OctoBrrrrrr, it's getting cold! Speculation thread.

Discussion in 'News' started by colbrook, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    You saw Bill in the photos and Competition Pack is listed in the contents of the Stakeout Event tournament pack.

    Bad info? Where?
  2. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They could definitely be clearer that it contains everything from the ITS 11 pack.
  3. [​IMG]









  4. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Oh, yeah. It's so clear, because he's in one of the small pictures, but he isn't shown as a separate part and isn't on the list.

    Totally can't get confused whether he's included after all or not. Not a mistake by CB, CB cannot do wrong, what do you want.

  5. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    First on the list. COMPETITION pack.

    And said in the description. "...as well as including the entire contents of a Competition pack"

    If you cant read, it's your problem
  6. As I see that you do not know, I inform you that if you click on the small images ... it opens in full screen.

    Of course, CB can be wrong, but no, it's not CB's fault that you don't want to find out what you're buying ... for example, what is a «COMPETITION Pack» (the first thing in the list of content).
    #726 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Oct 27, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2020
  7. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    You don't say? :D

    Oooooh, of couuuuurse. The COMPETIIITIOOON PAAAACK. This one? Oh, OK.



    Or do you mean the OTHER, completely differently named pack, that is listed in another part of the store and does contain Wild Bill? And even shows him on a separate image? No, not this one either?


    But, surely, at the very least the Stakeout box does list what's in a COMPETITION PACK, right? No? OK.


    It's a hot mess of a description, stop whiteknighting for an obvious omission and a glaring mistake.
  8. I see that you are always looking for any excuse to criticize CB, no matter what it is about.

    As for you everything that CB does will always be a mistake, no matter what they do, I have no need to continue participating in this rambling.
    Smiler, Mcgreag, Cthulhu363 and 3 others like this.
  9. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Yeah, no.

    When I criticize the company, I do it in broad and constructive terms, informing them which areas they should improve (e.g. quality control, DTP of the books, clarity and continuity of communication with the customers, etc.).

    I also praise them on the areas where I see progress is being made - e.g. I openly praised Belen Moreno's inputs and I wish she would communicate with us more. I praised Ian Wood's work and the CB finally deciding to make his rules-related status official (which was a point of critique before).

    Some people on the Forum though are not objective about the company and will bend over backwards trying to prove obvious issues and mistakes are dismissable and not an issue at all, effectively gaslighting all the other customers who consider those in fact to be issues that should be resolved.

    This above is a problem. There's no way to check what's in the Competition Box because it's not an entry in the store. The discrepancy between the photo and the text is confusing. One can assume Wild Bill is in there since he's in the photo, but do we really want to spend a heap of money on a premium item and risk everything being there?

    Is it such a tall demand to require CB to fully list all contents of a complex product in text? Come on.
  10. To say that you criticize a company in broad and constructive terms and immediately after that to say that you cannot trust that when you buy one of their products, the content of that purchased product will match the photo in the store ... is somewhat contradictory.
    Smiler, Cthulhu363, Rot_Sechs and 4 others like this.
  11. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    Actual competition pack no longer exist, because the season has ended. but sure you can make a quick google search to find what it was



    30 sec of my life spent. but yeah, keep whining as if you are right and the rest of the world is wrong.

    BTW, if you play Infinity and didnt know what is a Competition pack... what are you doing here? Even the noob i was helping to learn how to play can figure what it is.
  12. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    And that's exactly the whiteknighting I had in mind.

    tHeRE'S nOTHing Wrong WiTH THe stOrE. You cAn go ANd GoOgle FoR A cOmPetItION paCk. EvEry nOob KNows The cONTEnTS of AN ObSCuRe Its coMpEtItIon PacK fROm pREViOUs SEAsoN THAT iS no LonGer avaILAble In thE CB StorE. wHAt'S WroNG WItH yoU, dO YoU EVEn pLAy?
  13. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    I wasn't sure if it came with Wild Bill, so I asked, and was told it does. This was like a month ago.
    So I can understand that it's not spelled out that it is all included, but to assume that means it is not included is also a stretch. To further paint this as CB making a mistake and using it to paint the company with it, then also accuse anyone that disagrees as white knighting for CB is a bit much.

