Invincible Army Tactica N4 (WIP)

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Greysturm, Oct 7, 2020.

  1. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    (Work in progress)

    General Overview
    Invincible Army (IA) is a heavy infantry based sectorial. As such it specializes in direct combat scenarios where it can leverage its above average shooting capabilities, armor, and resilience to maximum effect. This however doesn’t mean that it lacks specialists for more precise Jobs, only that they will be more limited and will often compete with each other for those limited slots in your average list.

    As most sectorials in N4, IA is centered around its fireteams and most lists will be built around them.

    · Durability

    Allowing most of your units to take a wound and still be operational is a major tactical advantage in Infinity as it allows you to keep pushing offenses and maintaining defenses operational after an unlucky roll. Also having above average armor values makes those wounds harder to lose in the first place.

    · Flexible Fireteams

    The in-unit profiles and wildcard availabilities allow you to create fireteams capable of taking care of almost any job.

    · Order Enhancement

    Lieutenant +1 order, NCO and Tactical awareness are a staple of the faction. In conjunction they allow you to push your fireteams and spearhead units harder than most other armies in the game.

    Potential Weaknesses
    · Hacking

    Being Heavy infantry based, hacking can become a problem if not accounted for. Luckily there’s plenty of access to firewalls and defensive hacking options.

    · Anti Camo

    The sectorial is a bit limited in anticamo tools. However, this can be mitigated through the use of remotes and specialist units.

    Area Denial

    The cost of the units capable of setting equipment to slow down or stop the enemys advance might stop you from covering other roles in your lists. This can be mitigated by including multiple cheap aroers such as chaiyi remotes or zhanshis in order to achieve the result of slowing enemy advances..

    · Exotic and Multiwound Ammo Vulnerability

    Although rare, this ammo types negate the main advantages of heavy armor so be wary of tailored lists with access to this armament.

    · High Point Cost

    The high individual value of unit’s limits IA ability to make lists that cover all possible threats.

    Command and Control (Leadership skills)
    Invincible Army has 15 Lieutenant choices,

    - Zhanshi: our humble lineshooter can be Lt for 11pts and no SWC, allowing for Lt shell games especially if you are taking a Zhanshi core and he/she blends with the rest.

    - Daoying: Daoying as a Lt brings an extra Lt Order and a Camo Marker deployment for safety. It enjoys a -0.5 SWC reduction on swc profiles, and all three profiles add something to the table.

    -- Daoying BSG 22pts 0 SWC: Cheapest Lt aside of the Zhanshi, can hide in Camo all game in your DZ.
    -- Daoying BSG HD 30pts 0 SWC:, No SWC cost, WIP 14, BTS 3 Hacker that can ARO Oblivion and Spotlight with ease and can move uptable for an objective grab thanks to Camo State.
    -- Daoying MSR 34pts 1 SWC: A Camo Multisniper, brings a Mine for extra Camo shell games and zone defense. He can use his Lt Orders to shoot, or to lend to some NCO on the field. If you value special ammunition he is a worthy piece to consider.

    - Zuyong: a combi Lt for 26pts, or a HMG Lt for 36pts and 1 SWC. Not really a worthy consideration since Zuyongs will go to the frontline most times and our CoC options are limited. Biggest argument for him would be inside a Zuyong Pain Train if you are limited in slots in your list. If you are running a Zuyong Pain Train (Fireteam), it might be hard to achieve a full 15 model list anyway.

    - YanHuo: the MHMG and HRMC can be Lt for no increase/discount on the base profile. Not really useful unless you are trying to confuse the opponent as to whom your Lt is.

    - Shan Ji: our "premium" HI can bring a Lt in its MULTI Combi profile (36pts, 0 SWC same as the base profile) or in the HMG (44pts 1 SWC, -0.5SWC from the base profile). Since you are more likely using this premium guys in more interesting profiles for the cost (like the AP HMG or the HD profiles), they are difficult to justify.

    - Mowang: all three profile can be Lts for a SWC reduction, but since these guys are going to see the thick of battle most of the times it is bettter to stick with the NCO profiles and use somebody else´s Lt Order.

    - Qiang Gao: although he brings a Lt+1 option, his price point and general suit of abilities most likely covered by a ShanJi or Zuyong HMG make him an akward Lt.

    - Guija: our only and only TAG can be a Lt for a 0.5SWC increase. Could be worth it if you are planning to funnel all orders through the TAG (and it is bringing along an Engineer) but still a risky proposition.

    All in all, the Daoying remains our best and more reliable source of Lieutenants, due to:
    - Camo State
    - Lt+1 order
    - Good Specialist or Good lone shooter side-role.
    When we are talking about aggressive Lts like the Mowang or ShanJi, one important thing to consider is our ability to lose the Lt and keep going. Looking at Chain of Command, we have three options:

    - HaiDao: a good CoC trooper, but with AVA3 and the ability to get more than one in a link, it will compete in desiderability with the MSV2 Sniper, the Engineer and the KHD profiles. Still the cheapest option at 26pts.

    - LeiGong SMG profile comes with CoC almost like a gift and could be interesting to consider if you are planning on using him.

    - TaiShen: If you plan to bring Tai in your lists and an extra 4pts, consider making her CoC for added security versus Lt decapitation attempts.
    - TaiShen: She can carry a MK12 or a Breaker Combi and Tinbot -6, which are good options to add to a link team while taking advantage of the extra NCO orders. Starting at 39 pts she is also quite pricy for what is essentially a Zuyong, although firing with BS14 can make quite a difference. One of the two options to power up any fireteam with Lieutenant orders, thx to its inbuilt wildcard skill

    - Mowang: A midfield bully that can put the NCO orders to good use. ARM5, 3 effective wounds, mimetism (-3) and a solid complement of tools, He might not be as linkable as some of the other options but if you need something big and survivable to hold a quadrant ot objective, the Mowang is your boy. However you must remember that if you choose him as your nco you wont be able to move a fireteam greater than a duo limiting the use of those orders.

    - Krit Kokram: For around 40 points, he can bring either IA´s only Feuerbach, a MULTI Rifle with +1 DMG or if you go for the nonlinkable option,a heavy shotgun, em mines, emitter and deployable repiters. As an engineer he can support his fireteam, repair advancing remotes and deactivate enemy deployables. One of the two options to power up any fireteam with Lieutenant Orders thx to its inbuilt wildcard skill.

