Fault or Feature? Corrigedor in N4

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by crouchingotter, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Hi all,

    Do you think the following elements of Corregidor in N4 are intentional or not?

    1) Alguacil Lieutenants still costing 1 SWC compared to other cheap LTs in other armies having no such tax?

    2) The disappearance of an Intruder Lieutenant option.

    With everything changing it’s hard to know what’s meant to be and what isn’t :)
  2. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I doubt those are accidents.
    crouchingotter likes this.
  3. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Probably to counterbalance the new "EVERYONE'S A WILDCARD" shtick that Corregidor got.
    crouchingotter likes this.
  4. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    1SWC for the algie LT is actually not bad at all, I often find myself with a surplus anyway
  5. Civilized Barbarian

    Civilized Barbarian Praxis' Lead R&D Janitor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Almost definitely intentional. We've got absurd board control and some nasty killers, looks like our weakness is obvious LT's. We're susceptible to decapitation but think like a Nomad and make it a trap.

    Let the opponent waste orders fighting through our board control to gank the leader, in the meantime we'll win on objectives.
    crouchingotter likes this.
  6. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Agree that it's intentional. I think we need to seriously consider the Wildcat LT now and even the Mobile Brigada LT options. I also agree the 1 SWC on the Alg usually isn't the problem, *if* points are my problem in CJC. It seems I struggle with either points or SWC when making CJC lists, rarely both. That said, the Wildcat LT has been my typical choice now that we're stuck at 15 orders and I have a few more points to spend here and there.
    crouchingotter and Brother Smoke like this.
  7. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Thanks all. I guess I got my tester hat on a bit too firmly and started questioning everything
    loricus, Lampyridae and Vakarian like this.
  8. Lampyridae

    Lampyridae Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    It's absolutely intentional. The Intruder LT was hands-down the best option in for Corregidor in N3, simply because it countered the decapitation strategy. The Hellcat HMG went because they want to retire that model.

    We got a lot of new toys, but our average Lieutenant options and complete lack of Command skills (already a Nomad weakness) are there to round things out. This is so that, although we get similar units in terms of stats to other factions, such as the not-Zuyongs (Evaders), we remain distinctive as a faction.

    Wildcards everywhere, building on our Angry Spaceworker's Union fluff
    Extra-spicy hacking, because Nomads, and Repeaters everywhere.*
    We are the masters of AD tactics** because we have both Combat Jump +3PH and Carlota Kowalsky, who can drop in for tea and superglue on the enemy's backline.

    For this playstyle, I am more than happy to let Haqq get all the Doctors and Strategos, PanO to be shooty, O-12 to be sticky, Ariadna to be sneaky, JSA to be badass, CA to be evil and Tohaa to be a nightmare long forgotten.

    *Well, YJ can also litter the field with Repeaters if they really want to - Shhhh don't let them know about the Guilang
    **Until Koni adds spice to YJ's AD
    Freek, Brokenwolf, inane.imp and 5 others like this.
  9. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I think this is on purpose. In the first version of the game, any non-remote could become lieutenant, and losing it meant to lose the entire turn (you got 2 orders without Lt, but you needed to spend 2 orders to name a new one so...). Because of that, all people started to use basic LI as LT. CB decided to put a tax of 1SWC on most of them. Later in n2 they took out almost all of those taxes except for us... so seems very deliverate.

    This, I don't know. Maybe it is, maybe is an error, we will see in a few days, but it looks like its deliverate too. Its a bit sad, because it was the "to go" option for some of us, and takes out one of our camo shanenigans (while other factions have gained it recently, like the zulu in varuna). Maybe its a way to compensate for us getting NCOs, making our Lt options a bit more obvious
    crouchingotter likes this.
  10. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Nice summarization!
  11. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    There are many other where this is still the case. JSA's Keisotsu got a SWC decrease, but still costs SWC (1->0.5)

    On the other hand, Moderator LTs got dropped from 2 SWC in Vanilla to 0.
  12. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I really hope the Intruder Lt going missing is a mistake.
  13. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I really hope not, for the reasons people posted above. CJC got some crazy boosts, there needs to be some balancing somewhere.
    Lampyridae likes this.
  14. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Only Nomads players would hope a nerf to their faction is real. haha
    loricus, Willen, Lampyridae and 2 others like this.
  15. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    maybe those boosts were needed...One thing is asking for a nerf in an absurd interaction like the camoed repeater, and other is loosing an option that was not so abusive while others retained their equivalent ones
  16. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Those boosts included: much improved fireteam compositions (which is good), Sombras (which are absurdly good, and really shouldn't have Shock Immunity), Evaders (awesome toolbox being Wildcard), better Wildcats, better Brigadas, cheaper Iguana, Vostok (another powerful combat unit, this thing is more deadly than a Rudra), Carlota able to deploy in enemy DZ, and stronger Morans. And I might've missed something.

    Traditionally Nomads were much more toolboxy and better at assymetric warfare than other factions, which was balanced by them lacking the same amount of direct firepower. Well, you just got the latter in spades. I'm not saying CJC didn't need a boost. I'm questioning if it needed this strong a one. And the cost for all those buffs was loss of one (I'm not counting Hellcat, obviously), no-brainer Lt option.
    #16 Stiopa, Sep 30, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
  17. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    yes, the boost is there. We will see if the other boosts (cheaper HI and TAGs is something everybody got but seems only is meaningfull for us, and some other units got changes too

    I agree that traditionally nomads were more toolboxy... when missions needed it more too. ITS has changed a lot... now, shotty objectives are part of the pushbutton missions, factions need to adapt to it. Some were previously good in that regards, others adapted before, now is corregidor's turn
  18. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I didn't say cheaper TAGs are only meaningful for Nomads; I'm saying they're opening some new grounds for them.

    Regarding ITS: please note, that while you're getting your combat capabilities buffed, your objective-focused gameplay and assymetric capabilities remain intact, while other factions aren't getting those as substantially upgraded.

    I don't mind Nomads getting better. I mind them being good at everything, while other factions still have their defining weaknesses. So let them at least have weaker command&control abilities.
  19. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    If Nomads are good at everything there must be a bug in Army bc I'm not seeing our REM pres TAGs, our BS15, our impersonators etc.
    Rejnhard and Spitfire_TheCat like this.
  20. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yes, but you are putting as examples of the buff something that has buffed to everybody. That is not something that CJC is getting ahead or helping them to be better.

    Yes, the other factions aren't getting those... they got it during N3 allready (remember that at the beggining of n3, there were given a lot of specialists, some cheap, some new good options, to shotty factions, but until late N3 the toolboxes factions didn't get nothing for shotty missions to compensate). Now, when their time is again, all factions will be getting new toys. This has been how N3 went (compared to n1 and n2, when every faction got new things the same time as others). But seems that this kind of converstation only happens in this subforum...I didn't see people complaining aleph getting dark...and later pano sectorials too for example, even if it was not their revision time!

    Nomads are not "so good at everything". That is something that has been around everywhere but is false. Their BS is capped at 13 with 4 exception (TAGs and kusanagi), their visual mods are not so high (-6 on BS12, or characters, not so many MSV and MSV2 is ina non-mimestism BS12 core). They have good specialists in different areas, yes, but in the shotty part, but that's all. They lack command rules on the other side (CoC, Lt2, strategos) and I don't think will get them (not needed)
    Willen likes this.
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