Ahh…. memories. One of my first, if not the first posting was, that Nomads should do what PanO does and whine in the Forums, how bad our profiles are. What I think is really funny … First Nomads get cool stuff, so I think someone at CB likes Nomads. But then PanO and maybe Yujing is whining the hell about it, and it gets changed. I think that's contradictory. Why not try it for some months and change it then, if necessary?
Dear CB, Please give the Intruders Marksman or something shiny because they are my favourite Corregidor badasses. I don't mind my Lieutenant skipping out, I just enjoy seeing my opponents to break out in a cold sweat whenever they see a camo marker on a building in my DZ. Make it as expensive as you like! Yours, Lampyridae *puts perfume drops on email*
This is hilarious. I take back my earlier statements about the YJ whiners coming in here and peeing on the Nomads’ carpets. If your whining is going to get us net buffs to our profiles by making them cheaper, please, carry on. The camo thing was never a big deal anyway (at least, I really didn’t expect it to be). Thank you, Yu Jing!
2 better Zeroes if you skip hacking game or 2 extremely discounted old favourites if you dont blessed to be a Nomad player indeed
That's right. Now I know how to get my Wildcats back: Please nerf the new Wildcats. Take away MSV1, it's way too OP for being able to look through smoke. And could the PanO and Yujing whiners help me out with this one? You think it's OP as well, don't you? Please, nerf the new Wildcats, they are meta-distortingly-strong!
Yes! it is clearly too strong that they have MSV1s on every Wildcat profile and not just a designated big gun one! Cant outflank them anymore! :D
Actually I have another one: Please nerf Reverend Moiras as well. With everyone of them having NCO I just can't decide on which nun I spend the one order. I mean, it surely is OP that if you shoot down one of the nuns, the other one still can use the Ltd-Order, isn't it? I bet Yujing Players are still salty that not all HacTao have NCO, but only a single one? So please nerf Reverend Moiras as well ...
It was an inside job all along! Boy, what a scheme! I hope all involved parties will be awarded accordingly.
To be fair CB rarely gives in under pressure. This time there was a really shitty interaction with a functional Repeater hidden under Camo Marker and in my opinion this is the only thing that pushed the change to occur. Do not expect things to change just because some complaining. Anyway - from N3 caterpillar, then N4 chrysalis - now Moran is a beautiful butterfly. Perfect balance as all things should be. Wouldn't have happened without help of the community. Lovely. OK.
I don’t think anyone here actually thinks CB gave in to the pressure; the fix pretty clearly indicates that they wanted to fix an bad interaction. What’s funny is the the complaints about the bad interaction actually makes multiple Morans on the table more likely to happen. The camo shell game people were crying over wasn’t really possible in CJC, and stealth would get you past hackers who lack Sixth Sense in vanilla. CB made a sensible fix and the net result will be Morans having a larger impact on the game, not less. The end result is better for Nomads players, not worse. There’s slightly more counterplay available (maybe), but it got harder to execute because it’s easier to have more midfield repeaters in the first place. When most Nomads players are happy about the change, maybe those who were complaining can see it wasn’t the camo/repeater interaction we wanted or cared about in the first place.
You know, the local crowd (aka South Africa) were discussing what their favourite new sub-20 point N4 profiles were for their factions, and I came up with nothing. But hoo boy, do I ever now have a favourite. 17 points for a Mimetism-3 Repeater, Boarding Shotgun, Infiltration and point-and-click CrazyKoalas. All lean muscle with no fat. Add in FO with good ol' Flash Pulse and we have the most delicious Kenyan whoopass cheeseburger.
I’ve always loved Morans but struggled to really make them work in lists. Between the N4 hacking changes, Jazz, and now the points drops, I’m in love, and they may be my favorite CJC profile, period. It’s a hard fight between them and the Evader AP Spitfire. But the Morans are faction-defining where the Evader isn’t, so that pretty much settles it.
I agree, and to top it off there's no fluff supporting this change! Why would space mercenaries need thermal vision? Breaking my immersion, 0/10, never buying anything again! ...Am I doing it right?
I love this new chapter in the Nomad forum of being adversial to other factions. Nomads got a lot of good things in N4, there is really no reason to be stand-offish when we are the ones getting nice treatment.