Trying to figure out how to use a WildParrot. So let's say I have an Echo-Bravo and I've deployed a WildParrot with an enemy inside the trigger area. Next action I attack this enemy giving them an ARO - if they decide to dodge the template from the WildParrot, they take a normal dodge roll at -3... does that mean this dodge roll can't be used to also dodge against the Echo-Bravo's shots as a face-to-face roll? Is it one or the other, or can he attempt to dodge both? And if he can dodge both, how does the -3 factor in?
Make 1 roll, check at -3 to see if the wildparrot is avoided, then check ftf at 0 against echobravo. Fast example: phys=12 and roll = 10. Failed to avoid WP template at 9s. EB rolls = 4,7,9. Won for and managed to avoid EB shots.
Okay so second question - based on how cancels work in FTF rolls does that mean that if he had rolled a success at 9 and the Echo-Bravo nailed him on a 10, would the dodge of the template therefore be cancelled as per cancellation of successes in FTF rolls? It's no longer a successful 'normal' roll anymore, yes?
He dodges the template but gets hit by whatever Echo Bravo shots beat him in the FtF. 9 is enough to succeed at the normal roll, but not enough to beat the echo bravo's attacks. FYI the rulebook details a description similar to what you're asking on page 85.
That's not correct, because you're attempting to apply the rules for a face to face roll on something that isn't a face to face roll. The same die roll is being used in both, but it may as well be two independent copies of the same die.
Interesting. So you roll once but apply the result, essentially, to two discreet things - a normal PH-3 roll to avoid the template and then a different FTF roll to dodge the incoming shots. This is very strange given the way the rulebook uses the word 'roll', are there other examples that illustrate how this works? Also, another thing just occurred to me: does this mean that your PH-3 to dodge the template is irrespective of your success/failure when dodging? So you can get hit by the template and still do the dodge-move? Edit: page 85 has an example of a fusilier spreading shots across two different targets. I don't see how this applies to the specific example of a dodge roll being both a normal AND a FTF roll, or what qualifies as a success/cancellation etc.
No, you must succeed in your Dodge against all attacks to get the move, the mine's template is still an attack so failing your Dodge against it stops you moving.
No you still need to succeed against all involved instances, the Mine and the BS attack, to get the Dodge Movement. There is an example in the rules handling that situation on Page 86. EXAMPLE OF DODGE AND DEPLOYABLE WEAPON ... By failing to Dodge the Mine’s impact, the Zhanshi will also be unable to move up to 2 inches, even though he succeeded against the Fusilier’s Attacks.
So I guess that's where I'm being tripped up. The way the rules are written seem to suggest explicitly that the template dodge is NOT a FTF roll, but a 'normal' PH-3 roll, and it just didn't make sense that a dodge could test both as a normal and FTF roll at the same time. I think I get it now, thanks.