CHICHARRA - 3D printable hopper

Discussion in 'Scenery' started by TopoSolitario, Feb 1, 2018.


Would you like the Chicharra to be deployed as a Kickstarter campaign?

Poll closed Mar 3, 2018.
  1. NO, it has work behind but I want it FREE for all

  2. YES, I want to support the efforts behind its design to get more options and add ons

  1. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Excellent! I'm in as soon as you make it, post here when you're ready to go with it.
    As an aside, this is a fantastic commercial for your 3D printer, now i want one too :joy:
  2. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I'm amazed how well it prints for such a cheap machine. Now it is as low as 140€ from China Warehouse (eu plug). Even with shipment and customs it is really inexpensive... I didn't get any fee for the marketing :joy: but actually, this is the perfect machine for a wargamming enthusiast, the 100x100x100mm printing volumen covers almost any need for the table. The drawbacks of the printer is that it has some "cheap" components, the main board is pretty bad and lacks options for upgrade. It has some design fails too, the cables are overall odly positioned and it is easy to bend the bed or even have a brand new printer with curved bed. Z axis positioning is bad too, and support can get loose making down movement very unprecise (luckily printer just goes up to print, but some actions, like going up to avoid hitting already printed parts must be deactivated if you have this kind of problem). In the end quality control may be bad and this may not be the best option if you're not handy or you're looking for a maintenance free machine.
    But If you're already into some amateur printing or machining, or you are a begginner with time to read a lot of articles and willing to go deep into how your machine works, and not afraid of taking it apart... pricing is just a WIN for me.

    Hell! here I am making more commercial for them without getting a dime! :grin:

    And to keep the post fun... BEHOLD THE GUNSLINGER!

    Chicharra GUNSLINGER.jpg
    AHP7-G "Gunslinger"
    #42 TopoSolitario, Feb 15, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  3. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    And... this is the final version of the GUN. It turned out exactly as I wanted it to be... it look gorgeus on the bird.

    Chicharra GUN.jpg
  4. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    First of all... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR VOTING! I really appreciate your votes and comments.

    I hope I can advance with the things I want to include in the campaign and maybe start with the content of the campaign page itself. The military version add ons is done. The other things that will go in the campaign will be the ramp-down version and additional scenery for a bigger pledge.

    Now I'm taking some steps into rendering. I'm using LuxRender which works pretty well, is free and really easy to configure. I don't need real-life-like renders and I can keep sizes low as they'll be used on the campaign page. So after going "from zero to hero" with LuxRender today, this is one of the results (still rendering but good enough to show you the results)

    Chicharra v0.3 - RENDER.png

    This is the Close Air Support version. Uses the military sensor dependant cockpit, has the advanced avionics and targeting system on top and is equiped with an 8 pack launcher and the chaingun. Feeding links will probably have some problems when printing, I'm testing it today.
    About the military cockpit, it may look flat and dull, but it is the place to express yourself with grafitty, be it a devil head, shark teeth, pin-up or just unit number and faction logos.

  5. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I'm working three ways here:
    1. the campaign: Figuring out the numbers, the goal, and possible stretch goals.
    2. the models itself: This morning I've a great idea for the big piece of scenery to go with the model... and if all goes as expected it will be a great piece pretty usefull and 100x100x100mm printer space compliant.
    3. testing the latest builds: Almost no modifications needed for the gun and drum. But still have to test the latest improvements for the body... I'll have to make an slow quality print to get a ready to paint model.
    Here you can see the gun and drum on the test model... There is an aberration every turn of the filament spindle as I'm using the last meters left and it seems to have problems feeding. It's okay for the test printings as I need to test overhangs and detail problems and not the print quality itself.

    On 3D renders you can make an idea of how it turns out... but once printed, with the ship at hand... you can't avoid to strafe the minis making "pew pew pew" sounds :stuck_out_tongue: Waiting for the rocket pack to make the "kaboms" with an exploding fist.
    Edster, timberfox, xagroth and 5 others like this.
  6. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    looking great.

    I've found that lightly sanding (if you do too much you'll see ribbing from your infill and inner walls show up) and the spraying with some coats of a gloss varnish give a decent, and quick, finish for PLA.
    TopoSolitario likes this.
  7. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I'm currently printing the second model... I'm doing it pretty slow in order to get a painting ready one to pass it to FilantroPolo for the paintjob. The longest print is the front part of the hull. Going slow on my printer could take as much as 8 hours (maybe a little more) but I'm amazed with the quiality it is popping out.

    Printing direction is pretty important as the laddering effect of the layers is pretty noticeable even at 0.1mm layer height. I really like printing 90º, that way flat top surfaces doesn't have the regular mesh printing effect, and gentle slopes look much better. For streamlined models, like ships and planes, printing 90º is mandatory for me :grinning:

    To keep you entertained... you can see the print in progress here:

    And a render with both the civilian and military models, and the pieces arranged ready to print (that is the position I use to print for all of them).

    Chicharra v0.3 - RENDER 02.jpg
    hydra, Edster, Danger Rose and 6 others like this.
  8. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    And... I've been testing my light cube and some "auto" settings of the camera. Here it is a printing of the third major changes version of the model (the optics mount is missing becouse I've the printer busy testing the first steps of the scenery item to go along with the model).

