N4 Yu Jing; the good the bad the ugly

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Mahtamori, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So, a few things worth noting as initial impressions.

    Because it's important for comparison purposes; Evader cost makes no sense what so ever. Domaru makes sense because they are Frenzy (and Frenzy was at least somewhat nerfed), but Evaders I think they have a lot to explain.

    In general
    Tactical Window.
    15 order generating bodies max is now the standard format for Infinity.
    Naturally this affects Yu Jing to a very high degree, with Yu Jing and ISS both basically being in the top 3 most order-spammy factions in the game, the general shift in attention goes to the more premium elements of the faction that evidently didn't do as well past edition if we look at the top 33% of players.

    Many, but not all, characters got higher CC. I will only note when I feel this actually deserves merit.
    For what its worth, because CC is directly proportional to your CC value in terms of performance with next to no ability to punch upwards like the active turn advantage allows BS attacking units; any unit that got less than +2 CC value effectively got reduced CC ability (for units below 20). CC increases are that common.

    REMs and CC.
    REMs got better at CC, but less regular compared to old Electric Pulse

    Firewalls from Tinbots are better, but no longer stack with Fairy Dust and other Firewalls.

    Hacking Devices
    Hacking Devices are now similar to N3 Assault Hacking Devices, and are slightly cheaper.
    Killer Hacking Devices no longer ignore Firewalls
    EVO Hacking Devices no longer provide hacking bonuses and have the supportware from regular hacking devices as their only programs, but are significantly cheaper
    The alterations to hacking devices is very important to particularly the Daoying, who can no longer be a passive buff provider safe in camouflage. On the other hand, the primary vector of attack against her, the accidental repeater and KHD, has been seriously adjusted so that actively using Daoying is possible.

    These devices are now two distinct devices; Holoecho and Holomask.
    A unit under Holomask no longer need to inform their opponent if the hidden unit is hackable should they enter a Hacker's Hacking Area. Equally, Holoecho received a small but important buff that they reactivate at the end of every turn.
    Needless to say these changes are very important to the infernal shell game that Kanren can accomplish all on their own. It is now fully possible to hide a Kanren hacker or a non-hacker as the other type and not have to give it away. The change to when Holoecho activates is also important for these units as AROing won't mean you necessarily need to spend an order re-activating it next turn.

    Frenzy has changed to activate at the end of a turn instead of at beginning of next own turn. This is a small but important nerf to them, however they also seem to come with a stronger discount for expensive units.
    Extremely Impetuous has been fully removed and replaced with Impetuous.
    The Impetuous movement is currently somewhat contested how to actually handle it, but you are much freer in picking direction.
    The alterations to Frenzy doesn't affect Yu Jing as much directly as many other factions with premium heavy infantry, but the change to Impetuousness does affect Kuang Shi positively as primary order providers.

    MSV and Smoke
    MSV1 can now see through smoke, albeit at a heavy penalty of -6.
    Naturally this is very important for a faction with plenty of smoke and MSV. The Lu Duan is in a unique position of having MSV1, Heavy Flamethrower, and extra unconscious levels.
    Beware that "smoke dodging" can't be done against MSV1.

    Light infantry
    - Gained Dodge +1"

    Celestial Guard
    - Gained Dodge +1"

    Kuang Shi
    - Impetuous
    - Removed Biolocator
    - Did not change in price.
    - Controller has separate AVA from Celestial Guard

    Bao Troops
    - All profiles have MSV2, BioV, and an innate +3 to Discover
    - Haris and Duo
    - Generally got very slightly cheaper
    - Profiles consolidated, there are now three profiles left

    - All profiles now have Chain of Command
    - Generally got slightly cheaper
    - Removed Stun Grenades
    - Removed Sniper profile
    - Red Fury got Tactical Awareness

    - Gained Dodge +1"
    - Haris
    - Generally got cheaper
    - Bioimmunity changed, can now choose to save on the superior BTS attribute
    - Removed Nimbus Grenades
    - Electric Pulse changed into Para CCW (-6)

