the 300 pt Box set, 1 Box of Magister Knights and some Dronebots - this looked like a pretty good start for me, regarding how MO was played back in N3.

    I also am about to play a small, local Tournament with incereasing Points with every Match, starting at 120p, using Recon(+) rules. Can anyone give me an honest Opinion on this work in progress List? That would be awesome! (sadly i couldnt figure out yet how to post the list directly, so I added the Code and Link below)

    [Army Code]

    [web link]

    Thanks in advance for your time and for accepting me in this Forum (;
  2. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    welcome! just as a foreword: MO will be changing again in November - they are receiving an update along with some other PanO sectorials - we do not know the extent to which they are changing, maybe alot, maybe a little. Definitely expect to see some price reductions across the board as well as the rework of the magister knight.
  3. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Okay, thats actually pretty interessting news since my Tournament is also starting in November, so I'm pretty much gonna deadass Beta-playtest the brand new MO there :'D sounds like a lot of fun tho
    AdmiralJCJF and MikeTheScrivener like this.
  4. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I don't know why but MO have a lot of reworks from his start long ago in N2, still, right now I think is in a good place, better than It was before in N3. If we are lucky changes in November will go in one direction: "improvement".

    Back to the main topic, @Böhmi build a list of 120 points with MO is something hard to achieve, not the best range to play with MO, still, we can do something :)

    Your list is Ok, 120 points don't allow too many options, still I will not select the trinitarian, because if you use the "hidden deployment option" you will have only 4 orders to do "something", and all the heavy work will be in the Santiago shoulders, the "bullet", while is an amazing piece thanks mime. -6, with heavy boarding shotgun his range is maybe too short, any cheap troups as a "ghazi" or "a Kum" can place a template over your dron ignoring the visuals mods. Almost same it could happends with the trinitarian.

    For so few points I will try to put in game a "full core" with orders to feed up. I bring to you another option: Is all about the fireteam but has more orders than your previous list but less surprises or toys.

    MikeTheScrivener likes this.
  5. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    For whatever reason the links dont work for me - any intel on that?

    The tournament I'm playing works with increasing Points; starting from 120, going up to 150/200/300/300 from match to match. 120 and 150 work with recon rules, so only 1 HI per 4 Models, no Characters above 35pts and only 1 impetous unit and as far as I remember Fireteams of 3 Members max.
    Urobros likes this.
  6. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I have no idea what "Recon rules" was... OMG! Hard for MO.

    Exactly what don't work for you? Maybe you have problems when you run an entire five member link? Sometimes what we need is only 3 man fireteam (core) to do the trick. +1 Burst when is a HI who shoots. You can spare a fewn orders when moving, so, you can reduce the expediture of orders, the most precious resource in infinity.

    I played a lot (mostly in SSO) a "false core", only a 3 member fireteam, because I looked for Daikini HMG +1 burst only.

    Having in mind your tournament restrictions, in a 200 points army we could have something like this, for example:

    2 Fireteams, one with Konstantinos (wildcard) + Hospitaller HMG + Order Sergeant Medikit / other with Santiago Spitfire Lt + Order Sergeant Medikit + Order Sargeant HRL. This allow you to have 2 "small independant forces" you can deploy in separate areas inside your DZ, and yet you still have some support: Machinist, Bullet Spitfire, and expendables ARO pieces: fugazzi and TechBee (you can replace the techbee for a warcor and then include one palbot for the machinist).
    WiT? likes this.
  7. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    thats what i thought :D If youre interessted: heres the Recon rules PDF download

    somehow the link just leads to an empty Army Builder Site, but it also does that with my own links, so I dont know where the problem is, can you maybe post the army code?

    these restrictions only apply to the first to games, from 200p up I am free to do whatever I desire :P

    Is Konstantinos really worth taking? Never really looked at him twice tbh. Rest of the list is looking quite interessting, maybe I'm gonna try this one out, thank you!
  8. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Sometimes I understand whatever I had in Mind. I thought you are talking about "fireteams", not about the "hiperlink"... I'am a little too embarrased...

    The code of the first one:

    And the "second" one:

    If you or someone more have problems with the "army links" which were open empty, it can be solved clicking right button of the mouse and "copyng the link address", there you have the "army code" which you can use to "Upload" the list.

    Ok. If you can play without restrictions at 200+ points it will be no problems :) 2 HI is probably the amount of HI you can align until then.

    Konstantinos... I think he is too expensive usually, but sometimes, when we play small games, 150/200 points, or big games, 400, some profiles bring to us something useful what makes the unit "afordable". In this case is a MVL2 that you can place in a fireteam, so, it will provides you an extra protection against cheap units with smoke, and you can overpass the smoke if someone use against you as ARO. So, in this case I think he is worthy. Of course, you could choose the MVL2 spitfire, but it has 1.5 SWC... It is a better visor, yes, probably, but with taxes (swc).

