Why do you like Yu Jing? (A low sodium thread.)

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by wes-o-matic, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Be the change, right? Let's have a little experiment.

    Comment at least ONE THING you like about collecting, painting, listbuilding, or playing Yu Jing—and/or any of its Sectorials—with no negative commentary, no sarcasm, and no disputing prior comments. Just find something genuinely nice to say and say it, bam, done. You're allowed to have negative opinions, but please put them somewhere else just this one time. Cool?

    I'll go first. I like the style and capabilities of a Zuyong team in IA. I think that they're one of the most characterful "generic" line heavy infantry units in the game, and I like that they work well together instead of best serving as one-off wildcard boosters for other troop types in a link.

    Why do you like Yu Jing?
  2. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I like the old Imperial Service fluff, the blend of historical fashion and sci-fi gubbins in the mini design, and I like the versatility of the faction's elites since they enable a distinct and fun playstyle in which one or two models can do the entire mission if well-directed.
  3. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Their aesthetics
  4. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    If I'm being perfectly honest I picked up Yu Jing for the raw power of the faction. Depending on how you measure it they're my most successful N3 army and they let me push the edges of what the game accommodates in ways that were very fun (but in frankness probably best to be passing into the west in N4).

    In particular, I love the efficient synergy of the Daoying and the Mowang. I love the purity of purpose of Shaolin Monks. I love every pistol kill I score with a Kuang Shi. I especially love Liang Kai, who is a wonderful cheap effective piece that can peacefully do nothing if everything else is going well, or else solve the game's hardest problems if that's what I need of him. I even love my combat group three warcor, who'll be returning to a studio position in a couple weeks and probably to her considerable relief.
  5. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The variety of totally bad-ass heavy infantry. These guys are going to flex on N4 something fierce.
  6. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    The wu ming! The sculpts the not so typical HI loadouts like chain rifle smg, combi e/Mutter mines and multi grenadelauncher.
    And of course the braids of the agents.
  7. Surmelk

    Surmelk Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    Got into Yu Jing because the good looking models. Specially the Su Jian and Hac tao. And hidden ninjas !
  8. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    I chose YJ because of their looks. Heavies looked best and YJ had more and better looking than other factions. I also love YJ versality, having acces to almost every mechanic in game is good for variety. And YJ is sporting some of the best units in few fields. Guilangs, Tigers and Daoyings are up there. Ohh and now with Tao Wu out we have as many holoprojector units as Haqq, so tied for most in the game :)
    #8 Amusedbymuse, Sep 16, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
  9. Paegis

    Paegis Vincible Officer

    Jul 11, 2018
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    For me, it's all the badass power armor. I picked YJ pretty much because of the promise of Invincible Army, and I love them, strengths and weaknesses all... and I'm really interested to see if that hackable discount is real :D
  10. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    I like Yu Jing.
    The main reason is my love to Chinese history.
    I played Dynasty Warriors long time ago on my PC, then I red real tale about Three kingdoms.
    And then... my first foreign travel was China! It wasn’t my last visit.

    China is very different, dynamic country. I was not only in touristic locations.
    Very interesting history it has.

    So, I am projecting this memories on faction. I think, it’s ok.

    And miniatures are awesome. That’s for sure. Detailed, but accurate.
    Of course miniatures is an important part.

    (Almost forgot! There are many factions, that took place in my heart, and YJ definitely one of them)
  11. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I like playing bad guys (I play tyranids and chaos in warhammer universes), and I like the hyper-aggressive-with-high-quality-units playstyle. And the miniatures ofc, duh.
    #11 Sedral, Sep 16, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
  12. Usashi

    Usashi Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Started with JSA but then expanded to full YJ. Even though I own all sectorials I like vanilla best. It's flexible and I have all the tools to solve problems. After the Uprising I sold JSA and I was never looking back.

