... and that's before we even get into Carlotta. Wildcats I'm still not convinced on, but a lot of the rest of CJC from what I can tell looks hot in N4. Just hope manned TAGs can reroll repair fails now!
The idea is that Jazz or some other HD is in the main link (maybe a Mobile Brigada HD is a good option finally based on what you're saying?). Wildcat KHD sits in the Haris with tinbot protection (similar numbers to surprise attack unless that's changing). Then you have two Morans in the midfield, and probably a third hacker. That's just how CJC rolls to these fights. KoJ has a lot more to worry about than the Wildcat KHD; that's the gravy that forces the KoJ to split burst or take a shot or two on the chin because of the other two hackers. CJC hacking won't be about ramboing with one hacker in the active; it'll be a reactive mess for any opponent with hackers, rems, HI, or TAGs to deal with. The Wildcat is there to protect the other hackers. Does a much better job at that role than the Bandit.