MRRF in N4 speculation and wishes

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by prophet of doom, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. prophet of doom

    prophet of doom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Here are some of my ideas:

    - Bruant having two profiles: limited camouflage + Forward Deployment 8" or wildcard + Number 2.

    - Metros links can include 1 112 and 2 Moblots.

    - Moblot Haris

    - Remdrivers available

    - hacker and a deployable repeater or a pitcher available. not as many and as good as in other factions, but present in the options.

    - zouaves having Forward Deployment 8". DEP gets exchanged by panzerfaust or erased. only the paramedic costs 0.5 SWC. the Sniper could get an AP weapon because the chasseur can't have a sniper rifle anymore. E-Maulers could be replaced by mines, 0.5 SWC for a minelayer option.

    - a new lightly armed midfield trooper profile that could bring a boost to close quarter combats, maybe with boarding shotgun or SMG. nothing great and expensive, rather something expendable. No camo on that unit, but Forward Deployment.

    with Mirage-5 having Van Zant abilities now, MRRF could become great again!
    Savnock, Foxep, tom_w and 2 others like this.
  2. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I expect Zouaves to get switched over to FD[8"], same as the Peacemaker did. Could be a lot of fun if they all picked up Sapper (starting in Suppressive Fire and Foxhole really breathes new life into those guys), but just losing the silly SWC tax would be enough.

    Loup Garou really need an update, since they haven't actually been good against Dogs for half an edition. Picking up a unique weapon that bypasses Total Immunity in the same way the Sepsitor does for a non-lethal takedown would be perfect, but otherwise just a good overhaul could help.

    Please, no more damned Mercenaries. A real "Foreign Legion" with decent tech could be fun, however.

    Moblots need a serious overhaul, they've been left behind completely by power and feature creep in the game. Having a real hammer of a unit doesn't suit the hit and run doctrine of MRRF, but I'd want to give them 6-2 MOV and Tactical Awareness so they're at least quick and can exploit openings in the enemy's defense.

    No need to stuff about with linkability, MRRF is specialised enough that typically taking a full team of the same unit works (exception being that one rando Alguacile).

    Briscards could use Climbing Plus; all the cool mountain men are getting Climbing Plus.

    MRRF might require a special, fancier-than-usual Anaconda due to its thoroughly crappy Hacking game, or at least a Pitcher+KHD Wardriver to clear the way, or that poor TAG is dead. It's also one of our very few anti-TAG options itself, without Annie we're down to Panzerfausts and prayer.
    Savnock, tom_w, Cabaray and 2 others like this.
  3. prophet of doom

    prophet of doom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Agreed, Briscards should get climbing plus and Moblots some special extra. Tactical awareness looks like a bit too much, though. That skill should be reserved to characters. Maybe Bruant? But he shouldnt get too expensive.

    All those mercs are getting on my nerves as well.
    Savnock likes this.
  4. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Very positive about the changes to the MRRF units that we have until now. And I like the suggestions currently given about the Briscards, Metros and Zouaves. I expect as well that Zouaves will become forward deployment, Briscards get climbing plus and metros with infiltration will be awesome.

    Wishes that I have:
    - Loup Garou. They are our riot police, so maybe buy up some O-12 kit like Riot Stoppers. I like their stun ammo profiles, but since they do nothing to Dog Warriors, It should be something else to make the story fit.
    - My wish is that all the Ariadna HI turn pseudo 2 wounds with NWI and Shock Immune and pay more for the profile. This will help with filling up your 15 unit list. The Moblot kit should destinguish them from other HI like Vet Kazaks, Volkolaks and Kosmosoldat. So the infiltration, E/M mines and engineer profiles make them stick out. And the Haris idea, I like!
    Foxep and prophet of doom like this.
  5. Thjazi

    Thjazi Member

    Apr 2, 2019
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    Briscards were MI with 4-4 MOV and now it seems to be the norm, so giving them something to gain that edge again would be great, like climbing plus and/or FD (even a small one).

    I agree with that, but TactAwarness might be a bit overkill ? I mean I wouldn't mind if they got it, but it seems a bit difficult to justify, specially on a profile that can link. Maybe something to make them harder to kill ?

    I would like more diversity on the ammo profiles. MRRF have Viral but with the meta evolving toward TAG and HI (which usually have Shock Immu and high BTS), Viral is less useful. No T2 yet and very few AP, so some Briscards profiles with T2 rifles, Zouaves with AP sniper (or AP HMG but this with Foxhole and FD would be waaaaay too powerful) and Moblots with AP HMG.

    It's wishful thinking, given that CB won't introduce profiles that would break Vanilla.
    Foxep and prophet of doom like this.
  6. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The choice of TacAware is to provide a distinction between Moblots and the usual pseudo-2W Ariadnan HI, going in more heavily on the servo-assisted speed and veteran operators instead of Teseum armoured durability or Antipode silliness. You'd take TacAware Moblots to speed up your list, giving you extra orders to hit with before you need to run- note that I'm suggesting they get this instead of a durability boost or fancier guns.