    Plus the miniatures are amazing (most of the time).
  13. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Braids, Cool Armors, Invincible Army.
  14. Jenian Katarn

    Jenian Katarn G:Synchronized

    Jan 8, 2019
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    I like power armours as a concept (Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell, Bubblegum Crisis, etc. everything "suited up" kind of things - TAGs hit the spot in awesomness). IA has lots of those, with this perfect combination of rough and sleek. The Daoying is the sleekness incarnate with tad bit of roughness incorporated, while Mowang is the embodiment of roughness with still some sleekness in it. These are on the opposite ends of spectrum but still all what I love. Everything in between can all be found in IA. I love the bravado of Guija. I love the no-nonsense look of Haidao. I love the "I'm here to finish what was started" feel of Hac Tao. I love the "EARTH crumbles under my advance as I bring forth the might of Yu-Jing!" look of Yan Huo. All of this combined with the general feel of gritty no-nonsense being of Yu-Jing: Fiercly efficient, fiercly egoistic and fiercly ruthless. They have the feel of "bad guys" without solely leaning on that trope. Them being "bad guys" is just point of view and not the ultimate truth.

    Above was quite heavily leaning on IA but for me that is the thing which defines Yu-Jing for me in this miniature game. Yu-Jing as faction with its ISS is interesting fluff & concept wise and that is heavily taken into account in out groups Infinity RPG. Yu-Jing is faction that has identity and place, it isn't just slap-on add-on and that is just right.
  15. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Oh this, so much this. I know a bunch of people are of the opinion that kuangs are broken because they give a regular order, but not having smoke makes them so much more fun to play with and against. You end up doing stupid shit all the time, like shooting a TR bot with your pistol at -9 because you're dead anyway, and somehow you kill the damn bot??? These are such ridiculous, memorable moments. My kuang-shis have become legends in my local area.
    Usashi, wes-o-matic, Savnock and 2 others like this.
  16. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    I'm a YJ neophyte, I got into them with Kaldstrom. The Jujak, Hundun, and the winter Zhanshi were wayyy too nice, can't get enough of that winter coat + armor aesthetic. Besides, I've always wanted an excuse to field Guilang and Tiger Soldiers since forever. Love their sculpts, and their rules. Badass units all around.

    Then the lists were teased including 'Jing Qo' - and yeah, that sealed the deal for me. My very first post on these forums was a wall of text geeking out about Jing Qo's historical inspiration. Then her sculpt came out and I absolutely loved it.

    Final nail on the coffin was the Blue Wolf sculpt. Just... no words. Give me that NOW.

    As an additional positive note, I've always thought Yu Jing models best expressed the 'dark' cyberpunk aesthetic out of all Infinity factions, alongside the incredible mixture of anachronistic cultural motifs (robes, braids, and such) with heavy armor. The Bao Troops with their sinister masks, the Crane Agents with their robes and lithe muscle fibres - and the Hac Tao HMG remains possibly my favorite heavy infantry model. YJ models somehow consistently ride the line between chunky/powerful and lithe/graceful. It's pretty great.
    Xeurian, Daireann, Willen and 7 others like this.
  17. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Ditto what @Ecthelion said about dark-aesthetic powered armor. YJ manages to be both menacing and heroic at the same time.

    When I got into YJ a long time ago, it started with the crouching Ninja hacker. Then other interesting poses, like the Hac Tao missile launcher, the Shaolin monks (silly-huge scale for the time but fun kicking poses).

    Then I started to really get into playing the Daofei and the Tigers for their fast-hit-and-run capabilities, and then Daofei-Guilang teamups because they are good at almost everything and can be wherever I need them. White Banner is basically My Vanilla YJ Playstyle from 2013, The Remix Plus Awesome Links.

    Nowadays I like YJ for Wu Ming brutality and Kuang Shi assaults in ISS, and for that same midfield-specialist swarm I've always played. I'm really looking forward to seeing what N4 does for that.
  18. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    It's great to see a positive movement going around!:+1::+1::+1:
  19. LeeroyVinland

    LeeroyVinland O-12 Agent

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Ok this needs a bit of story telling.
    I used to only played and painted a Space Battleship game in Tabletop. Then I got some Seraphon because I thought they looked cool.
    Always liked Cyberpunk and when I first saw the mini of the Zhayedan I instantly bought the Red Veil Set.

    So I painted Haqq an bought JSA because I thought they were cool. To improve my painting I started painting YJ and realized that I like the astethics even more. With Imperial Agents the most. Then I got into the fluff and eventually into the rich history and culture of china and became hooked.

    It's also a bonus that I really like to play ISS too.
  20. Koval

    Koval Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2019
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    To me, Yu Jing is the faction that feels like it does the best job of having everything. I like to call it the most vanilla vanilla faction. More so than the other factions, YJ has a tool for everything.
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