zapp painting

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by zapp, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The new White Banner Zhanshis are awesomely detailed for basic linetroops. I wanted to give them a different treatment to the RedVeil troopers that are still half unpainted. They have been painted in August 2020.
    Los nuevos Zhanshis de White Banner son increíblemente detallados para los linetroops básicos. Quería darles un tratamiento diferente a los soldados de RedVeil que aún están medio sin pintar. Han sido pintados en agosto de 2020.
    redeemer, grampyseer, Wizzy and 14 others like this.
  2. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    And there is another addition to my painted collection. My 2nd HVT! (still one to go to play Unmasking fully painted, lol) This guy was a blast to paint. That devilish look is fantastic.He was finished early in September 2020.
    Y hay otra adición a mi colección de pinturas. ¡Mi segundo HVT! Este tipo fue una explosión al pintar. Ese aspecto diabólico es fantástico. Fue terminado a principios de septiembre de 2020.
  3. Capo.Paint

    Capo.Paint Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    It is time to see them all on the table again. Great work you do during this time! If I think back to my attempts on faces...that seems like sorcery!
  4. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    So this is yours new Avatar - ok ther is a trick to painting eyes - paint them black first then paint whites white but live black outline - it imitates lashes and shadow - then wash with water with red tint (no body got eyes in titanium white ) then procide as normal :)
    jherazob, zapp and Golem2God like this.
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That is a neat skill to remember. I'll use that tidbit next time I paint eyes on a mini.
  6. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    nice work on this guy. I just did him recently myself with a green silky suit, he was fun to paint after doing all the others.
    zapp likes this.
  7. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Thanks! I still have the feeling that painting eyes comes always with a bit of luck. Painting that last white dot when you are happy with the rest requires stable hand and is a path to insanity if it goes wrong. xD
    Law Dawg and archangeleong like this.
  8. Law Dawg

    Law Dawg Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    Wow, that HVT is Mr. Suave!
  9. Berjiz

    Berjiz Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Which figure is the HVT? I don't recognize it
  10. Uthoroc

    Uthoroc Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2019
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    zapp likes this.
  11. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    This model was painted in Oktober 2020 as it was clear that the Monstrucker would still play a vital role in any Vanilla army. I did not like the original release too much and had a single Ghazi flying around that I planned to gift to a friend. With no need for four Ghazis anymore, I instead went for painting this guy as a Monstrucker for my YJ army.
    Este modelo fue pintado en octubre de 2020, ya que estaba claro que el Monstructor todavía jugaría un papel vital en cualquier ejército de vainilla. No me gustó mucho el lanzamiento original y tenía un solo Ghazi volando por ahí que planeaba regalar a un amigo. Sin necesidad de tener cuatro Ghazis, opté por pintar a este tipo como un Monstrucker para mi ejército YJ.

    ETEA, redeemer, Oni and 13 others like this.
  12. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I always liked playing with Camo in YJ. With the release of White Banner I was hoping it would be a viable sectorial for that playstyle. It's not, unfortunately, but with N4, one of the best models (the Guilangs) from the Kaldstrom Box got not only playable, but very desirable.
    I also like the Spitfire Daofei model and to round it up, I gave the Hundun some color too. The profiles are questionable imho, but I enjoyed painting them (in november 2020).
    Siempre me gustó tocar con Camo en YJ. Con el lanzamiento de White Banner esperaba que fuera un sector viable para ese estilo de juego. No lo es, desafortunadamente, pero con N4, uno de los mejores modelos (los Guilangs) de la Caja Kaldstrom se volvió no sólo jugable, sino muy deseable.
    También me gusta el modelo Spitfire Daofei y para redondearlo, le di algo de color al Hundun también. Los perfiles son imho cuestionables, pero disfruté pintándolos (en noviembre de 2020).




