So a Hacker can ARO provided they have a program with a Hacking Area that covers the opponent's active unit(s). Controlled Jump's Hacking Area is the Entire table. Does this mean that immediately when your opponent activates a unit that doesn't have or forgoes Stealth, the EVO Device can ARO with Controlled Jump?
I believe the point is that the program's range is the entire table, not the hacking area. The hacking area and the opportunity to ARO accordingly remains the same, but once the program is active, it affects all models on the table.
Knauf is right. You need to have a valid ARO to launch Controlled Jump. So you might want to expose your EVO Hacker to the enemy impetuous model in you want to launch it...
I'm not convinced. The hacking area rules are poorly explained, for a skill like Carbonite they rely on the skill itself being valid when someone walks through a Repeater for the ARO to be valid and Carbonite has a range of the Hacking Area and can act without LOF which is what makes it valid. Controlled Jump doesn't have a range limit and can act without LOF so it should always be a valid skill to declare which makes the ARO itself valid.
@ijw has ruled in another thread that the EVO can ARO to put up controlled jump when anyone acts in its hacking zone, the same way White Noise worked in N3. I don't recall an explicit discussion of whether it works when the active unit is outside the hacking zone (and LoF), but I don't see how it could given the N4 order sequence. The EVO will fail step 5 even though it would pass step 6. We do still need a fair amount of clarification on Controlled Jump, though.
I requested that AROs generated via the Hacking Area be written more explicitly, but yes the Active Trooper would need to be in the Hacker’s Hacking Area for the ARO to be valid.
Step 5 is the one I'm calling into question. You and tox and Knauf have referred to it without explaining how you read this rule - I don't think the text you think is there actually is there, so I'm asking you to explain your reasoning. If it helps you may want to examine what makes a Carbonite attack valid with regards to the Hacking Area (which IJW in a different thread has said to be because as a skill that doesn't require LOF and being in range when a Hackable trooper enters Hacking Area - Controlled Jump doesn't have a range limited to Hacking Area)
This. I would very much like this to actually be in the rules for Hacking Area. At least in English there's plenty of room for it :(
Fair enough. But now that ijw has confirmed, my vagueness no longer matters :-) I agree with you both that it could be written more clearly.
This thread isn't so old, let's revive it. @Mc_Clane has a thread regarding order of operations for Controlled Jump as ARO in the Spanish forums, I've got a different view on how it works thanks to this thread, and assuming Google gave me a fair translation, that I'd like to ask; Since you can only ARO Controlled Jump to troopers acting in your Hacking Area; is it at all possible to ARO Controlled Jump to someone using Combat Jump and have the defensive benefit from it against that trooper? Combat Jump has a small line saying " the Program is activated immediately and is applied during the current Order" which hints that it's meant to be able to do that, but it seems from answers in this thread that it is not possible - that is to say, you'd need to ARO using this before the enemy trooper lands to benefit from it which makes the line redundant.
Good question. It might be the intention, but RAW I'd say the program is only active at the end of the order where the ARO happened.
I think the problem is more that the model isn't actually in the hacker's hacking area until after the PH roll is passed.
The intent is that it works similarly to Hack Transport Aircraft in N3, but the wording isn't sufficient. An enemy Trooper declares Combat Jump and nominates their landing point. The EVO Hacker declares a Controlled Jump ARO, regardless range, Hacking Area etc. The enemy Trooper now suffers a -3 MOD to their Combat Jump Roll.
So does that mean that like in N3, if the EVO hacker doesn't declare a controlled jump, they do not get an aro once the troop is on the table?
If they’re going to fix the wording to be explicitly for the weird timing, it’d be nice if they also carved out an exception that made that ARO not take-it-or-lose-it. So that the best place to drop isn’t to pounce upon a lone hacker with Controlled Jump.
To be perfectly honest, this is not much of an issue unless the drop trooper is a Liu Xing or Taryot, or if the "lone hacker" is a CA EVO Hacker (damned you and your foresight in putting guns on a military robot deployed in a hot war zone for fighting duty), considering that EVO Hackers are otherwise unarmed and hopeless as it is.
Well, a CC15 Taryot isn’t going to want a CC13 PARA-3 Remote Dodging into Combat with them, but even then it’s very much a niche case.
I was thinking it might be useful to have him be able to declare a Discover, Dodge, Look Out! or Reset at step 2 instead of trying to do Controlled Jump against the drop at some as-yet-to-be-defined time in step 1, depending on where the trooper is landing (assuming he has a valid ARO to the landing site, etc. etc.). But if it's like N3 and he has to declare ARO during the declaration of the drop or lose it, that's fine, too. edit: bashis walk on, nvm. I'm sure there's something that might need discovering.
The point being that if you're combat jumping in, every hacker with the Controlled Jump program can't shoot, dodge, or otherwise harm the trooper, you don't have to care if they can see the trooper that order. And if you can set up to take the hacker out, bonus.