What Proxies to use?

Discussion in 'O-12' started by Commoner1, Aug 7, 2019.

  1. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Alpha - Andromeda base and Dog with O-12 high commissioner mini
    Lynx Sniper - Hexa Sniper
    Lynx KH - Locust Assault Hacker
    Sirius AH SMG - the Andromeda Mini on S2 base
    Sirius Bot - old Aleph Lamedth
    Varangian guard - 45th Highlander Rifles
    Cyberghosts - Danavas
    Monstruckers - Irmandinhos
    Zeta unit - Dragoes
    Razor FO - Spektrs Boarding Shotgun
    Fuzzbots etc. - PanO Mulbot
    Kyttä etc. - new Aleph Remotes
    chromedog and ddobberstine like this.
  2. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    I know, it's a very old post, but I came up with imo a verry good proxy Miniature for the Razor Boarding Shotgun:
    The Shukra from Operation Coldfront.

    I've seen him once painted as Adam Jensen from Deus Ex, but unfortunately I can't find him any more.
  3. Quehacesfede

    Quehacesfede You must obey the Knight Commander

    Nov 8, 2018
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    I use a mini form HINT as a Cyberghost. The level of detail is pretty bad, but the miniature works wonderfully as a Cyberghost proxy. It even has a hacker visor.
    IMG_20200504_120147.jpg IMG_20200504_120200.jpg IMG_20200504_120212.jpg
  4. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I'm using some older fusiliers (I have a dozen of them, old and new) for the Kappas so I could spare a few. (DE:MD CSP street cops).
    Spare ORCs for the Omegas. (DE:MD CSP SWAT).
    A converted Al-fasid as my Gamma. I took the HMG from the Blackjack I used a while ago and replaced his HRL with it. I also removed the smg and hand and sculpted new ones to replace them. Then gave him a newer helmet and armoured chest piece. (DE:MD Exosuit).
    A dragao (modified slightly - different head and a new chest-piece) for the Zeta. Remote spare bits for the Zetbot (cobbled together from the parts of an old YJ rem and a couple of mangled servant bots.). It's a "8-0X" box droid.
    Croc-men as my Gangbusters (can't use it in my NCA anyway).
    Aleph rebots as my S3 rems ("Copperbots"). My older rebots already got stolen by my corregidor.
    Machaon is one of the Authorised bounty hunters, converted up like an "Adam Jensen".
    The female CSU as my other ABH "Alex".
    Slight conversions and painted as the CSP from Deus Ex:Mankind divided not the paler blue/gold of the C*O*P*S cartoon.

    Have since added a "gangbuster" (crocman boarding shotgun), modified the rebots (took the "engine wings" off and mounted the weapons back there and added a "Bluecoat" (Icestorm period Nisse, with a headswap and hand swap for the riotstopper).


    I'm only putting together and painting 350pts or so of them to see if I can get the army to gel for me. If it works, I may pull the trigger on an actual O-12 action pack.
    #24 chromedog, Sep 5, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  5. WarHound

    WarHound Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I did a lot of conversion work when O-12 came out, coz I had a theme in mind (trenchcoats and cyberpunk: Bladerunner meets Altered Carbon)

    Yes, the "Bomb Rats" are my MadTraps.


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