    - HacTao: IA´s ultra-elite superiority Heavy Infantry. With a pricetag of a minor TAG, He has one NCO profile equipped with an HMG.. If you need a unit that will perform similar to a TAG, this is the guy, and now he can fully use the Lt Orders to kep attacking the enemy. If you choose him as your nco keep in mind you are loosing the flexibility of using them on a fireteam which means you are probably gonna to push the hactoa upfield to make the most out of them

    Heavy Infantry

    The workhorse of the faction, Zuyongs serve as the baseline for most units in the sectorial. A basic heavy infantry profile, it stands out because of its speed (dodge+1”), its plethora of options, Access to enhanced breaker pistols on all profiles and its fireteam capabilities including “Number 2” as standard.

    Zuyongs work well at the individual level, particularly its HMG profiles. My main recommendation for a lone wolf Zuyong would be the regeneration profile as it allows for potent firepower that can pick himself up should it meet stiff resistance. In urban tables its an excellent rooftop unit as it wont bog down your medic or its bots while providing strong firepower and resilience.

    Zuyongs really begin to shine when you bring them as a fireteam since their multiple option allow you to cover additional range bands and support without compromising outside resources. Also the presence of number 2 means your fireteam will rarely be broken allowing you to use your command tokens for other uses. The support profiles of the paramedic and Tinbot options, which improve the fireteams overall staying power and provide hacking defense respectively.

    What the Zuyongs cant do very effectively is hunting camo or fighting mimetism enemies as they lack tools to engage them effectively, try to use other units for that purpose. Its also important to note that although CC capabl,e any cc specialist can probably beat them, so make sure to shoot them before they close in.

    Overall, the Zuyong is a well-priced and useful unit that can work alone or in fireteams. It might lack specialists profiles and distinctive features from other HI but as far as combat goes, it will fulfill most of your needs efficiently. Don’t forget about those breaker pistols, the different ammo makes a world of difference when facing high arm and/or low bts enemies.

    Do you like killing stuff on the other side of the table from the comfort of your deployment zone? If your answer is yes, then the Yan Huo is your man/woman.

    The Yan Huo can be described as a heavy weapon platform. It specializes in shooting at long range and denying board areas to your opponent. From its profile we can see that its high BS and armor make him a great gunfighter although harder to hide thanks to its bigger footprint.

    The Yan Huo has essentially 3 loadouts that can be resumed in either high burst multi ammunition or low burst explosive. The high burst variants can punch through pretty much anything at long range and although mimetism can lower their effectiveness, the high number of shots still give you a chance to come out on top. The low burst explosives serve as reactive units leveraging their high armor and two wounds to slow down or block the enemy from moving through its field of fire.

    To get the most out of them you are going to have to herd your enemies into a killbox with the rest of your list and then move this unit into position and unleash its ridiculous amount of firepower.

    As for fireteams they have access to a duo which could be useful if you want to support them with a wildcard. Other than that, there’s little reason for them to come in pairs as you are better served covering different fire lanes and they will most likely not move too much as they excel at long range. Their special Harris although expensive gives you the best of their profiles as you’ll have the burst five MHMG and/or the burst two explosives shots in active and reactive turns.

    Overall a clear cut unit with defined roles. They tend to clear maps of enemies that leave any part visible during your active turn but don’t do nearly as well on the reactive since they are easy to counter with camo and mimetism gunners.
    Hac Tao are the cream of the crop of the IA Heavy infantry Roster. With Great stats all around and value multiplying skills such as camouflage, hidden deployment and mimetism -6. The main problem with this unit is that you cant bring in more than one.

    The Hac Tao has 3 loadouts, each defining its role on the table. The Hmg loadout is made in order to take out enemy ARO pieces and provide support fire from the back of the table. The Multi rifle hacker profile specializes in leading advances as a spearhead leveraging its skillset to overcome any enemy. Finally, the Missile launcher profile, provides an unexpected and deadly ARO capable of taking down fireteams in its first shot and provide a very hard to dislodge ARO piece for the rest of the game.

    The Hac Tao is a quintessential lone wolf and as such he doesn’t come with any fireteam options. However the high price tag means that you should maximize his usage, which translates into having the right support units backing him up for the role you give him.

    The Hac Tao is great unit and it can be a powerful tool in almost any list. As with any other unit be sure to select your targets carefully to maximize the Hac Tao advantages. For example don’t forget the nanopulsar and CC abilities when facing camo or mimetism.
    Shang Ji are the next generation Ju Ying armor variant, as such anything that the Zuyong can do, the Shang ji can do it better. Probably the only exception is access to breaker ammunition but having all their bs attacks be shock could be better in some instances.

    Being an improvement of the Zuyong, the Shang ji becomes a premium heavy infantry. Faster, more resilient and deadlier thanks to its better weapons and integrated shock Bs attacks. The only downside to this is a quite substantial higher price tag that might be hard to justify for anything but certain key profiles or higher point games.

    Shang Jis work very well individually, as all their profiles are equipped to deal with most targets thanks to their specialist ammunition and direct template weapons (chain colt and light shotguns). Another reason is that its easier to move alone than in fireteams with the active dodge enhancement that lets allows you to move 6-4 which will let you cross the board at TAG level speed or even faster if crossing through any special terrain thanks to their terrain (total) skill. This characteristics along with excellent Tactical awareness solo profiles make them some of the best lone hunters and rapid response units of the sectorial.

    In fireteams Shang ji become even better thanks to the fireteam bonuses and by leveraging their support profiles. Their ability to form any kind of fireteam and across the board inclusion of number 2 gives them flexibility and avoid fireteam breakage only matched by the Zuyong. Where they exceed Zuyongs is in their ability to wildcard into any link providing their benefits to any fireteam in the sectorial.

    As with most units in the sectorial Shang Jis have difficulty engaging camo or mimetism enemies, however thanks to their direct template weapons this is only a problem at ranges beyond their reach. Shang ji also maintains the Zuyongs good but not excellent melee capability that will see them struggle with cc specialists but will hold their own against most units.