    Thanks for the rules link, I will read it soon (probably at the weekend). In my local tournament enviroment sometimes we did "0 SWC" Tournament, it was really funn and some units you never use become suddendly "the King" :)
  9. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    I dont quite understand wich link we're ging for here... KH+Santiago+OS+Konst (wich is "only" 4), or 3 OS Core plus Santiago plus Konst as 5 man link with KH solo? Or even Santiago+2 OS as 3 with KH+Konst+OS 3 man Haris?

    The first list is pretty straight forward, Yeah... A little bit sad to play recon with MO, making you pretty much take 80% OS in every List...

    Thabks for your opinion on Konst tho, maybe i gotta consider taking him every now and then!
    Urobros likes this.
  10. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You can have a full core of Sergeants+Santiago, mostly as ARO core with the HRL in case you were second of you need something "relatively" strong in ARO, and if not you will have 2 fireteams of 3 members, a 3 core and a "haris". Only for +1Burst purpouses.

    Hospitaller HMG + Sergeant Medikit + Konstantinos. You can join one Sergeant to a "hositaller fireteam", Konstantinos is "wildcard", so you have the haris:) And too fireteam core: Santiago+2 Sergeants :)

    In active turn with only 200 points in the table it shouldn't be nothing too hard for a CD14 Burst 5 HMG :)
    TheDiceAbide and Böhmi like this.
  11. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Wow i'm impressed. I obv still have a lot to learn
    Urobros likes this.
  12. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Do you know the missions for the event? Missions dictate an effective list just as much as faction and points level do!

    Recon rules look shit btw. MO, Imperial Army and Tohaa are wrecked by it. Really short sighted design imo

    On a recent episode of White Noise, it was confirmed that Magisters and Teutons are merging, and that the Sepulchure is getting it's S5 bulk on. Looking forward to it! Really hoping this comes with a change to the Joan fireteams but probably not...
    Dragonstriker, Urobros and Böhmi like this.
  13. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Yeah recon is pretty much hard Mode, ngl... Luckily its Just about the first 2 games, maybe gonna have to drop those...

    Sadly the missions arent announced yet.

    I am so looking forward to those changes!
    Urobros likes this.
  14. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Every list I made ended up pretty much the same as what was posted above by Urobos. We have the mandatory Santiago spitfire, some guys to link with him, then either a bulleteer, hospitaller, or trinitarian. Ta da!

    From the plethora of options we have, I find myself drawn to this one for 150 points, though it would vary based on mission - something super objective heavy might need trinitarian to get shit done. But it should cover fighting, zones, "take and hold" objectives and most objective missions decently well.

    Santiago Spitfire LT
    Order SGT
    Order SGT
    Order SGT Paramedic

    Hospitaller HMG
    Order SGT Paramedic


    You can run Santiago + 4 Sgts, or a Sgt+Hospitaller duo, which is what I prefer. Negate frenzy, bring a specialist, and Santiago shouldn't need the full link to wreck stuff at this level. If he does thats another strike against Recon as nothing that strong and list dominating should be allowed here.

    To my eternal frustration hower, the list is 151 points - another Fugazi AVA or a less ridiculous tax on the Sgts would make it legal. As is, would drop a SGT for a Mulebot, but if you only have one REM box you only have two REMs to use. So the correct list building solution for this conundrum is to pile all the models into a sock and hit the event organizer over the head with it
    Urobros and Böhmi like this.
  15. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    That last statement just made my day, thank you

    You guys are awesome, some very nice Inspiration here, definitely gonna try to make this work!
    AdmiralJCJF and Urobros like this.
  16. Böhmi

    Böhmi Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    One more question, is the hmg really gonna do anything here, since - correct me if i'm wrong - smaller games are also played on smaller tables? Wouldnt another spit do the Trick with lower cost here?
    Urobros likes this.
  17. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Umm, probably this will be an advantage as much a disavantage, you probably had long range enough to catch the enemy border without "move" the HMG, but if you go too forward you could have some "issues". Still, CD14 with +0 -3 are shoots to 11s, if you are firing 5 of them... you will be allright.
    Böhmi likes this.
  18. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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  19. ThananRollice

    ThananRollice Your Friendly Neighborhood Locust

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Yeah, that's a major oof. Hopefully this is a good thing, and they just realized that they didn't have enough time to get the update right. Here's hoping it will be much more polished when the update comes out next year.
  20. Mune

    Mune New Member

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Just MO, or SAOA, Tohaa, etc also?
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