Thanks! How do you guys like these two? Yeah, the second one isn't sci-fi, but if you crop the head..?
Yup, I think they might be strong candidates... BTW. We have the dossiers, but is there a place where I could find the images Infinity's promotional images, box art etc.? Hmmm, why are quoting a Polish manga publisher? Are you Polish? Did I know that and just forgot..? *mind blown*
Not sure she is her daughter, but yes there is such a character ... and she looks pretty badass Haqqislam as well. :)
Yes, but her daughter's costume would be too not fit the HaqqIslam motif. She wears high tech body armor. Edit: To me, the armor looks like it would fit into PanO,O-12, or Yu-jing). But it could be a super-suit.
Those three fit quite well HaqqIslam to me. The third one is the closest, Infinity speaking but as it's a named character from another licence it may loose the point. The two first are good candidate for avatars once cropped, the second is definitely the more visually stunning to me. They have both different mood vibe that you could use to make your choice because, in the end, hte real question is, "how do YOU like these" and how do you relate to any.
@Varsovian I liked the first of the two images (the red one) you posted & the image @Papa Bey Posted as well. Should I take a crack at searching for a pic for you?
There are a few more images out there, but they are buried in giant wallpapers will won't pass the forum muster for Haqqislam enough.
If you have time and are willing to, yes! BTW. I was thinking and I realized that Haqqislam isn't just Tuaregs etc. If you find something that would fit as a Ghulam or a Hunzakut, that would be great. Also I'd appreciate any images similar to the female Authorized Bounty Hunter or the long-haired Druze Hacker...
Very well I'll look into it. Give me awhile and I should have something later today. The Lord will bring a picture or two my way if I keep searching.
Found some more female Haqqislam pictures. Let me know what you think about these. Some are form Robot Jones others from Gray Shark. Spoiler: Robot Jones Spoiler: Gray Shark
That Ghulam girl is very nice, my only problem with it is that it seems a popular and often-used image? I have always been partial to art by @robot_jones . If he had a more detailed sketch of some Haqq female, I'd gladly use it (with his permission).