    Overall the shang ji is an excellent unit and has to pay the price for being one. As such you probably wont make full fireteams of them but use them to increase the capabilities of other fireteams or as lone spearheads/reaction unit.
    Hai Daos are specialists in loan from Yu Jings navy, as such they serve mainly as support units. They tend to bring capabilities that most fireteams in the faction have no access to, and as such will probably be your go to wildcards for any fireteam.

    Hai daos are in a disadvantageous middle between heavy infantry and middle infantry. They are hackable, they have only one wound, no wound incapacitation, no bts and low PH when compared to Zuyongs. The only upside of this is that they are relatively cheap thanks to that.

    Alone most Hai Dao profiles are a bit underwhelming. They mostly have basic weaponry and only two swc weapon options. Individually you’ll get the most use of the multi spectral visor sniper as it fulfills a unique role in the sectorial, fighting camo and mimetism at long range. You might also use the killer hacker device as its unique to their unit but without bts or any form of defense they will be quite exposed to enemy hacking on their lonesome. A final viable lone option is the chain of command who will most likely sit in a rooftop or hard to access spot waiting for your active lieutenant to bite a bullet.

    Hai daos do not have native fireteam option so they can’t form a fireteam on their own and are relegated to become wildcards in other units fireteams. This is where they become their best as they can offer support in ways other units in the faction can’t or do so at a much greater cost. The killer hacker increases hacking capacity and defense of the fireteam while probably gaining a firewall protection, the engineer will help the fireteam deal with em and adhesive while deactivating enemy equipment and repairing supporting remotes, while the multispectral visor will gain fireteam bonuses and provide a way to deal more effectively with camo and mimetism.

    Overall although lacking in certain areas, the hai daos provide a few unique specialist roles for the sectorial and can add utility to fireteams.
    IA´s own drop troop. Liu Xings allow you to add an unexpected vector of attack to your strategy.

    Liu Xings have a similar stat line to Zuyongs but trade a natural second wound for no wound incapacitation in order to get parachutist and combat jump. This means that it’s a good troop with decent resilience and combat capabilities. They are also as fast as Shang Jis with their dodge +2” and combat jump in 14s instead of their Phys 13.

    As most drop troops in the game, Liu Xings are lone wolfs. Most of the time they enter the game in the enemy´s side of the table and do as much damage as possible. As such its loadout options cater towards offensive use. The boarding shotgun combined with the high speed allow the Liu Xing to hunt down enemies and outmaneuver them. The spitfire high burst and range allow the liuxing to take position in the middle of table and threaten anything it can draw a line of sight too. The Multi rifle is a middle of the road between the two other options.

    As a hacker the liuxing can set itself up in the enemy deployment zone or critical junctions in order to spotlight, delay or stop enemies. However one must be carefull as this will must likely expose him to enemy hackers and other countermeasures so be sure to have the cuantronic superiority before engaging in this tactic.

    As most units in the sectorial, the liuxing might struggle with camo and mimetism as it doesn’t have a tool to deal with them in favorable conditions beyond the shotguns direct template attacks.

    Overall the Liu Xing is a great combat unit that start attacking the enemy from the first order you give him thx to explode. However, careful consideration of drop zones, attack routes and possible counter attacks is going to be critical to get the most out of them.
    IAs designated spearhead, Mowangs are the most resilient unit in the sectorial

    Mowangs are very hard to fight against with high arm and bts, 2 wounds, No wound incapacitation and mimetism -3 they become mountains to be moved by the enemy. They also are pretty decent gunfighters so there is a high probability that most enemies would break themselves trying to take them down.

    In terms of loadouts although there are 3 variants, they are pretty similar with a mid range weapon a long range limited rocket/adhesive and a heavy pistol. Their usage depends on available points or if you believe youll need some sort of specialist ammunition, either way you’ll get a solid spearhead. The harder option to choose from is either to get the NCO option in order to use lieutenant orders or make it you lieutenant and get a SWC discount for the higher burst weapons.

    Alone or in a link Mowangs uses are going to be similar, serve as a spearhead in active turn advancing and shooting down targets of opportunity and entering suppression fire for the reactive turn baiting the enemy into attacking him instead of other more vulnerable pieces. Suppressing fire if you believe you are in range or firing a rocket/adhesive if you think you aren’t or get an opportunity to hit several targets.

    The fireteam duo option has several possible uses. The first is to move a second Mowang to change fireteam leaders between orders so that you avoid losing one and block two different firelanes in reactive with suppression fire. The second would be to bring a support unit to heal or provide some other utility like hacking, A third is imply to move up a unit for another purpose and then parting ways, etc.

    In terms of liabilities liabilities, the Mowang suffers particularly against CC specialist as they bypass his mimetism and effectively neutralize him even if they don’t kill him as he probably wont be able to break out or kill the unit. It also like most of the factions lacks effective anticamo and antimimetism measures.

    Overall Mowangs are a tough unit that will make a great spearhead for your forces. br sure to get the most out of it by forcing your opponent to engage it while you hold the advantage and supporting it adequately.
    IA´s CC specialist, if you need to fight or place a D Charge on something that moves this is your man.

    As 1 wound, no wound incapacitation heavy infantry, Hulangs are a bit less sturdy than the standard Zuyong however it overcompensates with the addition of Mimetism -6. Hulangs also trade a bit of the standard gunplay and speed of our standard heavy infantry in order to push up their melee capabilities into specialist territory. All profiles are also specialist for mission purposes allowing them to carry out objectives.

    There are 4 loadout options although they are pretty similar in most regards. They are divided into two groups the Forward deployment options and the Fireteam Options each consisting of a submachinegun and rifle loadout.

    The submachine gun loadouts are practically identical with only differences being the crazy koala and minelayer skill in the forward deployment option. This makes the profile a little more defensive by allowing the possibility to slow the enemy advance and if lucky even leaving a defenseless enemy to use your monofilament blade on. Both loadouts have access to em grenades which are useful to deal with tightly packed groups or mechanized enemies while also giving the possibility of attacking without a line of sight.

    The rifle loadouts differ in that the Forward deployment option has a standard combirifle and em grenades while the fireteam option has a Multirifle and no grenades. Both however are equipped with a ligh flamethrower useful for dealing with camo, mimetism and groups of enemies.

