Vanilla CA tactica/guide thread? Anyone?

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by Erbent, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Erbent

    Erbent Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've been playing generic CA almost exclusively for about 1,5 years that I play Infinity, and the lack of a proper faction guide was quite an issue for me when I started. I consider myself kind of a good player, at least in my meta, though I am not a stranger to some very dumb plays.
    I know that there is a guide on generic CA started on the old forums, but there isn't a whole lot of info compared to some other faction guides, and it isn't completely updated for HSN3, also there is no info on some units other than their stats in that guide.
    Since I am not sure that I know CA good enough to write the faction guide by myself alone, I would like to propose making a collective effort on such a guide for generic CA. Posting your toughts and advice on units in this thread in a somewhat structured manner, and then adding all those in the first post of this thread, or creating a new thread after there's enough material here.
    I'm sure there is a lot of more experienced generic CA players than me, but I think that at least some kind of advice is better for new players than no advice at all, so I'm going to put my toughts on some units and general tatics/listbuilding in this thread anyway, but I would really like someone with more experience to join the creation of a gudie for vanilla CA to help new players.
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In the end, a lot of stuff cross-polinates from the sectorials to generic, so...

    Ikadron + Imetron, EVO, Total Reaction, etc... are as useful in generic as in their sectorials.
    Yaogat Vs Maakrep as MSV2 sniper, because the Assault part is the Charontid's domain.
    Aspect Lt or pay 1 CAP
    Smoke: Daturazi from your side, Speculo Killer from the enemies
    Speculo + Ko Dali for a close side from smoke DA troop
    Anatematic Hacker for a TO Lt (carefull against Scylla!), to combo with EVO, Bit & Kiss, Legates H+, Nexus Hacker
    Skiavoros for a cheap Lt Strategos, combo with Sphinx for 11 points IL list (the Avatar Lt is cheaper, but more points in the same body).
    Dr Worm is, still, the only Medic.

    The best transition right now I think is between Onyx and Generic, since you use most troops from one to another.

    What to buy? Ikadron + Imetron x2, Support Pack, remotes box, get a Fraacta, and if going for cheap: Charontid, Daturazi, Speculo Killer, Yaogat sniper (no Fraacta sold separately) and you have a nice core; you might consider getting the "Onyx / generic" starter (Fraacta + Legate + 3x Unidron + Maakrep) instead of the Fraacta and the Yaogat, for extra bodies and options.
    As soon as they are out, Bit + Kiss.
    Agente001 likes this.
  3. Sabin76

    Sabin76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm hoping that the various strategy threads get ported over (with some updates, of course) eventually. They Onyx one really helped me to understand what each of the units was capable of when I was getting started. Mind you that this is the first miniatures game I've played in many years...
  4. Erbent

    Erbent Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @xagroth Well I'm not talking about obvious and semi-auto include choices and what to buy, but rather to have some specifics on units and their use, as well as different loadout choices and different points of veiw on loadouts because there's a lot of variety in vanilla CA and it be quite hard for a new player to get their head around all of it.

    As an example, here's my toughts on Kurgat as far as vanilla CA goes:


    Starting with an Autocanon loadout, most of the time it's not worth it's cost in points and SWC, however it can be useful for missions where you need to destroy scenery, like The Grid, and want something more relyable than a single dice on a 15 from ML Noctifer or running in with a CC model.

    By far my favorite loadout for Kurgat is a boarding shotgun one. Compared to a Med-tech, you get S2 instead of S3, which can be easier to hide and move around with; you pay 6 points less, lose 2 points from first MOV value and 1 point of WIP. But there are a lot of good things that this monkey dude gets: a dodge on 12, which can be quite useful when some infiltrator or AD unit comes in for some kills in your deployment, as well as a shotgun that gives you a decent chance in reactive turn at close range, and even might be useful in the active turn. Also mines are always useful, even without infiltration you can move your Kurgat alone or in coordinated orders with some other models with mines and make getting to objectives harder for your opponent, or cover possible landing spots near your deployment. Also, mines give Kurgat the ability to use Intuitive attack, which is again quite useful. Morat rule can actually be useful, because your Lt. with mnemonica can still be isolated with hacking or E/M weapons, and having some regullar orders is never a bad thing when you are in LoL. You also can actively use Kurgat when in retreat to make a last effort to swing the mission points in your favor.

    Now a few toughts on MK12 loadot, it costs the same as a Med-tech, but this time you trading some utility as a specialist for better damage and range for shooting, also MK12 Kurgat can use suppressive fire unlike the other loadouts.

    To sum up, I would advice swapping a Med-tech for a Kurgat if you don't need to have a doctor, for example if most of your units have STR, or just aren't worth the orders you wuld need to heal them. I would strongly advice to take the Med-tech if you are going to play highly classified, espescially considering that one of the engineer classifieds is now a different one, but in any other case, if you feel like you need 6 points elsewhere or you want your specialist to be a bit more killy, then use the Kurgat.

    As you can see, my toughts are a bit all over the place, and with english not being my native language that's the reason why I really want someone to take part in creating a guide for vanilla CA. I do have a lot of toughts and advices about units, but even without some partial language barrier I manage to get new players confused with my chaotic blah-blah when talking about infinity, so I created this topic in hope of peoviding at least some useful information for new players interrested in plaing vanilla CA.
    Reece and Belgrim like this.
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