    And finally some family picture
    Rumdog, ETEA, redeemer and 16 others like this.
  13. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Nice work! Seems we are on the same painting path at the moment ;-)
  14. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Indeed. Very exited to see more White Banner from you :-)
    archangeleong likes this.
  15. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    After a good start on the Blue Wolf in November, there was a certain game released in Dezember which I had to investigate for possible color scheme and conversion ideas. ;-)
    Anyway, I finally finished my version of the mighty Blue Wolf in January 2021, and I'm happy with the result.
    Después de un buen comienzo en el Lobo Azul en noviembre, hubo un cierto juego lanzado en diciembre que tuve que investigar para posibles ideas de esquema de color y conversión. ;-)
    De todos modos, finalmente terminé mi versión del poderoso Lobo Azul, y estoy contento con el resultado.

  16. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    A real life tournament in August 2021 motivated me to take a break from Defiance and work on Yu Jing once again. I converted the Hac Tao ML out of the Hacker and the Zuyong ML. It's still tough to find a spot for him in my lists, but my opponents's have to think of that from now on even if I play fully painted. ;-)
    Un torneo de la vida real en agosto de 2021 me motivó a tomar un descanso de Defiance y trabajar en Yu Jing una vez más. He convertido el ML Hac Tao del Hacker y el ML Zuyong. Sigue siendo difícil encontrarle un hueco en mis listas, pero mis oponentes tendrán que pensar en ello a partir de ahora aunque juegue totalmente pintado. ;-)

    MiC, ETEA, Oni and 5 others like this.
  17. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The second model that gets a slot in most of my lists is Krit. So he was also painted in August 2021, just in time for the tournament.
    El segundo modelo que tiene un hueco en la mayoría de mis listas es Krit. Así que también fue pintado en agosto de 2021, justo a tiempo para el torneo.

    MiC, Rumdog, Golem2God and 9 others like this.
  18. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    For a small tournament in November 2021, I updated my Vanilla YJ N4 game with some useful profiles. First one was the Liu Xing MR profile that I unfortunately had to proxy with the Hacker. The model itself is one of the best I ever painted. But I would gladly pay CB some more money get the profile that everybody uses. Maybe this contribution is the sacrifice needed to get another Liu Xing profile. ;-)
    Para un pequeño torneo en noviembre de 2021, actualicé mi juego Vanilla YJ N4 con algunos perfiles útiles. El primero fue el perfil de Liu Xing MR que, por desgracia, tuve que apoderar con el Hacker. El modelo en sí es uno de los mejores que he pintado. Pero con gusto pagaría a CB algo más de dinero para conseguir el perfil que todo el mundo usa. Tal vez esta contribución sea el sacrificio necesario para conseguir otro perfil de Liu Xing. ;-)

    MiC, jherazob, Rumdog and 2 others like this.
  19. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Old but N4 gold. After competing with the Ninja KHD for a whole edition, the Kanren KHD is now the clear winner in N4 for me. Clearing mines and koalas while having the option for marker states and BTS, while being 3 pts cheaper. He has a clear role in my lists where I take him.
    Painted in the same batch with the Liu Xing in November 2021.
    Antiguo pero oro de N4. Después de competir con el KHD Ninja durante toda una edición, el KHD Kanren es ahora el claro ganador en N4 para mí. Despejando minas y koalas mientras tiene la opción de estados de marcador y BTS, mientras es 3 pts más barato. Tiene un papel claro en mis listas donde lo llevo.
    Pintado en el mismo lote con el Liu Xing en noviembre de 2021.

    Koin-Koin, MiC, Wikkid Devil and 2 others like this.
  20. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Since the start of N4, I learned that attacking a repeater heavy faction with shiny HI troopers leads to disaster. So why not replace them with a squishy one wound MI that is equiped with one of the best guns in N4. The Ye Mao AP Spitfire. The model itself is tiny and very detailed. But it performed very well so far, so it is added to the list of N4 Vanilla profiles I play. Painted also in November 2021.
    Desde el comienzo de N4, aprendí que atacar a una facción pesada de repetidores con brillantes tropas HI conduce al desastre. Así que por qué no reemplazarlos con una MI de una sola herida que está equipada con una de las mejores armas de N4. El Ye Mao AP Spitfire. El modelo en sí es diminuto y muy detallado. Pero ha funcionado muy bien hasta ahora, así que se añade a la lista de perfiles de N4 Vanilla que juego. Pintado también en noviembre de 2021.

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