Hello! I'm super happy you guys partenered with CB! I already have some mats of the bb range...awesome stuff! Was wondering if you can print designs on demand...I have a nice paper terrain board and I'd like the mat to match it...doable? Cheers, det
One of my gaming pals ordered a print from them of his own custom design about two years back and the result was excellent and he said their process and feedback was on point.
Very nice!! On it then...might alert somo of my mates and make a grand order as we play both blood bowl and infinity, might as well enjoy both new editions with new shiny mats!
I've already order a custom dice tray and some custom shapes to cut so I can use them instead of sliding cardboards clouds and ballons for Blood Red Skies. Both were great quality either material or print. You can also get custom double sided mat. I considered it for my BRS shapes but realised that it will slide once put on a mat. One thing to keep in mind if you want small size , price won't drop below a certain surface. So you may get twice your initial need for the same price. So be sure to simulate several size to see how it goes. If you have any doubts, I encourage to contact them. I did it several times for fancy request and they reply quickly wether they can or can't provide the result you want. Great people making great products there.