TAGs and SWF

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by Jotunn, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    So SWF as our new sectorial seems to be the "PanO shoots good" taken to the max. And as the chief TAG faction I can't help but feel a bit disapointed that we only got a single TAG. Granted it is and amazing TAG.

    So my question posed to you fine people is this.
    With NCA comming in november do you feel there Hope/chance that we will see the Uhlan in SWF.

    Personally I feel like it would add a lot to our rather one dimensional sectorial.
  2. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Personally, I doubt the Uhlan will make a showing- it wasn't there in N3 while NCA was still around. NCA is also likely to need all the help it can get to stand out from the other PanO Sectorials, since it's historically the worst Specialist and scoring faction in the game bar Morats and its shooting advantage is looking very flimsy with mixed-link power creep.
  3. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    You can bet NCA will see plenty of mixed-link shenanigans. Bakunin is getting back-burnerd too and they got plenty. You'll be fine.
    Urobros likes this.
  4. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I think Bolts alone will do alot og work to set NCA apart with shooting. Add Hexa surprise ARO, and SWISS Guard, and there is a Lot of faction identity there.

    But it feels wierd that SWF only have one TAG. And of all the TAGs present in PanO I think the Uhlan fits the theme og SWF the most...apart from the Jotum obviously.
  5. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I, too, am surprised the Uhlan didn't appear in SWF.

    It's something of a missed opportunity, but at the same time if it was going to happen I would have expected it at launch, not November.

    So, no.

    I don't think we are getting the Uhlan for Svalarheima when NeoTerra drops.
  6. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sval is the only PanO Sectorial without two TAGs, which is kinda odd.
    Somewhat a letdown how few interesting things are going on for them outside of their Links.

    The Tik got incredibly cheap (-17 points).
    Multiple main armaments have gotten significantly cheaper, Feuerbach + HMG is bound to see a reduction.
    DZ based Camo isn't a cost factor either, on the contrary, doesn't seem to matter at all judging by the Cutter getting cheaper by the same amount of points as the Squalo.
    We're likely looking at an Uhlan in mid/high 70s, before potential changes or even buffs (+1B Feuerbach anyone?). My personal favorite would be Decoy 2, to add some security and make him more distinct from both Cutter and Tik.

    Uhlan would be more eastern Europe than Nordics, so dunno how much the name itself fits. I'm not too keen on the Jotum in Sval to be honest. They have TAG sized punch in their Feuerbach options and the lack of Markers and TO makes it somewhat hard to screen the big guy. The smaller and more defendable Uhlan would feel right at home in between PanO's best links.

    Here's hoping the NCA release might give the Locust another pass... (at least one can dream)
  7. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yes the Uhlan is eastern european in historical origin, but since the only actual nordic things in SWF is 3 units, the Nøkken (a spirit that lures people into streams and lakes to drown), the Jotum (a being comparable to the nordic gods, just more evil) and the Nisse (house spirits that can either help or hinder the people living there based on how they treat it). Ok I know there is technically 4 with the Bøyg...but he does not count as he is so terrible that he will never see play.
    There is a lot of room to include non nordic things. they already included the Locust which has zero ties to any of the nordic countries.

    I too hope they will redo the Locust come november. atm he is really too expensive and is too much like the Nøkken. They definitly missed an oportunity with him when N4 was released. Right now only the SMG + wild parrot has a chance to see much play imo. and since he lacks minelayer that is still a bit iffy.
  8. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Uhlan is probably my favorite PanO tag. one of the few i really enjoy running.
    Probably wont appear in sval, though that would be really cool. I can only imagine NCA will be pretty crazy if bolt + fusiliers link survives.
  9. costi

    costi New Member

    Oct 2, 2020
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    The Vargar are also from Norse mythology.
  10. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Varger simply means Wolf.
  11. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ey, give the poor guy a break :P After a few games I can say that the Boyg is pretty decent, at least the Mk12 profile.

    Talking about TAG, it is a pitty we have only one in Winterforce, I really really hope a new Pano TAG profile, not a S5 HI. While I will be gladly surprised if we have a new TAG in Winterforce next November, I truly dobut this will gona happen. But of course, all we can dream about it.
  12. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Hahaha I Will give him a break when he stops sucking.

    If I want a single HI attack piece I will go for the KoJ every time. He is just so much better. For pretty much the same price. Same goes for duo.
    The Knight of Justice just offers so much more. Better BTS, move value, stealth and great CC.

    If he had some special ammo like breaker I could see a use for him but sadly no such luck.
    Even the 0 SWC holds very little apeal to me as the discounts om SWC om other HI now make them cheap enough that I run out of points before I run out of SWC.
    But im glad to hear others find him not as sucky
    #12 Jotunn, Oct 21, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
    AdmiralJCJF and Urobros like this.
  13. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Having faced a skilled player using the Boyg in SWF, it definitely does not suck. It's funny to see people bag on him, definitely a case of failure to understand his best use.

    He's a killer in both the active and reactive, and you have to use him well in both to get his value. Dodging on 16s with ARM 8 makes him an excellent roadblock and sponge for opponents' orders, like a Riot Grrl missile launcher but far better (and no Fury). The active-turn use is a no-brainer, but using him well in the reactive means knowing where to put a very durable Suppressive Fire turret to block incoming opposing troops.