    Zhanshi Gong-Cheng / Yisheng
    - Gained Dodge +1"

    Tian Gao
    - Generally got slightly cheaper
    - Jammer now disposable (2)

    Medium infantry

    - Lieutenant profiles got a discount of 0,5 SWC
    - Lieutenant 2 as a skill got more expensive

    Tiger Soldiers
    - Generally got slightly more expensive
    - Terrain (Total) no longer mutually exclusive with Combat Jump
    - Removed sniper profile
    - Removed LT profile

    Ye Mao
    - Super-Jump nerfed due to removal of falling
    - MSV improved due to addition of shooting through smoke at a strong penalty

    - Generally got very slightly more expensive
    - Gained Hidden Deployment

    Heavy infantry

    - 6-2 MOV
    - Generally no change in cost
    - Gained BS Attack (Shock), Number 2, Dodge +2", Terrain Total
    - Haris, Duo
    - Light Flamethrowers changed into Chain-Colts, HMG profiles gained Chain-Colt
    - Combi Rifles changed into Multi Rifles
    - HMG profile gained Tinbot Firewall and a Lieutenant double
    - Gained AP HMG profile with Tactical Awareness and Tinbot Firewall
    - Gained Forward Observer with Tactical Awareness

    Wu Ming
    - Generally got slightly less expensive
    - Haris, Duo
    - Removed Nimbus Grenade Launcher profile
    - Gained E/M Grenade Launcher on the Grenade Launcher profile

    Yan Huo
    - 4-4 MOV
    - Generally got less expensive
    - Removed Duo
    - Gained Bioimmunity
    - Tinbot (Neurocinetics) changed into regular Neurocinetics
    - Pistol changed into Heavy Pistol

    - 6-2 MOV
    Generally got very slightly less expensive
    - Haris, Duo
    - Gained Number2
    - Profiles with Tinbot reduced SWC cost to 0

    - Generally got less expensive

    - 4-4 MOV on combat form.
    - Generally got less expensive
    - BS Attack (+1 DAM) in Combat form
    - Gained +1 B on Heavy Shotgun

    - Generally no change in cost
    - Gained Immunity (Shock)
    - Removed Flash Pulse
    - D.E.P. changed into Panzerfaust

    - 6-2 MOV
    Generally got slightly less expensive
    - Gained Dodge +1", Terrain Total
    - Removed HMG profile
    - Gained D-Charges on all profiles
    - Gained Hacking Lieutenant profile

    - Generally no change in cost
    - Mimetism (-3) changed into Mimetism (-6)
    - Removed Duo from the Forward Deployment profiles
    - Gained CrazyKoalas on Forward Deployment SMG profile
    - Combi Rifle changed into Multi Rifle on a FTO profile

    - 6-2 MOV
    - Generally got significantly less expensive

    Liu Xing
    - 6-2 MOV
    - Generally no change in cost
    - Gained a significant amount of CC, Dodge +2", 13 PH, Shock CCW,
    - Gained higher Combat Jump value

    Hac Tao
    - 6-2 MOV
    Generally got significantly less expensive
    - Removed Boarding Shotgun, Executive Order, and Killer Hacker profiles
    - Gained HMG profile with NCO

    Crane Agent
    - Generally got significantly less expensive
    - Got significantly better at CC
    - Multi Rifle Lieutenant profile now provides 1.5 SWC

    - Generally got significantly less expensive
    - Gained a set of non-NCO profiles

    - 6-2 MOV
    - Generally got significantly less expensive
    - Removed Stealth
    - Multi Rifle on Tinbot profiles changed into Multi Marksman Rifle
    - Multi Rifle Lieutenant changed into Lieutenant L2
    - Multi Rifle non-Lieutenant gained Specialist Operative and provides 1 SWC even if it isn't a Lieutenant
    - Multi Marksman Rifle Lieutenant now provides 1 SWC


    - One point cheaper
    - Removed Sniffer

    - One points cheaper

    - Two points cheaper
    - Removed Guided Missile Launcher
    - Guided can now be used on the AP+EXP missile as well

