As a newer Infinity player who worked hundreds of hours to build minis that are frankly harder to build than units from any other game I've played, I'm bummed about the prospect of losing part of my hard-fought army. I'm trying not to pass full judgement on the situation until all the info is available, but it sure feels like a huge setback to new players struggling to build out our armies. Help me think positive, what the best way to look at this? I guess Invisible army might use easier to assemble new design approaches?
Holy crap...this thread has turned quite angry very quickly O.o Since I saw it mentioned a few times, I personally LOVE the new JSA models, they all look awesome in their own way, and I'll be getting them for sure. To be honest, the fact that JSA splits off from Yu Jing doesn't even bother me from a strict game rules point of way, I'm sure CB will either compensate for it in Vanilla/ISS, or we'll learn to life without JSA units. But I am in a bit of an odd position because I most likely "got involved too much" compared to your average Infinity player out there. I participate in all the online campaigns quite heavily, I write a story about my Infinity characters, giving them names and backgrounds and whatnot, and I try to support the Yu Jing Community where I can. As such the problems I personally have with this split are more of the: "Oh no, what will this mean for the characters in my story?" "Will this mean I won't be able to play my JSA or Vanilla/ISS models anymore in the next campaign? Damn...I just got so many new ones ready for them sweet battle reports..." "What happens to the Yu Jing Community?" "What happens to Yu Jing during the next Campaign?" Variant....most of these things aren't even a concern for normal players I reckon. I mean one of the first things that happened after this was announced, is that the Yu Jing Campaign Veteran group started asking among each other "Who will be staying with Yu Jing, and who might be playing JSA next time?" which means a direct split not only in our "combat potential" for next campaign, but also in our potential Organisation and leadership. I mean heck, we wanted to improve our media activity this time, preparing propaganda and whatnot in advance, but now we don't even know for what faction, and what our actual fluff will be by the time we reach the campaign....will we be publically branded as oppressors of the poor JSA? Or are the JSA openly accepted as murderous terrorists and Yu Jing is the victim in the public eye? (not very likely...) This has influence on stuff like Propaganda for sure.. I am going to ignore the comments about Yu Jing not being "the villain faction besides CA" because frankly, to this very day I apparently don't understand how the online campaigns are really supposed to one point we are told "It's not about the numbers but about the awesome reports and fluff", the next moment our fluff is ignored, our battlereports obviously don't matter to the storyline, and the only thing that seems to have any significant effect on the overall Infinity storyline is the raw points....and even those only matter a little bit as the CA breakthrough in Wotan has shown......add things like Yu Jing getting branded as having "incompetent leadership" in open campaign announcements just because we didn't manage to dominate area X or whatever with our fading numbers, and I am left utterly clueless as to the fluff relevance of the campaigns, besides providing some semi pre determined numbers, which will then be used or discarded at CBs leasure, because obviously no one would want "The Community Story" to actually influence "Gutiers Story".....cause that'd be madness right? right?... So yeah....from a model/game/normal player kind of standpoint, I am looking forward to the cool new stuff, and can actually life with the removal of JSA quite easily I guess....from a "too invested Infinity Nerd" point of view, I am annoyed that it once again had to hit Yu Jing, while PanO is apparently heading towards their 4th Sectorial this year and nobody there seems to bother about "too many options in Vanilla" or "Don't know how to advance without getting broken"....and with the influence this whole thing will have on my own little story/campaign world :-P Also...this seems to be the big "WTF HAVE YOU DONE CORVUS BELLI!?" thing that was announced so proudly....and if it is...I am actually dissappointed, I expected more, MUCH other faction (outside of the campaign/Tournament setting) really cares about JSA splitting off from Yu what's so "WTF!?" for all of those players O.o?
If the story was good, then it might take a lot of the sting off it. But TBH with the quality of the fluff lately I'm expecting more of "And the virtuous Japanese did throw off the yoke of their malignant, incompetent Yu Jing oppressors. Pay no attention to the fact that their ringleaders are called Kenpeitai. This is just a coincidence, and has nothing to do with them being secret police."
I'm sorry for the anger that is building, but for Me it is a little premature to say. . . I know that @Yasashii Fuyu has expended a lot of money, a lot of precious free time and a lot of "Creative Brainjuice Energy" to frame properly a believable Fan-Fiction Background for the good stuff that He love to collect and play with, so while I could be biased I think that His stance should be considered very attentively. . . He also is a fervid Warhammer 40.000 Player of the Space Wolves "Vikings Amongst The Stars" Army and was totally nonplussed by the various shehanigans by Games Workshop on His preferred Army ("Planet Fenris is No More. . . .Yet It still Stands!" "Dark Angels are Dork Angels. . . . .But now they are Best Buddies!!" "The Thousand Sons are Dire-foe-Nemeses. . . . .Wait, now one of their Veteran Sorcerers is helping !!!" "A Primarch is coming. . . . .surely is Leman Russ ready fro the Ragnarok. . . .Nope is "Papa Smurf" Guilliman, ready to made the Ultramarines even MORE Ultra and MORE Marines !!" and so on, ad nauseam) but still enjoy, play and cares with its L.G.S. Buddies. . . We will see what it entails. . . I for Me personally, care ONLY for the R.P.G. / Comic aspect of the Background and now, instead of "Evil Chinese Overlords Oppressing Japanese Second Class Into Indentured Soldiery" I could have "Cool Wuxia Heroes From Dinasty Warriors" fighting "Even Cooler Samurai + Ninjas In Space!!". . . Is almost as if the "Devil Kings / Sengoku Basara" Videogame Franchise (where the Feudal Chinese Heroes from "Dinasty Warriors Wuxia" face the "Fantasy Versions" of Historical Daymyos like Oda Nobunaga) but set on a believable Cyberpunk Backdrop. . . . .!!!
