To be fair, we now have a "Bioimmunity" that literally has nothing to do with the fluff written for it.
Oils secreted from the skin... Guys! Guyyyyys... I got it. Dog Warriors are unwashed and unscrubbed minis that don't take primer because they still bleed mould separator.
“Because it used to work that way” isn’t a good justification, but for units like this where fluff and rules are now badly misaligned, it’s really annoying.
I also want to remind people that we are talking about old fluff and old weapon kits. Loup Garou don't currently exist in N4. It seems weird to use outdated fluff with a unit that does not exist yet as a justification against the TI change. For all we know, Loup Garou could get Viral Riotstoppers or Viral Grenades in N4.
Still waiting for plasma grenades for CA. Makes even MORE sense now since the plasma guns have changes templates.
N3 had a big plasma rewrite and brought us troops like the unidrons. I was hopeful we’d get more plasma weapons, but since that initial update, there has been nothing.