    - One point cheaper
    - Removed Sniffer and Sat-lock

    Long Ya
    - 4 points cheaper
    - Removed Minelayer
    - Removed Mimetism (-3) and Stealth
    - Shock Mines changed into to AP Mines
    - 2xPanzerfaust changed into Panzerfaust (+1B) and Flammenspeer (+1B)
    - Gained an SMG profile with Minelayer for +1 pts and +0.5 SWC

    - Generally got very slightly cheaper
    - Baggage now works differently
    - EVO Hacking Device got significantly cheaper

    Lu Duan
    - Three points more expensive
    - Removed Repeater
    - Gained Deployable Repeater, Minelayer, and +1 B on Heavy Flamethrower

    Rui Shi
    - Three points more expensive


    - Seven points cheaper and reduced SWC
    - Gained 3 CC, Martial Arts L2, Super-Jump

    Guijia pilot
    - Removed Light Flamethrower
    - Gained SMG, Martial Arts, Courage, and 6 CC

    Blue Wolf
    - Eight-teen points cheaper
    - Akrylate-kanone changed into Panzerfaust
    - Gained Berserk (+3)

    Blue Wolf pilot
    - Removed Light Flamethrower
    - Gained Light Shotgun and 5 CC


    Shaolin Monks
    - Impetuous
    - Gained 1 BS
    - Removed all 3 profiles with Combi Rifle and Smoke Grenades
    - Gained profile with Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades, and DA CCW


    - Removed Deployable Repeater from the FO profile
    - Gained Deployable Repeater on the Minelayer profile
    - Lieutenant profile reduced SWC cost to 1

    - Three points cheaper
    - Gained 2 CC
    - Gained Minelayer profile with Shock Mines at 25 points and 0 SWC

    - Removed Shock CCW
    - Gained CC Attack (Shock)
    - Multi Sniper profile removed
    - All Combi Rifles changed into SMG
    - Gained Forward Observer profile with Combi Rifle and DA CCW

    Characters (Including mercs that "main" Yu Jing)
    Xi Zhuang
    - One point more expensive
    - Gained Dodge +1 and +1 B on Light Flamethrower

    Sun Tze v2 (Sniper Sun)
    - Generally significantly less expensive
    - Removed Multi Rifle profiles

    Sun Tze v1 (Armoured Sun)
    - No real change in cost
    - Removed Nanopulsars on Boarding Shotgun profiles

    Chief Chung-Hee Jeong
    - Completely new character

    - No real change

    Tai Sheng
    - 6-2 MOV
    - Generally got less expensive
    - Removed Stun Grenades on the Mk12 profile

    Krit Kokram
    - 6-2 MOV
    - Generally got less expensive
    - Removed Automedikit
    - Gained NCO
    - FTO profile's Combi Rifle changed into Multi Rifle (+1 DAM)
    - Forward Deploying profile had Forward Deployment (+4") changed into Forward Deployment (+8")
    - Forward Deploying profile Combi Rifle and Chain-colt changed into Heavy Shotgun
    - Forward Deploying profile gained Deployable Repeater

    Major Lunah
    - No change in cost
    - Removed Marksmanship LX
    - Gained MSV1, BS Attack (+1 DAM), Immunity Shock and Triangulated Fire

    Jing Qo
    - Three poinst cheaper

    Lei Gong
    - No real change

    Adil Mehmut
    - Three points cheaper
    - Gained Dodge (+3)
    - Removed Electric Pulse
    - Gained Para CCW (-6)

    Crane Mehmut
    - Completely new character

    Liang Kai
    - Assault changed into Berserk

    Qiang Gao
    - Non-Lieutenant two points more expensive
    - Lieutenant L2 profile six points and 0.5 SWC more expensive

    Notable mercenaries (Not including those I don't think had notable alterations)
    - Gained Dodge +1"
    - Minelayer profile got 2 points cheaper