Well, sorry for it @Hecaton. . . I'm sure that the intended targets understood what I was trying to convey. . . It is not as if I'm trying to reach anyone. . . . . Or it is my grammar that You found offensive. . .?? In that case sorry even for that. . .
Gotta admit, it does sound awesome from that aspect, and I think if it had been like this for a long time when I started playing Infinity, I would have loved it a lot :-p My wife actually surprised me yesterday when I told her about the split, and she was like "Oh cool, so they finally did split them just like you had hoped for?" And I was like "" but she was right....apparently back when I started Infinity, I didn't care much for the rest of Yu Jing, and actually DID want JSA to split off from Yu Jing to become something more stand alone and cool *lol* So I guess with a few years delay...I actually got what I wanted.....and if other new players thought the same as me, maybe that's one of the reasons for it....who knows. They do require extra attention to read for sure, and usually are full of crazy references which I tend to only get half of right, but usually what he writes is worth reading, and puts everything in a bit of a different light as, like he mentioned just now, he's looking at Infinity more from a "Artist/Story" point of view, and less from a player point of view, which I think is interesting as well. (I have talked with steven quite a bit before in regards to my Blog and his Art, so we know a bit about each other I guess :-) )
Now, gentlemen, please take it with a grain fo salt. Especially as it ocmes from a non-YJ (of any flavour) player. But once I started reading this topic, I felt like... I'm in it long enough to remeber the Exrach Concordat going pooof! out of existence, and taking all the Exrach minis with them. Long enough to have a handful of figures that are unplayable nowadays (a full-sized Core of Azra'il, who back in 2ed were basically S2-sized models), despite how much liked them back in the day. Long enough to remeber the uproar when YJ lost Ko Dali. McMurrough losing his human form. I'm now considering those to be the price of progress. Given the game is in its 3rd edition now, I'd say it is relatively few models that fell a victim to the progress... and most of them remain playable as proxies... especially given the recent update of the tournament rules regarding proxies. But most of all - we don't know much about Japanese rebellion by now. We don't know what models of the JSA will remain available to the vanilla YJ. We don't know what new profiles will come out for YJ, and for the JSA. And whether there will be a new YJ sectorial in the book. We don't know soo many things. If we were in the Haqq suboforum, I'd call you to excercise the virtue of patience. But I guess Sun Tzu has a few words on that as well: When the rainwater rises and descends down to where you want to cross, wait until it settles.
@Errhile knowing how companies like this work it's more likely the reason they've been playing the cards close to their chest is because the answer will alienate people.
Hmmm.... think this is a bit of an unfair many companies like Corvus Belli do you actually know? Over all these years Corvus Belli have shown behaviour way above all other Tabletop companies that I know of, and even when they did something that didn't work so well or was annoying, you could be sure that all other companies that ever tried something similar failed way harder at it than CB maybe did. Not for one second do I believe that Corvus Belli is "an evil corporation that only cares about the money". They sure care about money, but I think they also care about their product and that us players enjoy it, even if it might not seem that way at the moment to some.
PP seemed that way for a long time. And I'm sure people said that about GW back in the day. They provide a game in exchange for money; it's in their interests to maximize their profits, it's in our interests to maximize the quality of the game. If they're smart they realize that making a high-quality game gets us to spend money; if they know they're making decisions that lead to a lower-quality game and thus might result in less money spent, they may try restricting the flow of information so that people make these decisions without knowing what they're doing.
I would be highly interested to see were you think the background falters and gives you such bad and cheap idea about the fluff writer? Because he never does cheap work, we even got fluff explanation for every major style resculpt we got in the past.
Looking forward to the new fluff. I also apreciate the tight control of guitier over it. Only miss that he missed the chance to get rid of the kempetai name, as other unit names are about to change too. Well chances missed
Again, for example? because I do not see that at all. I disagree names are not placed with light thought, there is reason they are named like that.
Sounds alot like me. I understand that well. I like some of the warhammer lore and planned forces for each faction. However, I have only focused on Imperial Guard/Tempestus Scions & Necrons for building as it can be expensive even using ebay to procure my bitz. Maybe the new JSA is not for you. Instead your wife might be the one to actually play them. That would be an interesting turn of events.
Fear not. I'm sure Yu Jing will bounce back form this. Plus at least you got a jump on a second faction to play with. What is your opinion of the new JSA army box coming out? If you haven't seen it go to Beasts of War and enter the Infinity section of the site. You'll be able to see a short video showcasing it. Plus beginning monday Beasts of War is during a full week focusing on the new JSA. You can make your final judgement concerning the split after you see where CB is going with this.