    As for their use, the forward deployment options tend to lean more into the role of big game hunters and taking down targets of opportunity. This means keeping a low profile by hiding in rooftops or crannies in the middle of the table and wait for enemies to close in and ambush them on your turn or wait for an opening in the enemy defenses and charge towards the most important pieces of the enemy list. Either way its important to keep the unit safe which means choosing where you deploy him carefully and maximizing the mimetism mod and suppression to your advantage.

    In fireteams, Hulangs offer a unique set of skills from which most fireteams can benefit. They can engage camo and mimetism troops at close range, use their own mimetism to push firefights in their advange and the inclusion of em grenades allows them not only to speculative attack but also stop mechanized enemies in their tracks.

    Overall, the hulang is a great addition to any fireteam as his presences makes it much more flexible and devastating at close range. As solo units they require patience and planning to get the most out of them.
    IAs midfield camo skirmisher, this unit fulfills an important role to the sectorial, being able to fight for the midfield and secure objectives ahead of the advance of the rest of your units.

    A one wound, no wound incapacitation heavy infantry is a bit less resilient than the standard. It makes up for this with camo and mimetism. However the most important part of the profile is its ability to infiltrate, transverse any terrain and move on vertical surfaces.

    The Zhencha have 3 loadout possibilities all of them specialists capable of completing objectives in missions.

    The first loadout is a Forward observer, boarding shotgun and dcharges. Good for completing demolition objectives or destroying enemies that are inmobilised. The shotgun makes them decent camohunters and with their ability to cross terrain it can help them attack heavier enemies from unexpected angles with the ap rounds or to marke them.

    The second loadout is another forward observer but this time with a submachine gun, panzerfaust and mines. This is more of a hunter profile leveraging the submachinegun ammunition variety to take down most enemy types up close, the panzerfaust for big threats at mid to long range and the mines to block enemy advances or threaten clumps of enemies units.

    The third loadout is a hacker option with a boarding shotgun. While able to hunt down enemies like the other two profiles, this profile specializes in taking down big mechanized threats and establishing hacking zones by reaching unacessible areas to units without climbing plus. This profile needs to be on the lookout for hacking countermeasures like killing hacker devices or better hackers.

    Overall a critical unit for Ia as it allows them to hunt down enemies, complete objectives and prepare the board for the advance of the rest of the list.

    Medium Infantry
    IA´s most likely lieutenant, daoyings are a staple of most IA lists.

    The daoying statline is pretty much that of a Zuyong with the exception of having only one wound and trading lower Bs and PH for a rise in Willpower. It also comes with camo and mimetism as standard which increases its resilience.

    Daoyings come with 3 loadouts all in standard and lieutenant variants. There is the basic boarding shorgun profile useful for countering enemy incursions into your deployment zone, the hacker boarding shotgun profile that besides countering incursions into your deployment zone is capable of supporting the rest of your army with it hacking device and as such benefits from good repeater coverage to avoid spending orders getting into position. The final loadout is a minelayer multi sniper rifle capable of engaging threats at long range and leveraging its visual mods to take down enemy targets and slow don enemies’incursion into your deployment zone through the use of mines.

    The most important aspect of the daoying loadouts is that all of its lieutenant profiles come with an extra lieutenant order. Which is key to leveraging the factions NCO profiles or making the most of the unit if your willing to risk them.

    Overall the daoying is a decent unit that often gets overlooked beyond its lieutenant potential. It has a role to offer.

    Light Infantry

    The factions standard line trooper, zhanshis are basic line infantry that fill more of a support role in IA.

    Zhanshis are pretty similar to all factions line troopers with the exception of being marginally better at melee and being able to dodge an extra inch. Skills that you probably wont use in most of your games.

    Alone Zhanshis are a bit lackluster but they do have loadouts that can provide a useful purpose on the table. The paramedic can replace a doctor if you cant shave 2 points of your list. The swc weapons can serve as backup heavy weapons if your main offensive peaces get taken out or you want to threaten a firelane without compromising to many points for it. The hacker provides a cheap way to set cuantronic coverage in the table. Specialist can also complete mission objectives as well as your heavy pieces.

    Zhanshis have a fireteam core options that increases the value of their swc weapons considerably, bringing them to the level of your heavier pieces. However the limited availability of the unit means that you need to bring a wildcard to complete it and that wildcard can really benefit from the bonuses provided by the link team, it wont be rare for you set up a firebase of a heavy unit backed up by zhanshis in your deployment zone.

    Overall zhanshis are a cost-effective option in a heavy costed sectorial. The lower poin value is critical in smaller games and in larger games they will become cheerleaders for your more expensive HI units.
    The factions standard doctor, it has zhanshi stats but is a doctor.

    Useful as a support unit for things in your half of the table, it has problems going further because of its inability to link and can become an order drain to support anything farther than that. IAs access to paramedic profiles make it less of a must have as other sectorials but the possibility of rerolling a bad dice with a command token has saved plenty of troopers that might otherwise be dead.
    The factions standard Engineer, it has zhanshi stats but is an engineer with dcharges.

    Useful as a support unit for things in your half of the table, it has problems going further because of its inability to link and can become an order drain to support anything farther than that. IAs access other engineers profiles that can link makes him slightly redundant. However being the cheapest engineer makes him a good choice for supporting remotes (Yaokongs) or a Guijia that stays in your deployment zone.
    Warcors are mostly list fillers, if you got 3 points you can spend them on a cheap 360 visor or sixth sense flashpulse platform. It also serves as an extra order generator if you have available command tokens and no better plan to use them.

    It also has an extra use in campaigns or certain missions by being the only unit in the army with the journalist trait.

    Weibing Yaokong (Guardian Remote)

    A specialist remote with plenty of uses. Capable of using its toolkit to fulfill a support role in your armies.

    The weibing is relatively fast with its 6-4 move, which allows it to cap objectives faster than most units in the army. It also helps expand repeater network making it easier for your hackers to use their abilities on the field. Its sensor and triangulated skills make it a decent camo hunting platform. Finally, its flash pulse give it a decent ARO weapon at midrange or it can be put in suppressive fire thanks to its combi rifle to cover shorter ranges.

