Cultural Learnings of Painting for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Nomads

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by burlesford, May 10, 2020.

  1. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Thank you guys! Really appreciate the feedback! It straight up encouraged me to give these next two guys a lot more time than I had planned to. I hope it paid off:



    And here's one more shot of them together like the good doggies they are:

  2. ev0k

    ev0k Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I like your REMs !
    Golem2God and burlesford like this.
  3. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I wish I could like those REMs more than once. I *LOVE* your conversion work on the TR bot!
    Golem2God and burlesford like this.
  4. Usashi

    Usashi Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Gorgeous models. Keep the coming.
    burlesford likes this.
  5. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I'll just take your comment as a second like ;)

    As you wish, good sir. My Midnight Sun guy who quit the corporate world to join the wild Morlock life (or maybe he just did too much space-powder in the 80s of the 22nd century) is also done.

    #65 burlesford, Sep 3, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
    wendigo, Fed4ykin, HellLois and 19 others like this.
  6. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Good, that was the best I could do! Another outstanding conversion, and an excellent paintjob to match! Your color choices with Nomads continue to surprise me (in a very good way). This is giving me some ideas, as I plan to jump back into Corregidor with N4.
    burlesford likes this.
  7. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Really happy that you like it so much @Vakarian. The color scheme isn't that complicated though. I basically took the colors from the Cube Jager (blue, cream, orange, olive, black, dark brown, neon green, yellow for the lights) and reassembled them for each unit.

    From all these colors, I decided to make blue and orange my main bright colors, since they're compliment colors anyway, and black, brown and cream the main neutral colors.

    As a last step, I had to make each Sectorial clearly distinguishable while giving them a bit of internal cohesion. For that I went with the basic studio idea of doing Tunguska darker, according to their shader mafia fluff: more black and olive, less cream, no neon green; Bakunin lighter and funkier bc they're the party ship: more cream and neon green/bright green, even some pink, less black and olive; and Corregidor in the middle and the most standard, so just the main colors of orange, blue, cream, brown and black.

    Finally, there are a few variations just so I don't have to paint the same color every single time — like the more bluish white on the Zeros and Tomcats — and the idea to keep one main color off the line troopers to make them look more basic — so no orange on the Alguaciles (though the Securitate will get orange vests).

    One more teaser: For the Hollow Men I already have something special planned, but they won't be on my table until early next year. In the meantime, I'll try to finish my main vanilla army. Which means (among others):

    - a Red Fury Heckler (yes, another conversion)
    - one Interventor
    - an S4 REM
    - an Überfallkommando
    - Jaguars (not the official models, but who exactly will be a surprise ;)
    - some more Morlocks
    - an HVT
    - and finally, for December, I have the big lady planned ;)

    Then, if everything goes as planned, I'll be able to post a nice group shot here for Christmas :)
    #67 burlesford, Sep 5, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  8. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Some updates from my workbench:


    The Überfallkommando didn't get any major conversions, but I still wanted to get the two puniks with the same body to look more different than on the box art, and I also wanted to shorten the fox's arms because they looked ridiculously long to me. So I clamped him in my tiny vise and bent him into a more upwards position, cut off his wrist and positioned the arms so he would have a more "come at me bro" pose (the "bro" likely being some Cutter who's gonna smash him into pulp, but glory to the brave [stupid]!). Because of how the arms are positioned, I had to fill in his shoulders with a bit of putty, which had the additional benefit of making him a bit beefier, that skinny bastard. Now I'm very happy with him.


    The Morlocks... I knew I had a massive problem with the box when I saw there was exactly one out of four models with a visible chain rifle. You know, the loadout that makes 99% of all lists they're in. Don't know what CB thought there, but oh well. I also didn't like the undynamic and very copy-paste poses of the two ladies. And I definitely didn't like Harley Quinns giant hammer. So I knew there would be some major conversions ahead of me.

    Since there's no way to get additional CRs from CB themselves, I took the chance to try out something new: 3D-printed weapons. A friend had access to a printer, and so with the help of monstrousmakings I got into the tiny weapon's trade business.

    Next I had to figure out how to switcheroo the loadouts. Since Lady Katanas left arm was unexpectedly fixed to the model I couldn't just replace her upper sword as I had planned to. So the wakizashi on the separate arm had to go instead. I cut off both girls' right arms at the elbows, switched them and pinned them back together. That solved Harley's CCW problem and also gave Katana a straight arm that could now hold a weapon.

    Next were the chain rifles. Unfortunately (but luckily for me), the clear resin my friend originally wanted to use was almost out when he got to the printer, so he had to use softer grey resin for most of the weapons, which turned out to be much easier to cut (the downside of which is that only one of their sides has sharp edges, as you can see on Katanas weapon).

    After stretching out Harley's left arm into a straight line, I could simply place the CR in her hand (some putty is still needed to make her fingers actually grip it) and she was done. Well, almost: Since the slashing movement of her new arm made her static pose look ridiculous (and I wanted to change it anyway) I cut off her right leg at the knee, filed it into an angle and reattached it with a slight inward turn. Now she actually looks like she's assaulting someone, as any proper crazy drug-fueled warband should.