    If you zoom enough you can almost count the 0.1mm layers printed :laughing:

    Chicharra v0.3 - Print 01.jpg
  9. choponet

    choponet Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Quiero el KS ya, necesito una Chicharra y como add on 2 Montaraces

    I want KS now, I need one Chicharra and two Montaraces as add on.
    TopoSolitario likes this.
  10. gnyf

    gnyf Professionel Carouser & Malingerer

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Do you know when the KS is gonna be?
  11. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I want to release the KS as soon as possible, but that can go for another two months (worst case scenario) becouse I've some personal important things to attend and a small 10 days travel off-shore, and you can't run a campaign if you can't dedicate time for management and comments.

    About the legal boring stuff... I'm waiting for a new activity to be registered to cover the campaign and be able to properly declare it for taxes and so. Campaidn can't be released before having that paperwork done.

    About the model itself, the civilian and military versions are both done and tested with asesome results. And I'm working on the third pledge level, that is terrain. Terrain is something I was not willing to do before campaign start, but if I can advance now as much as possible, after the campaign ends I'll be able to release them sooner.

    About the additional elements, I've already talked with my brother to get a pilot and I'm waiting for the painter to have some time for the project (but I'm thinking about releasing it without a painted model).

    I'm attaching a photo of the first test run for the main piece of terrain to go along with the Chicharra. I hope you like it even if yo consider that another landing pad is NOT what this world needs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (in fact, there are not that much landing pads out there).

  12. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm excited for the pilot. I want some for my Antenocitis drop ships so if he add some sci-fi pilots to his store I'd pick some up.
  13. Shingen

    Shingen Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I understand that with the pilot you also plan on doing a cockpit? What about canopy, I believe that decent translucent effects are only available on SLA machines…

    As for the landing pad, I’d add something to block LOF underneath (tanks, machinery or simple walls). And for same game purposes, would it be possible to make clearance under the vehicle lower than 3mm? That would make it useful terrain piece.
  14. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    A quick update about what the pilot may (or may not) look like. I've passed this rough sketch to my brother who will be modelling it. This is the sketch:


    Model (at first) is not intended to be on the cockpit, but to stand near her bird. Maybe a pose like if she's inspecting the control sourfaces could work, but FDM printers are constrained about printing without supports (one of my prime directives about all this model and sideplates).
  15. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    It may seem that I'm doing nothing... but... terrain is on the works, the pilot miniature is on the works too, and I'm closing the color scheme that will have the sample model for the photo sessions. These images are the quick mock ups for the painter to work out the schemes:

    baby shark.jpg

    El Luchador.jpg

    I hope you like them (remember they're quick mockups on photoshop for the painter to get the idea, not intended to look as "final box art")
  16. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I know you're hoping for either the model or the campaign... I'm still closing the last bits while waiting for the painter to do the job. Meanwhile I'm still advancing with the 3D models for the full (chicharra + terrain) pledge. And I have three very interesting photos about designing process and 3D printing (I'm printing all test models at medium speed and 0.2 layer height, so quality can be improved but I used that settings to test problems not related to printing quality)

    1. Vertical piece vs Flat piece. I'm mostly printing all I can vertical, from the chicharra itself to most of the scenery pieces. Vertical you can go for 0.1 layer height in most printers and get awesome results... but with flat top surfaces, if you print flat, you get weird results, with many "effects" that you usually expect from a regular FDM printer. In this photo you have a side by side comparison of vertical (left) and flat (right) printings... zoom in and notice the diferences. Only drawback is that you have to think about overhangs in another dimension... and try to solve them.

    2. Test, test and test. You always need to test all prints... some things that are ok on the design table... finally didnt work as expected. On these containers, you can notice the first and second version (yes, they're modular and the shorter one fits under the platform to break LOS), supporting pillars and ladder seemed ok but turned out really bad on first printing, a little modification did the trick.


    3. And finally some candy. I'm trying to make the terrain pieces with details you cant achieve with just foamboard, cardboard, spare bits or empty cans. If you're 3D printing you want something specially made for it... maybe I didn't achieve that completely but... here you go! If there is something tricky without printing, that is ladders! :D

  17. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ladders or stairs?
  18. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Both, the containers has ladders on the side, and the landing platform has stairs :P
  19. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Stretch goal idea: some barriers we can place on the flat surfaces (no gluing or snapping required, so we could print extra and place them on the battlefield). You can even divide the design into a "basic solid" that reaches the model's waist or so, and "basic solid with raised detail" that reaches the shoulders.
  20. TopoSolitario

    TopoSolitario Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Hi there! It is against the rules of Infinity Forums to publish Kickstarter campaigns or shops or anything profitable not official without an agreement with Corvus Belli :hugging_face:

    But I just want to say that the campaign is currently up on Kickstarter at last!!! And I want to thank all the people who participated in this post and who encouraged me to start the campaign. THANK YOU VERY MUCH GUYS!

    And finally, here it is the painted version for your viewing pleasure. I'm adding soon one of the parts to thingiverse for you to test if you want. Stay tuned!

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