    Its drawbacks are its greater silhouette size which makes it harder to hide and its fragility against arm attacks and vulnerability to hacking.

    In IA, the weibing is a critical unit since it allows for anticamo capabilities and specialist presence at a cheap price. It also synergize well with the engineer availability in IA. This is a unit I would recommend you add to your list often and only remove if you are sure you can cover those roles with other pieces.
    A combat remote, specialized in its ARO capabilities.

    The Husong is a fast weapon platform that slows enemy advances by leveraging its HMG to its full Burst in ARO. It 360 visor allows it to deal with threats from any direction and complicates enemy paratroopers and other infiltrators movement in the back lines.

    The husong however has its downsides, it is very vulnerable to visual mods as it has a low BS skill, and it can be hacked fairly easily. It also needs to maintain the enemy at favorable ranges and if its hit it probably is going down as it has no armor..

    A decent unit the Husong accomplishes its role better when being buffed by an evo and with engineer support. Its SWC cost might be hard to justify among the other options in the sectorial but its not a wasted investment if you decide to bring it.

    A specialized combat remote with the only access to guided ammunition in the sectorial.

    The Son Bae is a fast weapon platform that benefits from being as far from the enemy as possible to make the most of its missile launcher. Its main claim to fame is its strategic value as it makes use of hackers and forward observers ability to mark targets to drop down almost certain death on their head without needing line of sight.

    In IA the Son Bae is a wildcard which allows it to be part of any fireteam. This effectively allows it to boost its direct combat abilities by a significant degree. This is conjunction with the synergies coming from an EVO and the available engineers make it a decent fighting platform, but its main use continues to be giving hackers and forward observers the ability to rain fire on their enemies.

    Overall the Son bae is a good unit that fulfills a clear role in the sectorial and if you invest in it, it can also be a quite powerful long range gunfighter and its low price can make it a decent Link filler in pricy links.
    A light remote, capable of offering decent flash pulse AROs and expanding repeater network coverage.

    Having the highest moving speed of the sectorial at 6-6, the chaiyi are the fastest way to get repeater coverage in a particular area. The combination of low cost, flashpulse and mimetism makes the chaiyi an excellent ARO piece and order provider.

    The chaiyi are good order generators in a high cost sectorial and their repeater capabities help set up repeater network on your lines or if you need to beyond.
    This remotes are mostly equipment for your medics or engineers, allowing them to operate in another zone of the table with increased speed a lower silhouette and mimetism.

    IA has a large availability of these and given the elite nature of the sectorial its important to keep support available to your expensive units be it bringing them back from unconscious or dealing with inmobilized status.
    The Yaopu is the faction’s baggage bot, capable of restoring disposable equipment to units near it. It also increases the value of the unit by 20 points both for retreat reasons and in order to capture zones.

    The Yaopu variants can be divided in two categories, first the repeater variants and secondly the EVO hacker variants. The repeater variants come with escalating weapons capacity and cost ranging from a budget friendly deactivator to a total reaction combi rifle. The Evo hacker has a range of hacking programs only available to it and can be critical to strategies involving lots of drop troops or remotes.

    Regardless of loadout the yaopu is not a decent combat platform and its weapons are mainly there to add value to the unit for zone securing purposes and provide a desperate ARO.

    The light shotgun repeater variant is a wildcard in IA and it is really valuable as it allows you to pad expensive links with a relatively cheap unit that ives repeater coverage and a direct template weapon.

    The Yaopu serves as a cheap order generator and support platform that can provide a few extra support roles.

    Assault Remotes

    Our legendary assault remote, the Rui Shi is a capable gunfighter that uses its spitfire with multispectral visor level 2 to bring death to the enemy.

    A relative fast gun platform, the Rui Shi can close on its targets and delete them with its spitfire. It also carries a repeater through which hackers in the army can help as it advances into enemy territory while deflecting hacks against itwith its high BTS. The ability to be buffed by a hacker evo makes it deadlier and can be supported by the engineer availability in the sectorial.

    The downsides of the Rui Shi is its big silhouette that make it hard to hide and in some cases move through. Its lack of armor makes it fragile if hit and its low cc skills make it easy to take down by any melee specialists.

    The Rui Shi is an excellent unit because of to its low cost and high firepower, it has proved itself many a times in my lists. Although it lacks the synergy found in the other sectorial and vanilla with smoke sources, it is still a good cheap unit that can hunt enemies with visual mods and camos relatively well.
    Our Trickster Assault Remote, the Lu duan main feature is its holomask and holoproyector which helps itself disguise itself as any other silhouette 4 troops and provide holoechos to make the enemy waste shots on.

    Another relatively fast gun platform, the Lu duan has middle range weapon in the Mk12 and a strong direct template weapon in its +1 burst heavy flamethrower. Its multispectral visor level 1 helps its engage enemies with mimetism effectively and even attack through smoke in a pinch. Finally its deployable repeaters and minelayer allow him to set a repeater network as it moves up the table while fending off hacking attacks with its high BTS. The ability to be buffed by a hacker evo makes it deadlier and can be supported by the engineer availability in the sectorial

    The downsides of the Lu Duan is its big silhouette that makes it hard to hide, move through small spaces and occupies a huge space when considering its holoechoes. Its lack of armor makes it fragile if hit and its low cc skills make it easy to take down by any melee specialists although it can make an effective tradeoff with its flamethrower.

    Overall I believe the Lu Duan is a better choice for IA when it comes to assault remotes, its low cost and lack of SWC cost fall better in the expensive IA roster. Its gun is almost as good as a spitfire and its heavy flamethrower is something rare in IA. If you are gonna bring an assault remote I would recommend you take a Lu Duan.


    Yu Ying premier TAG, It’s an allrounder unit capable of fighting at range and in close combat efficiently which only downside is its cost.

