Fault or Feature? Corrigedor in N4

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by crouchingotter, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Hi everyone

    Looks like HellLois has answered the queries I initially raised and Armihaul kindly followed up on.

    HellLois said “Yep, Intruder dont have LT option and the Alguacil LT cost 1 SWC ;)”.

    You can find it on the 20th page of the Infinity Army 7 (N4) Bugs thread.

    Those of you who correctly predicted this get to feel deservedly smug :)

    Now this thread can be left to rot in the depths of this forum to never be looked at ever again :D
  2. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I would have been very happy to be wrong. Ah, well. No smugness here lol. CJC still has it very good in many other ways.

    @Armihaul that analysis makes sense. While I'd rather save the 5 points on the Wildcat LT as you say, I do feel the tradeoff is worth it to get MSV1 on the attack pieces. The HRL being only 23 points even with MSV1 is just crazy and I'm dying to get her on the table now.
    crouchingotter likes this.
  3. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Right now corregidor has 3 LT options - Brigada, Alguacil and Wildcat. 4 loadouts total. WTF? Can't go more obvious than that.
  4. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    It's a very conspicuous and problematic weakness in a faction that doesn't have many others. I don't enjoy us having to deal with it, but given the rest of our capabilities, we can handle it.
    Stiopa likes this.
  5. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    It just means we’re better players when we win :)
    loricus and Vakarian like this.
  6. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Hmm, so we can field a Brigada, an Alguacil and a Wildcat and let our opponents play “spot the real Lieutenant” :D
  7. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    The old Alguacil shuffle still works well enough too, if you don't mind paying one SWC. You can get a "decoy" LT or two for an extra 10/20 points and an extra order or two.

    I haven't found LT assassination runs to be popular enough in late N3 for this to be a major concern. Many non-Nomands factions, and even TJC, have easy ways to mitigate Loss of LT, so most of my opponents stopped attempting the tactic in the first place.

    Here's the real key: if you're going to run rambo with a haris or core link in turn 1 or 2, don't keep the LT in the link (unless it's a MB, he might be safe enough). Keep the LT buried on top of a building in your DZ and most people won't bother even if they know who the LT is.
    crouchingotter likes this.
  8. AmPm

    AmPm Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Pretty much this, an MB Multirifle or BSG Lt in a 5 man hanging out providing support can make a run turn 2-3 when most of the big guns are down. At that point the Lt link can run around and cause havoc, even if it's been reduced to 3 men. Hell, as a Wildcard they can move up, they can reform a link with whatever is left of the Haris and keep going.
    Brother Smoke and Vakarian like this.
  9. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I'm loving the idea of wildcard Brigada pulling moves like that off, although I haven't yet fit the LT into the list. I always liked the multi+LFT for a turn 3 shooter when the big bads are gone. AP or shock are very useful, with BS13 he can still get work done, and the LFT can solve some odd situations, especially because he has a second wound to tank an ARO (and Arm 5 helps with that now too).
    Brother Smoke likes this.
  10. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Shotgun brigada was my go-to LT in starco, hard to say no to those BS 22 shots at 8 inches
    crouchingotter, Torres and Vakarian like this.
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