    Krakot Renegades
    - Gained Re-roll on Metachemistry
    - Removed single SMG profile
    - Red Fury profile gained Heavy Pistol

    Authorized Bounty Hunters
    - Generally got very slightly less expensive
    - Gained Re-roll on Booty
    - Gained Para CCW (-6)
    - Greatly increased AVA in vanilla, but not ISS

    The below sections do not include AVA changes unless they are of significance.
    Also note that the below are not a listing of Fireteams, it is only noting alterations compared to late N3

    Imperial Service Specific changes
    Kuang Shi
    - Removed restriction on which Celestial Guard profile may be used to form the Fireteam
    - The Celestial Guard in the above Core can not be replaced by a Wildcard
    - Added a restriction on max 4 Kuang Shi per Celestial Guard "controller"

    Bao Troops
    - Removed Core with Pheasants
    - Gained Duo and Haris on all profiles

    - May join any Bao Troops Fireteam

    MERC Father Lucien Sforza
    - Gained Holomask FTO profile
    - FTO profile counts as Bounty Hunter

    ALEPH Devas
    - Gained access to Devas
    - Devas Haris can be joined by Dakini

    - Removed restriction on number of Zhanying that can join Wu Ming

    Xi Zhuang
    - Gained Wildcard status

    Adil Mahmut
    - Gained Wildcard status
    - Removed Kuang Shi Control Device

    Wu Ming
    - Gained Duo and Haris on all profiles

    Crane Agent
    - Gained Wildcard status

    Adil Mehmut (Crane Armour)
    - Gained Wildcard status

    - Gained Combi Forward Observer profile

    - Increased AVA to 3

    - Gained access to Kunai

    Invincible Army Specific changes

    - Removed max 1 restriction on Wildcard
    - Gained Duo and Haris on all profiles

    - Gained Duo and Haris on all profiles

    - Removed max 1 restriction on Wildcard

    Yan Huo
    - Removed restriction to Zuyong Haris, Wildcard Haris troopers can now be used

    Krit Kokram FTO
    - Removed counts as Zuyong
    - Gained Wildcard status

    Tai Sheng
    - Removed counts as Zuyong
    - Gained Wildcard status

    Hulang FTO
    - Gained Wildcard status

    Qiang Gao
    - Removed counts as Zuyong
    - Gained Wildcard status

    - Gained Duo skill

    White Banner Specific changes

    Qiang Gao
    - Removed Wildcard status
    - Gained "be part of Shang-Ji"

    - Removed max 1 restriction on Wildcard
    - Gained Duo and Haris on all profiles

    - Gained Duo skill
    #1 Mahtamori, Sep 25, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
    Paegis, Sedral, Dragonstriker and 6 others like this.
  2. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sun is showing as LT (+1 command token), not as LT(+1 order) to me.

    Also Lunah got some more shooting skills and an MSV1
    Space Ranger likes this.
  3. Surmelk

    Surmelk Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    I got a good vibe so far. Really hyped.

    Things to love:
    - Guijia with super jump
    - Big discount on blue wolf - 71 points !
    - Super cheap Jujaks
    - cheaper hac tao with NCO
    - the super Shang Ji with AP HMG, tac awar and tinbots
    - Gui feng with 2xLGL
    - lots of cheap interesting harris option
    - Hulang with everything !
    - Hundun with hidden deployment

    There is only one thing to worry about - how early can people play !
    Space Ranger likes this.
  4. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Note that there is no Strategos L3 any more, the levels dropped by one.
  5. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I really don't understand the pricing on Sun1, EVAders and DaoFei
  6. Surmelk

    Surmelk Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    • Daofei sadly didn't seem to drop in price and only got 3 CC to show for it

    Dafoi got:
    - less SWC
    - d-charges
    - dodge +1
    - terrain total
    - with less orders/models in game, camo seems to be buffed