    The Guijia is the premier spearpoint unit in the sectorial fast, strong, deadly and resilient. Its +1 damage Multi-Hmg and high ballistic skill allows it to engage almost any target at range with high probability of success. Its elite level CC, martial arts level 2, high phys and DA weapon make him a tough cc unit capable of engaging other CC elites and still have a high probability of coming out on top. Its high arm allows it to shrug most non ap shots while in cover and about half of those while out of cover. Its BTS also offers a decent amount of protection from sporadic hacking and a few types of exotic munitions. Its heavy flamethrower allows it to engage groups of enemies at close range or attempt to smoke out camo markers. Its superjump ability allows it to hunt enemies hiding in rooftops and transverse terrain more effectively. Finally, its ECM guided -6 helps the Guijia avoid strikes from guided ammunition.

    On the negative side even though it has tactical awareness its cost to order ratio remains rather high in an already point heavy sectorial. Its high phys does not translate to dodging or repairing it. It’s not remote presence which means repairing it is a lot riskier and depends more on good initial dice roles. It lacks a decent close to midrange weapon alternative which leave it vulnerable in that range. Specialist ammo or dedicated hacking attempts will bring it down relatively fast.

    In IA the Guijia can receive support to enhance it from a variety of sources, the main pick of these would be wildcards linked to via its fireteam duo. They can be engineers that keep it running and/or specialist that cover some of its weaknesses such as hacking or dedicated anti camo.

    Overall, the high cost of the Guijia means that you most probably should build your list around it to maximize its effectiveness. However, this means thar you are putting most of your eggs in one basket and should be aware that should be a little conservative with the Guijia itself.


    A Zuyong base character that shoots better, stuns, marks and completes objectives better, carries specialist equipment, has better BTS and most important of all is an NCO.

    In terms of the basic profile Tai Sheng is an upgraded Zuyong which would pretty much make her a Shang Ji, the key differences being that instead of having higher armor and phys she has better BS and willpower.

    In terms of of skills Tai sheng trades the BS Attack shock, Number 2 and terrain total for being an NCO.

    Where they truly differ is in their loadout options, with Tai sheng carrying rare weaponry for the sectorial. Either a breaker rifle with a Tinbot B or MK12, both of which offer interesting opportunities in the field of battle. If you are willing to pay a premium you can take wither loadout with the chain of command ability included.

    So why don’t i like her? Mainly because the only thing that really makes her stand out is her NCO which let you use the lieutenant order(s) as regular orders for her, which requires you to bring a lieutenant who you do not want to use his order(s) on. In comparison the Shang Ji forward observer with tactical awareness does pretty much the same things for the same cost but can do it all by his lonesome and has a multi rifle that can fire AP+Shock ammo.

    You could make a case that it offers versatility in the use of the lieutenant order(s) and the increased bs and exotic weapons make a difference in firefights but I just personally don’t see that much value in either and if you are gonna be pushing a fireteam with her, having her be your chain of command isn’t that useful because shes gonna be pretty exposed.

    Overall even with my personal opinion, Tai Sheng is not an objectively bad option to bring and can fulfill decent roles in your army. Just be aware of the other options you can bring to fulfil those roles.
    A Zuyong based character engineer with high willpower and access to exotic weaponry. Most importantly he´s an NCO.

    In terms of the basic profile Krit only stands out from a standard zuyong in his increased willpower. As for skills, him being the only 2 wound heavy infantry engineer makes him quite unique in the sectorial. He can move/dodge for 6-4 movement although his lower ph means there is a higher chance for failure. Finally he’s an NCO, which allows him to use the lieutenant order(s) as a regular order.

    Krit has 3 different loadouts that define his role on the table.

    Forward Deployed minelayer: This loadout makes Krit an expensive skirmisher. Equipped with em weaponry and deployable repeaters, this version of Krit excels at hunting down rems, heavy infantries and tags. This loadout version benefits the most from active support of remotes since he is able to repair them and set hacking assistance for them further than your deployment zone. Although not able to wildcard into links, this version can make good use of the lieutenant order(s) to set traps in the field or push his advance.

    Multirifle Variant: The cheapest variant, this is probably the version that will see the most use inside linkteams. Without any fancy equipment beyond its +1 strength Multi rifle, he justifies his inclusion by his engineering and NCO skills. Allowing him to propel a fireteam forward by using the lieutenant order(s) and repairing accompanying remotes or deactivating enemy equipment. This is also the version you will see accompanying Tags in their duo, providing short to mid-range firepower and the possibility of onsite repair to your Guijia.

    Feuerbach Variant: The long-range heavy weapon option, this variant is at its best in a defensive linkteam, clearing enemy ARO troops and covering the board with its high threat Aro response. This versions tends tolack a good use for their NCO skill as it doesn’t really want to move up the table by itself or in a linkteam because of the weapon ranges, however this version is optimally equipped to repair remotes or other structures in your deployment zone.

    Overall, all three krit variants are optimized to do a job and can fulfill different needs. This makes including Krit easy and cost effective if you use him well. Krit is also the best option to add an NCO to your fireteams.
    IA resident aristea superstar (lets pretend he is not in white banner), hes a middle infantry with specialist equipment and most important of all he is the only unit in the sectorial with access to albedo.

    Stat wise, lei gong is mostly a Zuyong with a point lower in cc and phys and a point higher in will. He trades the 2 wounds for a single wound, no wound incapacitation and shock immunity. Essentially having almost the same basic benefits of HI but being unhackable.

    In terms of loadouts both variants present a varied set of weapons that can engage the enemy in different ways. They include a Blitzen to engage enemies at long range, inmobilizing them if they are HI, remotes or hackers. A nanopulser as a direct template weapon to engage groups of enemies and units with camo or mimetism up close. A breaker pistol to engage at the shortest range or fight enemies with high armor and low to mid bts.

    The main difference between both loadouts options is their main weapon. The first has a shock marksman rifle that allows Lei gong to engage enemies at medium range complementing his already flexible range bands. The second a submachine gun, giving more options to engage at close range and ammo variety to deal with specific threats. This second option also makes lei gong a specialist by conferring him the chain of command skill, allowing him to complete objectives and to become your lieutenant if your original Lt falls or is isolated.

    Lei gong is a wildcard in IA, allowing him to join any fireteam in the sectorial. However, I believe lei gong works better as a lone hunter killer, bypassing enemy MSV ARO pieces and taking down enemy skirmishers and other targets of opportunity. However being in a fireteam does allows him to fire his long range weapons at an advantage or to fill the slots in a fireteam that open up as losses start to diminish the fireteam effectiveness.