    Sure, a KoJ could be better in vanilla. In SWF though, the Boyg is a great pick for roadblock and one-man-firebase duty.
    chromedog and Urobros like this.
  14. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'll bite. Especially talking about the MK12, do you feel the Boyg was worth it compared to a KoJ?
    +2 Dodge, +1 DAM and a point cheaper
    6-2, WIP13, BTS9, Proper CC, Stealth, Wildcard and S2.

    Given Sval's whole schtick is Links! Links! Links! I'm having trouble not to bring Multiple Karhu to slot in a Haris with Hackable troops to get a mind boggling amount of options for a PanO Sectorial into the same Link.

    Drowning in linked C+ is one of the nicest problems to have since ever.
    The *worst* part about Sval is how obvious they are, all the value you get out of your links has to compensate for a lack of almost any surprises (the Kunai Ninja being the only thing that can start the game off the board, which in turn makes if pretty obvious).

    Given that framework it's hard not to field a Haris to slot the KOJ into for +1B.
    Some Haris link options that are real dreamteams and make life hard for the Boyg:
    KOJ Spitfire, Hospitaler Doctor, Karhu Engineer/Feuerbach
    KOJ Spitfire, Orc C+ Firewall and Karhu Engineer/Feuerbach/Paramedic
    For the MLs, I'm having a hard time running a Boyg over a KOJ that can go into the Core Link with N4's focus on ARO pieces and linked Fusilier Paramedics being comparable to a Traumadoc for PH14 HI.
    Judge Dredd and Cadmo like this.
  15. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I can't argue with you in this point XD hehehe The poor and lonely Boyg who almost nobody loves is truly a "plain" HI, it has a poor "sexappeal" :P

    Still, I was in the same spot as you about the Boyg before a few games. I forced myself to include in my list and now I find some use for him if I want to run several IPs not linked all of them. As "solo piece" is better than the others HI more suitables for fireteams. And now it has CD14 not 13 ;) Give it a chance, maybe you will be surprised "gladly").

    Still, as I said, the ML has no use... KoJ is better there, too much.

    @Teslarod isn't about bite anything :P

    I wasn't talking about choose between KoJ or Boyg... We can have both, here is where we can the boyg really works. You can use the "KoJ" as a fireteam piece and yet have some other heavy guy walking over the battlefield. Having the "duo" option, you can attach some specialist troup as a Karhu engineer or Quinn and go over some consoles and push buttons while killing people, having still your "core" intact and without taking any risk.

    Of course if we check the profiles, KoJ is a winner, but is not only about stats. I think.
  16. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Precisely. It isn't just about stats. And that is kinda the point. The Bøyg adds nothing to the army that the KoJ dosen't also add, while being much better protected and stronger offensivly and defensivly.

    If he had somthing that set him appart og offered somthing to a link that the KoJ could not it would be an entirely differet story.
    He could have had NCO or tactical awarness. He could have had special ammo. He could have had a defensive skill or a movement skill to set him appart, even giving him access to Haris links would have turned things around. A B3 missile launcher would have been one of a kind and added somthing not found elsewhere in the army. but sadly he is the least creative unit they could have designed for PanO.

    Even worse his own fluff is kinda a joke. PanO breaks international conventions and risks heavy punishment by tampering with voodoo tech only to make tech they have had for years i S2 platforms.

    I seriously hope they change somthing about him as I love the model and would very much like to field him outside friendly games where I don't really vare if I win or loose.

    And yes pretty much no model in infinity is unplayable. Of coarse you can make him work, but as stated I do not feel he adds much og value over other, better profiles found in SWF.
    Daireann, Urobros, LaughinGod and 2 others like this.
  17. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    The higher effective PH for Dodge makes him a more effective roadblock, at least when I faced him. He can competently Dodge anything that he can't outshoot, and sacrificing him as a roadblock didn't have the opportunity cost that using a KoJ for roadblock duty would have, when I faced him. The Boyg ate a bunch of my orders that game as I recall, much like a well-played Riot Grrl ML ARO turret does.
    Urobros likes this.
  18. Rot_Sechs

    Rot_Sechs Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    Boyg with an active turn fullauto like skill that gives opponents -3 without msv counterplay would have made him really good. Even if points increase for a skill like that. Especially the ml would be so much more interesting then what it is atm. A proper tag hunter (because a lot have msv i dont consider mimi relevant for tagkilling duty)

    It would be very pano to have good shooter make your shooting worse by shooting you. But sadly this didnt happen. C1 he is very useful because of the 0swc (ml doesnt matter there too) but in n4 he has no place in vanilla and only fringe corner application in win4.
    Urobros likes this.
  19. Devil_Tiger

    Devil_Tiger Your Friendly Neighborhood Asura

    May 3, 2018
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    I'm fairly sure only the Marut has a MSV
  20. Rot_Sechs

    Rot_Sechs Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    :sweat_smile: pano bs bias. They all have 30% msv1 :laughing:
    Devil_Tiger likes this.
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