    The general lack of AP and T2 in Merovingia is drawn from fluff; they don't have the same mineral Teseum wealth the other Ariadnan factions do, and what little they have is nicked by the Kazaks. It's part of why Merovingia has such good ties with some of the galactics, even to the point of having the Anaconda as part of their regular forces: they're genuinely nicer than the Kazak-centric world government. If at all possible I'd like to keep that distinction, drawing on more setting-conventional heavy options instead of the heavily-damaging, mineral-expensive Ariadnan standard.

    Some upskilling of MRRF profiles is going to be basically inevitable though; in N3 it was very difficult to make a list even fitting into Tactical Window because everything was so cheap- you basically brought M5 or an Anaconda every time if you needed a smaller list.
    prophet of doom and saint like this.
  7. hortanium

    hortanium Major Thomas Williams, USAriadna Marine Corps

    Jul 2, 2018
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    The change to paracommandos has me hopeful for a revamped FRRM. My wish is that they give them a foreign legion profile. It’s not like it’s the most iconic French military unit or anything...Granted, I posted an idea for profiles here a while back, so I’m obviously a little biased.
    prophet of doom likes this.
  8. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    The issue with Moblots is it's always been unclear why they count as heavy infantry. They clearly are not servo powered, their armour (3) is in the range of old MI, although for reasons unknown they can move at 4-4 with it. They are really just an elite troop.

    I'd consider 4 inches of forward deployment, mimetism standard, and probably a WIP and PH buff and maybe BS attack (shock) and veteran as standard. Then very liberal link rules wildcard, core and haris above the line (min maxing is not a problem when your faction struggles to make weight in TW anyway). Weapons would be from the AP family, AP rifles, AP marksman rifles, AP HMGs and missile launcher. Chain colts as standard sidearm.

    Here you would end up with a powerful option that wont dominate vanilla rosters.
    Savnock likes this.
  9. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    Maybe give them access to Brawlers? Adds hacking as well. Also doesn’t increase SKU bloat.

    And maybe an Anaconda with a built in repeater? Too much to ask for?
    Savnock likes this.
  10. saint

    saint Charming, but irrational

    Nov 23, 2017
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    FRRM already had access to an Alguacile hacker and the Wardriver, for a faction that's light on hackable stuff I'm not sure we need a third option.

    Also I just want to dissent and say I'm not in favor of a Foreign Legion being added (not that I think we're going to get anything truly new in November) I don't like the idea of Merovingia or Ariadna turning to off-worlders as a permanent solution to anything, If anything I'd like them to get the first native Ariadnan hacker so that they can get rid of some of the mercenary options all together.
  11. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    CHA already beat us to the first native Ariadnan hacker with Izzy.

    I actually don't mind FRRM using a good number of mercenaries, they're the wealthiest state with the best access to off-world resources. Buying in foreign firepower (like Annie, Knauf, and the Alguacile) makes perfect sense to me.
    prophet of doom likes this.
  12. saint

    saint Charming, but irrational

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh right, Izzy, OK, addendum first native noncharacter hacker.

    I also don't mind FRRM buying mercs it is very fitting with their practical outlook on problems, but i also think their foresight would lead to them trying to remove reliance on said mercenaries as soon as is feasible.
  13. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I'd more likely just want a Veteran Anaconda so it isn't ruined by Hackers we can't actually do anything about, since we can't trust Dozers not to knee the self-destruct while they work.

    As @colbrook mentions above, MRRF does canonically exist in a space where it makes sense to use lots of Mercs. The "Foreign Legion" concept I mentioned above is more a way of integrating that willingness to accept help from galactics in a way that actually makes them distinctly Merovingian, integrating those skills into the faction instead of just being more Mercs to spoil the feel of Infinity. The general idea was to use moderately-advanced equipment such as MULTI weaponry, Jammers and E/Mitters on a typically-skilled Ariadnan platform (options like Forward Deployment[4"], Limited Camo and Minelayer but squishy in a direct fight) with a Cube, blurring the usual Merc design space with the Ariadnan one to create something more than the sum of its parts. Think Zouaves but with nice toys and a more elite bent instead of shovels and heavy weapons.
    prophet of doom likes this.
  14. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Totally against this, no more mercs for MRRF please. I much rather have a proper MRRF character instead of knauf. There is already too many merc stuff in the game (inside NA2 and outside of it)

    My wish list

    Linkeable Margot with Moblots (She was a moblot why not a special link team with 4 moblots and Margot?)
    Briscards with climbing plus needs to happen.
    Loup garou with riot stoppers, it just fits so well.
    (But don't remove their signature toys like stun grenades or the stun lgl)
    Loup garou sniper with another kind of visor or skill, the X visor doesn't fit with that weapon like in N2.
    Rebalance the swc cost of zuaves, moblots and loup lgl.
    Better link options, at the very least for Moblots, because 3 Moblots with 2 metros feels very restricted and a waste of points.
    Don't remove access to Emaulers, MRRF has almost no AP it's going to need easy access to E/M specially now that the ODD can not be burnt.
    Metros could take some love.
    Moblots could take A LOT of love.
    #14 MATRAKA14, Oct 14, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2020
    Teleute and Foxep like this.
  15. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    I’m not really in favor of giving them brawlers either, but it would make more sense than creating a whole new “Foreign Legion” unit that would most likely end up doing the same thing brawlers would.