    Giving Katana's a CR took a little bit more effort since her new hand formed an actual fist. So I drilled a hole, drilled another into the CR and filed away at the padding until it fit into her forearm. I also spread her legs a little bit wider to exaggerate her pose and gave her a little tactical rock, since CB in this instance apparently forgot their own golden rule which states that EVERY UNIT NEEDS AT LEAST ONE TACTICAL ROCK! There, fixed it for them :P

    The joker was last and, after the two ladies, also the easiest. I basically repeated what I had done with Katana, only I gave him a completely new hand from one of my "Jaguars" since it was easier to cut off his Asspistol at the wrist rather than at the weapon. Drilled a couple more holes, and voilá:

    Four chain rifled Morlocks instead of one, and also two much more dynamic poses for the two ladies.

    Now I'm truly excited to paint them.

    In November :sweat_smile:
  9. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    what type of material did the printer use? Resin or plastic? Do the parts require cleaning?
    burlesford likes this.
  10. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Looks like one of those UV cured resin printers (SLA/DLP/LCD tech). Then parts would need removing excess resin, cutting the supports, and another curing pass (Sun or machine).
    As for sharpness, I wonder if settings, or just visual effect. Priming will tell.
    burlesford and Koin-Koin like this.
  11. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    It's resin. As my friend informs me, the grey one is formlabs grey FLGPGR04 and the clear one FLGPCL04. If that tells you anything, because me it sure doesn't XD

    Almost. No second curing pass though afaik. And yeah, the sharpness is so and so, especially the softer grey resin came out way thinner on some weapons and therefore with less defined edges. I'll post a comparison picture of the two Feuerbachs I have at home tonight.
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Here you go


    As you can see, the grey resin is much less acurate. Some of the bottom rail is missing, and all the edges are much duller.
    Golem2God and jherazob like this.
  13. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Material can affect visual inspection, even if the shape and surface is similar. That is why I mentioned priming, so both parts reflect the light the same way. We had this with Finecast "superior detail"... until primed, and people having issues to figure which is which (see spoiler). OTOH, the bottom edge in grey is clearly wavy... support removal gone wrong? And from middle to the the stock end looks fuzzy in the clear one, probably because it is clear.

    or shiny?
    Maybe looking for bubbles we can figure. The chaos warrior clearly had some.
    New material, new price.
    Golem2God and burlesford like this.
  14. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I'll post another picture once I have them primed. For most of the grey stuff it wasn't the removal of the supports that went wrong but the resin simply not being properly layered because of its inferior consistency. At least that's how I understood it.

    Anyway, here's the converted RF Heckler I promised:


    In this case, I was happy the printed weapon came out smaller and thinner as it should, since it turned out to be the RF from the Taskmaster, which is... huge. At least for an S2 model. Now it looks a bit different (the top part came out wavy again, but I didn't mind). Also, this way it was much easier to cut and drill so I could fix it onto his hand.

    First time I basically followed the studio scheme and just exchanged colours. Black is black, red became orange, white became cream, armour became blue.

    I don't know how people manage to pack more detail in their paintjobs though. I feel that with my amount of brush control I'm stuck on this level. Especially if I ever want to actually finish my army in a reasonable amount of time. How someone is able to achieve something like this I simply don't know.
    #74 burlesford, Sep 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
  15. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    From what I know, different resins (and layer thickness) require different times, as curing speed is different. Even ambient temp can affect things. The issue is that light leaks in the on-off borders, and so affect the surface of the finished model. I have seen plenty of prints by know, and once the settings are dialed in, things look pretty good.
    burlesford likes this.
  16. grampyseer

    grampyseer User of the "ignore" button

    May 18, 2017
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    Your work is fantastic. You've blended your paint jobs and conversions so well that your force is unique, but very thematic. Well done.
    Golem2God and burlesford like this.
  17. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    You honestly sound a thousand times more experienced than me, so I'll just say: probably :grin:

    Thanks, @grampyseer!

    I finally finished my Lunokhod. Should have been done last week, but things happened blablabla. Also, my gf gave me a lightbox today :raised_hands: So from now on, better photos!

  18. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Oh, and I almost forgot: I finished his two buddies together with the other ones last month:


    #78 burlesford, Sep 27, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
  19. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Those pictures are glorious. Excellent paintjob on the Lunokhod and its buddies, and you're taking phenomenal shots with the lightbox. Keep 'em coming!
    burlesford likes this.
  20. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Yeah, I really like the lightbox too! Even my shitty phone produces halfway decent pictures now :)

    Here's the next batch:


    I'm a bit behind on my monthly schedule, but I'm trying to catch up. If all goes well, the second nomad unit that can take a Panda this month will be finished tonight, too ;)

    Bonus dad-joke: I found out that Pandas can't be trusted – they're double-faced

    wendigo, Ugin, HellLois and 16 others like this.
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