    Not the biggest winner in the N4, but okish

    Space Ranger likes this.
  7. Surmelk

    Surmelk Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    Im still in hyped version. other thing to love in ISS:
    - Deva access - hello msv2 spitfire in harris
  8. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Yeah both Sunny versions have Lt+1 command token. So nothing changed here. V1 bsg had his TI nerfed and still costs 60 points. So Avatar profile i saw was true, 118 points for 4 orders 3 regular and 1 tac aware on top of murder machine. So my huge expectation for Sunny got me real sad :/ but on the other hand there is alot of cool stuff. Bao troops with universal visors and +3 discover, all pheasants with CoC. Xi actually lost LFT for b2 LGL so mini is no longer correct :0 Multi rifle LGL Wu Ming picked EM LGL on top of that. Alot of our guys got terrain total, and with terrain changes it might be big sleeper buff.
    Edit: Adil lost ikhol! Im very sad now, we cant perma -12 in CC ;(
  9. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Large amounts of unborking for Yu Jing, IMO

    Sorry, the hazards of spending too much time deconstructing profiles. I skip over Kinematica and Terrain because they're free. D-charges I missed and the decreased SWC is universal for all HI.

    I think besides Qiang Gao, Daofei are net losers of N4 for Yu Jing. Arguably Ye Mao also got nerfed along with all other Super-Jump MOV 4-X, though I still haven't verified Jumping in N4.
  10. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Things that stand out to me at first glance:


    - Hac Tao NCO
    - Hsien LT2 + Specialist Operative
    - Yan Huo MOV 4-4, Bioimmunity
    - Crane still MOV 4-4
    - Guilang BSG Minelayer Deployable Repeater
    - Kokram Minelayer with Deployable repeater and E/M mines
    - Chon Hee-Yeaong Repeater
    - Kuang Shi still 5 points, lost Biolocator
    - Rui Shi and Lu Duan 3 points more expensive
    - Long Ya much cheaper
    - Pangguling EVO 10 points cheaper
    - Mowang much cheaper
    - Tiger MSR gone, rest got more expensive
    - Ninjas with Shock CC + AP/DA
    - Shang-JI with Marksmanship 1
    - Hulang ODD + Crazy Koala is true and cheaper


    - Crane Wildcard
    - Wu Ming Core can have multiple Zhanying + Cranes now
    - Major Lunah is BS 13 + Triangulated fire + Fat1
    - Garuda FO loadout
    - Xi Zhuang with +1B LGL instead of flamer
    - Dakini + Deva Haris
    - CoC on all Pheasant Loadouts
    - MSV2/BioVisor on all Bao Loadouts
    - Sforza +1B ADHL
    - 2 Hsien + 1 Zhanying Haris now possible
  11. -Ghost-

    -Ghost- Shalashaska

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Thank you all for doing this. (:
    Space Ranger and Mahtamori like this.
  12. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    DaoFei also got 6-2 MOV, which isn't bad, altho I'm dissapointed Crane didn't get it
  13. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Is the same as in CodeOne.
  14. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Super excited to see all the changes. I really look forward N4!
    krossaks and Jenian Katarn like this.
  15. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    So Frenzy is still the same and the exploit is still there?
  16. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Do we have fireteam rules out? I couldnt find them but maybe imp state is no longer cancelled in firetams and you cant use cover this way.
    Edit: just looked up Riots. They are 6-2 and got bs+1 damage while still being basically the same price as Zuyongs -.-
  17. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    We do have Fireteam rules, they are in a separate pdf in the downloads section of the infinity website

    They still cancel Frenzy/Impetuous
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, that honks.

    Like seriously honks.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  19. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Also Shaolin went to gun school

    Now they are bad instead of absolute trash at shooting. Also, Chain Rifle with DACCW, which is legitimately good.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  20. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Explode is now an attack that you can quantum dodge against (if you had the foresight to dodge ahead of time).
    As a quirk it seems that the Kuang Shi will no longer die or kill friends if a friend is in the blast.

    Combat Jump (Explode) also seems to have been simplified so much that you no longer need a target for it, so that dropping on Camo Markers is legit tactic. Needs more digging, though.

    Currently trying to figure out a legitimate list with 2 TacFirewalled Guijias in IA
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