    A Moblot hacker would be neat. I’d like to see them get the same link options Vet Kazaks do. Particularly the ability to duo the Engineer Moblot with the new Annie profile. Someone mentioned earlier giving them 6-2. I kind of like that idea. Or FD +X. I’d rather see them get speed and/or deployment buffs to set them apart from Vet Kazak / Mormeors.

    Loup Garou need a specialist or at least one that can link in. Could possibly give them a viral sniper rifle if they really wanted to double down on that theme. I agree they should also get MSV1 on at least the sniper profile.

    Biscards have already been covered above to my liking.

    Metros... meh.

    Zouaves really have the opportunity to shine because being able to put an HMG in sapper and suppressive right out of the gate really makes me happy. Also, changing them to FD +8 would really give them more deployment flexibility and increase how many I would take. This is pure wishful thinking but Sixth Sense on them would be amazing. I’d be willing to pay up for it too.

    I’d like to be able to see the 112 link into fireteams as well.

    I know people hate on Knauf but I REALLY like him and am very excited about his newer better profile. I think he is going to be an offensive monster now.
    Foxep likes this.
  16. prophet of doom

    prophet of doom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Regarding new units: It is not going to happen and maybe also not necessary. Look at how the paracommandos got changed. They are more versatile now and able to fulfil a close quarters combat role.

    The idea with the tac awareness Moblot is great as a concept, but difficult to achieve on a cheap, linkable troop. Maybe only one of the options could have it? It would add to the theme that MRRF are light and fast fighters. Just making moblots more durable would just end up duplicating already existing Aridna profiles.

    I don t like a ton of mercs, but MRRF could do with some mercs to make it the smart , high tech faction of Ariadna it is supposed to be? Limit the numbers of those mercs so MRRF does not lose its flavour.
  17. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    They lost a ton of utility and effectiveness too. No more LGL option, the only Rifle isn't a Specialist and Rifle ranges are very important on Parachutist troops, since they need to outrange DTWs to function reliably. The Paramedic is handy as Duroc backup and Paracommandoes are a little stronger against heavy armour with their improved AP access, but that's balanced out by how horrible CQC trade loadouts are on expensive AD troops. I used to take a Paracommando FO pretty much every game, the only new one I'd take would be the Spitfire and maybe the Rifle in a killy list, as something of a Tiger-lite. I'm actually extremely unhappy with the change; it seems built more to cover Kosmoflot's needs than MRRF's since MRRF can't historically open a landing zone to make those CQC loadouts useful without dropping Duroc as a doggy meatshield.
  18. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Bruant's molotok will hopefully become an AP Spitfire in line with other units. I could see him getting strategos L1 or NCO as well, at least on his FTO version. Don't know about getting Tac Awareness on anyone, doesn't seem likely, but sure, maybe.

    Some MRRF-only chasseur and paracommando profiles would be neat - EM mines perhaps?

    I suspect Loups will lose thier stun weapons, because those weapons currently don't exist in the rules and I kinda doubt CB would let any of the 'retired' armies have unique weapons or rules (would love to be wrong though). The LGL will probably become a normy grenade launcher, maybe an EM one if we're lucky.
    We might see more infiltrating moblots but i kinda doubt it - more likely they just lose that.

    TBH, hard not to be cynical haha.

    If you want a wilder prediction... could also see Zouaves maybe getting a Parachutist profile or two, maybe a ltd camo version as well?
  19. Monster

    Monster Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    They will come November get minor buffs to some units added wildcards .

    they will get no new units at all. They might get some Merc guy like Wolfgang.

    I expect a dog warrior or two as those sell well.

    cb will not be releasing new stuff for this army or the other discontinued armies their business model does not allow for it with the ever increasing number of new sectorial.

    this army , Acon and tohaa , cha they were never gonna bring back - it’s only due to outcry they did . And so they have not really declared any thought to it and won’t start now.

    Hell even cha is basically new shiny kosmoflot.!

    I am pretty sure this is the truth, considering how they run a business
  20. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Would make sense for MRRF to be the E/M Faction, like Usarf is the Flamer faction and TAK the T2 faction. It would give them some other way to deal with stuff and ad something from there perspective to Vanilla.
    Savnock, cazboab, Teleute and 2 others like this.
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