    Overall Lei gong is a useful addition to the IA roster, allowing for certain capabilities missing in the rest of the sectorial. Lei gong shines a lone wolf but can add some options to a pack if necessary.
    Yu Jings Defiance hero, Quiang Gao offers his leadership, armor and heavy machine gun to the service of the invincible army.

    Statwise, Quiang gao is a mix between a Zuyong and a Shang Ji, having most stats at Zuyong level with the exception of willpower which is higher and the armor values of the Shang Ji. As for his special skills, two of them they are quite unique, upgrading his ballistic attacks with more damage and having the veteran skill, preventing him from being isolated and maintain his regular order in both loss of lieutenant and retreat situations.

    As for his loadout, both options have the same weaponry. A hmg for long range firefights, a nanopulser for direct template action and a breaker pistol +1 burst for close range firefights. The difference between them is that one is lieutenant option with an extra order.

    In terms of combat capabilities, Quiang Gao is the same as the other heavy infantries armed in the sectorial, his dmg +1 bs skill doesn’t change his general use at all. Good for fighting at range wither alone o bolstered by being part of a fireteam. His value comes from being an unisolatable HI lieutenant with two orders allowing him to push himself fighting at long range or fueling the NCOs in the sectorial.

    Overall Quiang Gao is one the best fighting lieutenants in the sectorial and worth a look if you want your lieutenant to do more than sit in a corner.
    A light infantry engineer character equipped with a variety of useful weapons and capable of entering any fireteam thanks to his wildcard status.

    Stat wise, Jeong is a big improvement over the basic engineer. He fights better, repairs better and even has basic bts protection. He also brings an active repeater on him and improves the damage of his weapons, is immune to shock and dodges farther.

    In his loadouts he either brings a light rocket launcher to the standard engineer loadout or improves the combi rifle to a k1 rifle and adds ap mines to it. This effectively make one loadout more efficient against group of enemies or enemies in cover, while the other loadout is better against enemies with high armor values.

    His abilities benefit fireteams he joins as a wildcard while improving his own fighting capabilities. He shines as partner for a tag or lists that bring remotes that advance along with his fireteam.

    Overall Chief Jeong is a big improvement over the basic engineer, although he does pay for the difference. He is a good addition if your planning on bringing several remotes or a GuiJia


    Cheap and flexible, this are your go to fireteams in lower point games or if you want to focus on solo units. Decent at both offensive and defensive roles while also having access to a variety of specialists, it wont be rare to seem them fielded in any IA army.

    A few of their most common uses are as defensive measure, empowering a SWC carrying wildcard or creating a multiple hacker base to control the board through repeaters.


    The middle of the road fireteam, it sacrifices utility and flexibility for an increased combat capability at a reasonable cost. More suited to offense than defense, this fireteam is expected to advance and engage the enemy without worrying about the fireteam breaking thanks to their standard (Number 2) skill. Most utility functions will be added by introducing wildcards to the team, but even a pure Zuyong fireteam the specialist profiles will allow them to achieve objectives.

    Their most common composition usually involves an HMG, a paramedic and a tinbot -6 option, and two “free option” to either include weapons that cover other ranges or to introduce wildcards.

    Shang JI

    The deluxe fireteam core option, this fireteam excels at both combat and utility but comes with a heavy pricetag. If you do decide to bring this fireteam core you will have to build your list around it as most of your points will be invested in it. The heavy investment in the team means that it will probably have to cover both defensive and offensive roles considering your enemy will probably target them as the primary threat. The inclusion of Number 2 in all profiles helps maintain the link even when it starts to take loses and their high phys gives medikits a good chance of bring downed members back into the fight.

    The low number of members in this type of fireteam means that to maintain bonuses you must keep all members operational which increases the value of medic/paramedic support near them. It also forces the fireteam to be more specialized in a given role even with the use of wildcards. This loses some of the fireteam all rounder potential. However, this drawbacks are offset by the smaller footprint in the table allowing for easier moving around and hiding and the lower overall price of the fireteam.


    The “cheaper” option, this heavy infantry fireteam can serve multiple purposes. The main ones being “attack vector” (main or secondary), specialist escorts or area securers.

    Shang Ji

    The “premium” option this fireteam is more geared toward combat although it can still cover other roles thanks to wildcards and in unit specialist variety.

    Zuyong + Yanhuo

    If you only care about firepower this fireteam maximizes its value by adding burst to some of the biggest guns in the sectorial. If you play in open tables with long range line of sights you cant go wrong bringing this bad boys.
    The main advantage of this fireteam is allowing for better mobility of its members. Excellent for pushing specialists and great individual fighters up the field.


    The cheap option. Zuyongs are great escorts thanks to their speed varied profiles and reasonable costs, the regeneration profile is particularly effective as it foregoes the need of medic support while bringing enough firepower to deal with mosts threats. They also serve as a basis for a heavy infantry hacking base with their tinbot b profiles.


    The heavy weapon option this fireteam serves as a gun fortress. This duo allows to maximize the Yan huos potential as it allows to fire with a high burst weapon on the active turn and set a double missile launcher in the reactive. The main drawback of this fireteam is that it doesn’t do anything to deal with the yanhuos weaknesses and it forces both units to share similar line of sights.


    The Tag fireteam, this fireteam allows for two tags to move simultaneously. Great for a Gung ho strategy that allows you to rotate tags during the active turn to maximize their staying power and provide powerful aros in the reactive. Another use is for the guijia to link with an engineer in order to be repaired as it pushes forward or a repeater to support it with hacking.

    Shang Ji

    Another great escort option Shang Jis are a little bit more resilient than Zuyongs while maintaining the variety of loadouts at the cost of a higher price. This fireteam also allows for a small HI hacking base thanks to the Shang Ji hacker option and its Tinbot B option. The shang ji paramedic option might be a better option than a zuyong thx to its better weapon loadouts.


    The combat fireteam. The mowang is a unit meant to be in the fray, so this fireteam allows you to bring another one to strengthen your claim to the midfiled, support it with paramedics or hackers, or escort a specialist into heavily contested areas.