    If it shows it and you're not sure, you can ask for clarification, it's easier than ever in todays world.

    For the actual kit, I kind of want Wild Bill, but not really the TAG or YJ figure, so it doesn't seem worth it for me so I think I'll pass. Obviously, the kit is not designed as a retail sale but more as tourney support, so that's fine.
  14. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Rather than drag this out - it would be safe to say that to some, the description had left a gap or two for debate. I myself could not confirm the contents because I was not sure what the competition pack contained and Wild Bill wasn't explicitly listed (especially given that sometimes contents change, @fari 's image shows some different badges for example), therefore I wrote an e-mail to Corvus Belli who kindly replied and confirmed.

    @Vocenoctum - I was in the same boat, I wanted Wild Bill but not the TAG, thankfully I actually like the Ye Mao figure and am starting Yu Jing. For the TAG, I figured I will paint it up for NA2 and run it as a merc Anaconda or Scarface (Have Cordelia already), I kinda like the hammer and shield forearms as something a bit different.
    Golem2God and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  15. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    After many MANY controversies created by you, (Gutier being a white supremacist, why pay spanish postal fees if i dont live in Spain, discomfort about figure poses but no one else does, seeing Nazis everywhere...) Nuada, i decided to block you. I encorage you to do the same.

    Live happy as the SJW you think you are.
  16. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    I was even thinking of tossing the TAG in a box in the hopes it'd be worth some $ later on, but it still comes down to Wild Bill not being worth a whole lot of money to me. Ye Mao is a good figure, I think, but is a $10 value, Jotum a $40 value, so that makes WB $40... and I realllly don't need another random figure just because he looks neat. :)

    The keychain is neat though...
    A Mão Esquerda and infyrana like this.
  17. Ghost87

    Ghost87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    It is rare that I agree with Nuada but referencing another product in the contents which is not even listed in the store anymore is lazy and unprofessional.
    Claiming that the customer could do a web search for the nested product is no acceptable approach when running a business. I would rather say they should use the capabilities of the web and make the item a hyperlink to the nested product.

    Nobody would accept it when a real store would list the contents of some offering as "Please look up in our flyer from last year."
    BrightSaga, Mob of Blondes and archon like this.
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Up to the point of discontinuation the competition pack was available on the online store and it has the same title with the event pack of the season 11, I can see someone been confused somehow despite the images of the contents and the description of the season 11 event pack not including the "11" in the competition pack listed, but it is in my opinion a really small percentage of people who would do so and asking CB directly or here would and has solved it.

    Now I am not sure if listing the entire contents of the season 11 competition pack would be needed or that it would create a more informed purchase, especially the niche nature of the product.

    That been said
    Please do keep the conversation on at least the basic behavior of a decent discussion among yourselves, thanks.
    RolandTHTG and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  19. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Yeah thank you @Erland Hâkon for pointing it out in a "oh so funny" way that Wild Bill is shown in the picture. I also see that and thought by myself, no they will not put WB in it (I totaly miss, that he was in the competition pack) and checked the written contents where he is still missing, so I came to the conculsion that the competition pack contains only some gimmicks for the turnament (=competition). Now that I know - thanks to @fari ´s 30 sec. of his life what the competition pack is or was, I see it more clear.

    But I still think CB could have point this out a little, providing a link or something (I had to admit, I think they had made just an error, copy paste the pic of Wild Bill into it). At this time it does not matter anymore, because I am not willing to pay the high postage. I had the chance to take part in a group order, but it is already gone, so I can only cry in Svarlaheima, that I will not have a cool 2nd Jotum, the also cool Ye Mao AND Wild Bill as a gift for a friend ... but I can invest the approx 90,- € in more regular CB products :relieved:
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. Don't worry, I can answer in funnier ways if necessary.

    The point here is that there are two ways of saying the same thing:
    1. This is bad / this is wrong / this is bullshit ...
    2. I don't find / I don't know / I don't understand ... can someone... ?
    The first usually generates rejection and heated discussions, the second, on the contrary, predisposes others to respond in a cordial way.
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