    This one is a bit weird. The wildcard status of the hulang means you will rarely see him in a pure duo but they were given the option in case you want to maximize close combat potential or have both em grenades and a flamethrower available for them.

    Lei Gong
    Qiang Gao
    Chung Hee
    Shang Ji

    List ideas and themes
    Pain Train
    Star shower
    #1 Greysturm, Oct 7, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  2. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
    Likes Received:
    List idea "T-Pose"
    Duo: Guijia, Cheung
    Duo: Guijia, Pangguling
    Zhanshi Fireteam; Combi, Hacker, Hacker, Haidao CoC, Son-Bae

    Double Guijia provides firepower, hacking backup, Cheung and Pangguling helps keep TAGs clear of possession and adds a vector for Spotlight and Son-Bae death. LT can be either TAG or the Combi Zhanshi. Floating 3 points.
    burlesford and Greysturm like this.
  3. Khalipo

    Khalipo Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    With shangji now more competitive, and multiple haidaos in Fireteams, IA got some more Punch and flexibility.

    I still miss the long Ya there, but...
  4. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Do we still think Daoying hacker is the default Daoying? I find myself eyeing the sniper far more than I ever did in N3.
  5. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Do you guys remember who we have to ask in order to stick it at the top of the faction forum?
  6. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    My opinion no, it lost most of its use as a lone hacker. I would either go for the budget version for the orders or the sniper version if i want to use it more actively.
    Paegis, BrightSaga and the huanglong like this.
  7. Khalipo

    Khalipo Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Sadly, daoying has lost its attractiveness since the hacker changes.

    And for the nco interaction, I don't think its worth the extra points for the extra order
  8. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    The safety of a marker state is certainly attractive. The hacker is the only specialist and she got upgraded to 4-4 move now. As a marker swings games. But god I miss assisted fire from her already.
    meikyoushisui likes this.
  9. Mics152

    Mics152 Member

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Ive found that she is effective if you make use of repeaters. Krit FD is great for setting up a real pain of a road block, use the daoying to ARO any thing that comes near with a spotlight or worse if it’s a hackable unit. Use REMs with repeater to do the same, or to move in during active and IMM or Target something before your fire team blow it to hell. And those repeaters also make your (inevitable) Haidao KHD even more effective.

    Her role has changed for sure, she has become a more aggressive hacker........ would like the old hide at the back and buff gal back though.

    Edit: spotlight doesn’t go anymore, if you have a son bae in your link and the enemy doesn’t waste orders resetting those targeted models....BOOM!
  10. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    It still can be effective but its just not the go to anymore. You can do all that with other hackers and gain the advange of being un a tinbot link with them.

    Also aroing with Daoyings leave them exposed to be counterhacked/killed by enemy hackers sending you into LOL if you dont have chaing of command.
  11. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Are you considering the 15 order miniature ITS restriction? The only thing that gives you 3 orders for 22 points is 3 barebones remotes and you would still need to bring in a liutenant, who at least in the sectorial wont be as good at keeping himself out of risk.
    Willen, BrightSaga and Mics152 like this.
  12. Mics152

    Mics152 Member

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Very true, but she is our best hacker (WIP14) and only 30pts.
    You would be mad to use her against another hacker though, if she gets hacked in reactive through a repeater she has a firewall and you better believe they are getting a unopposed trinity right to the brain. Leave her where she belongs... behind a wall, on a roof, prone, in your deployment.... and make use of her.
    Hacking is much better in this edition given everything is persistent and AROable (?) no one wants to enter a shootout TARGETED so they waste an order resetting, they have to waste an order to do anything if IMM-B and if they are ISOLATED then likely spending a whole bunch to reset with -9. And if they don’t waste any orders then in your active you are laughing.

    I tend to run a link with a Pangguling FTO now purely so she is “there” too, happy to send the bot off to do some work and then reform the link to then push and benefit from the hack.
  13. Daixomaku

    Daixomaku Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You could still use a Daoying Hacker for ARO'ing and a low cost Daoying as a Lieutenant
  14. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    You can but besides the camo shell game, is it worth it?
  15. Khalipo

    Khalipo Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    That's what I meant. In n3 I used her just for assisted fire and camo, or NCO. In n4 I won't aro With her, exposing her. The two hackers I want to try are a regular zhanshi in a core and a haidao in a Shang ji fireteam, behind the -6 tinbot. It Sounds scary.
  16. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Well technically the hactao is our best hacker however he is a lot more expensive. I understand thats its maximizing the use of the unit if you do decide to bring her, i was just pointing out thats its not an autoinclude as she was in N3, as you didnt really need to taylor the list around her to make her usefull . I like your concept of her being with the link throught the remote, its a cool concept.
  17. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    They are, dont forget that since both Hai dao and Shang Jis are wildcards you could have a link with all three of them. (Shag Ji tinbot, Haidao KH and 1 or more Zhanshi hackers)
  18. Khalipo

    Khalipo Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Yes but that would mean I can't have a zhanshi defensive core.

    Talking about that, the only reliable Aro in invincible for me is the zhanshi core.

    3 zhanshi, haidao sniper and son bae.

    Whats your regular aro?
  19. Mics152

    Mics152 Member

    Feb 3, 2020
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    They are indeed scary behind a tin bot! That is why you hide her prone, in a dumpster, behind a neon sign on a roof :D

    Oh yeah he definitely is.. but ooh so pricey. Agreed maybe not auto include for the HD profile but i bet every IA list has one profile, her change (well to hacking at least) is one thing that irked me in N4 but I’ve embraced it now....... still getting over the missing stun grenades :(
  20. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think the internal balance between Daoying profiles has certainly evened out. The hacker needs to be used rather than be a malfunctioning light bulb that goes on and off re-applying Assisted Fire, but is also safer than in N3 doing so considering KHD no longer smash through Firewalls.
    I think anyone concerned that Daoying was too good an LT can be molified that they're slightly less perfect now while IA players can rejoice that there's three good choices - as long as the plain profile keeps being cheap for no reason, if it starts being 25 I think its utility will be gone. (20-25 is a magical range where oh so many meh loadouts reside)

    I don't think there's any point creating camo shell games - use the sniper if you want to do that.
    #20 Mahtamori, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    Mics152 likes this.
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